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How do I turn off double verification on Facebook?

How do I turn off double verification on Facebook?

Two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, is an extra layer of security that helps protect your Facebook account from unauthorized access. When 2FA is enabled, you need to provide two different forms of identification to log in to your account. This makes it much harder for hackers to access your account, even if they manage to steal your password.

While having 2FA enabled is recommended for better account security, some users may wish to turn it off for convenience or other reasons. Fortunately, Facebook makes it easy to disable 2FA if you want to remove this extra security layer.

Why Use Two-Factor Authentication?

Before explaining how to turn off 2FA on Facebook, it’s important to understand why using it is so highly recommended in the first place:

  • Prevents unauthorized access – With 2FA, a password alone is not enough to log in. A hacker needs both your password and access to your other form of authentication.
  • Extra security layer – 2FA provides important additional protection on top of your password.
  • Peace of mind – You can rest assured knowing your account is much more secure.
  • Industry standard – Many major sites now use 2FA by default due to its security benefits.

Essentially, 2FA dramatically decreases the chances of your account being compromised by hackers, phishers, or other bad actors online. It’s one of the most effective ways to lock down not just your Facebook profile, but any of your important online accounts.

When to Consider Disabling 2FA

With all the security benefits, why would anyone want to turn off 2FA? Here are some common reasons:

  • Don’t want to deal with the extra steps – Inputting codes or getting text messages each time you log in can be inconvenient.
  • Lost access to your second factor – If you lose your phone that provides codes, for example.
  • Using shared or public devices – Inputting codes may be impractical in these situations.
  • Temporary access issues – Sometimes 2FA bugs or glitches prevent access, requiring it to be turned off.

These issues rarely outweigh the robust protection provided by 2FA. But in certain cases, like when sharing a device or losing your phone, disabling 2FA temporarily may make sense.

How to Turn Off 2FA on Facebook

If you want to disable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account, here is the step-by-step process:

  1. Log in to Facebook from a browser and click on the arrow in the top right to access the menu.
  2. Go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Security and login’
  3. Under ‘Use two-factor authentication’, click ‘Edit’
  4. Toggle the slider off to disable 2FA.
  5. Click ‘Turn Off’ and confirm you want to disable the feature when prompted.

It’s as simple as that – just a few clicks to turn off 2FA. Keep in mind that doing so removes a critical security layer protecting your account.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips if you run into issues while trying to disable 2FA:

  • Make sure you enter your login password correctly first – 2FA won’t turn off without confirming your password.
  • If prompted for a code, retrieve it from your authenticator app or backup codes first.
  • Check for any error messages and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • If you no longer have access to your second factor, you will need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process.

Following these tips should help resolve any problems so you can smoothly deactivate two-factor authentication.

Re-Enabling 2FA

Once 2FA is disabled, you can re-enable it at any time by:

  1. Going back to the ‘Security and login’ settings
  2. Clicking ‘Edit’ next to ‘Use two-factor authentication’
  3. Toggling the slider back on
  4. Following the on-screen prompts to set up your 2FA method again

The process is very quick and easy. So if you simply wanted to disable 2FA temporarily, enabling it again later takes just seconds.

Using Strong Passwords

It’s important to note that while two-factor authentication provides excellent security for your Facebook account, you should also practice good password hygiene.

Even with 2FA disabled, hackers will have a very difficult time cracking into your account if you use a strong, unique password. Here are some password tips:

  • Make it long and complex – Use 12+ characters, with upper/lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Avoid common words or phrases – Stuff like “password123” is easy to crack.
  • Don’t reuse passwords – Use a unique one for your Facebook account.
  • Enable password monitoring – Facebook can warn you if your password is compromised.
  • Use a password manager – Tools like LastPass help generate and store strong passwords.

Combined with two-factor authentication, these password best practices ensure you are properly locking down your account from unauthorized access.

Other Facebook Security Tips

In addition to using 2FA and strong passwords, here are some other tips for keeping your Facebook account safe:

  • Be wary of phishing attempts – Don’t click suspicious links claiming to be from Facebook.
  • Review login notifications – Check for logins from unknown devices or locations.
  • Limit app permissions – Don’t give apps access to more data than they need.
  • Turn on login alerts – Facebook can email or text you whenever someone logs in.
  • Check privacy settings – Make sure your profile and posts are not public.

Monitoring your account activity, limiting app access, and being cautious about phishing schemes can all help boost your Facebook security.

When to Contact Facebook Support

In certain cases, you may need to reach out to Facebook’s customer support for additional help with 2FA and account security. Examples include:

  • You lost access to both your password and 2FA device.
  • Your account was hacked.
  • You can’t re-enable 2FA after disabling it.
  • You’re receiving “code expired” errors and can’t log in.
  • Someone else has access to your authentication method.

If you cannot resolve the issue yourself using Facebook’s help pages, then contacting the customer support team is recommended. They have additional tools to verify your identity and help secure your account.


Two-factor authentication undeniably makes your Facebook account much more secure by adding an extra barrier to entry. But occasionally you may need to turn off 2FA due to lost devices, convenience, or troubleshooting issues.

Disabling 2FA on Facebook only takes a few clicks in your account settings. Just keep in mind that doing so removes an important security layer protecting your profile and data. Whenever possible, it’s best to re-enable two-factor authentication as soon as you can to keep your account properly protected.

Additionally, be sure you are also using unique strong passwords, reviewing account activity, limiting app permissions, and being cautious of phishing attempts. Following Facebook’s security best practices helps keep your personal information private even when 2FA is temporarily disabled.