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How do I take over a Facebook group without admin?

How do I take over a Facebook group without admin?

Taking over a Facebook group without admin access can be challenging, but there are a few potential options to consider. The best approach will depend on the specific circumstances of the group and your goals.

Join the Group and Become an Active Contributor

One strategy is to join the Facebook group you want to take over and become an active, helpful member. Provide valuable contributions, answer other members’ questions, and engage positively with the community. Over time, this may position you as a trusted member and thought leader within the group.

If you can organically build credibility and influence among the group members, at some point you may be able to leverage that status to request admin access from the current admins. They may see you as a responsible member who can help moderate the group. However, there’s no guarantee this approach will work – it depends on the openness of the current admins.

Message the Current Admins Directly

Another option is to message the current admins of the group directly and politely ask them to add you as an admin. Explain why you’re interested in helping manage the group and what you have to offer. Make sure to frame it as you wanting to contribute, not take over.

Some reasons you could give include:

  • You’ve been an active member and want to help moderate
  • You have expertise relevant to the group that could help guide discussions
  • You have time to implement engagement strategies for the group
  • You can provide admin assistance to current overwhelmed admins

The admins may be open to bringing on additional help if approached respectfully. However, there’s a risk they could view your request as threatening if not explained thoughtfully.

Purchase a Sponsorship

Some group admins allow trusted brands or partners to sponsor their groups in exchange for an admin role. Research whether the group you want to join allows sponsorships or partnerships. If so, reach out to the admins and offer to sponsor the group in return for admin privileges.

Make sure you have a brand, product, or service that would genuinely add value for the group members. Frame your sponsorship as a win-win scenario where both parties benefit. Be prepared to pay a sponsorship fee too.

Create Valuable Group Content

Posting consistently valuable content to the group you want to take over can help build trust and credibility. Offer to share articles, videos, advice, or other resources with the group that provide genuine help to members. You can also ask the admins if you can guest post content to the group.

Over time, the admins may take notice of your contributions and invite you to become an admin. Just be careful not to overpromote yourself or any commercial interests.

Launch a Competing Group

If all else fails, you may need to launch your own competing Facebook group and attract members organically. Leverage your marketing and community building skills to launch a group in the same niche and draw members away from the existing group.

Promote the new group through your own social channels, outreach, and advertising. Engage members and post high-quality content consistently. If you can build a larger, more active group than the existing one, you’ll have essentially taken over that niche.

Just keep in mind it requires significant effort to launch a successful Facebook group from scratch. And try to differentiate your group rather than copying the existing one.

Acquire the Group Through Facebook

In some cases, Facebook may allow you to formally request ownership of a group if it has been completely abandoned by its current admins. You can explore whether the “Claim Unmanaged Page” option is available for the specific group you want to take over.

To do this:

  1. Go to the group’s About page
  2. Click More below the list of Admins
  3. See if “Claim Unmanaged Page” is an option there

However, this is typically only an option if the current admins have been completely inactive for an extended period of time. If they are at all active, Facebook is unlikely to remove their admin rights against their will.

Use Caution and Transparency

If you successfully gain some level of admin access to an existing group, use caution in how you leverage that access. Make any changes gradually and with transparency to avoid angering current members.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Inform members of any changes before implementing them
  • Frame changes as enhancements or improvements to the member experience
  • Honor the core purpose and rules of the existing group
  • Avoid banning or removing current members unless absolutely necessary
  • Add new admins gradually to diversify management

With patience and diplomacy, you may be able to add value to the group and grow your influence over time. Just don’t expect to take over a thriving Facebook group overnight without admin rights.

The Risks of Taking Over a Group

There are some risks to consider before attempting to take over a Facebook group you don’t own:

  • The current admins may resent or resist your efforts
  • Existing members may be suspicious of your motives
  • You could get banned or blocked by current admins
  • Facebook may penalize you for violating policies
  • You may damage relationships within the niche community
  • Significant time, money, and effort may be wasted

Before pursuing takeover options, think critically about your motivations and whether the risks outweigh potential rewards.

Ethical Considerations

There are also important ethical considerations when trying to take over an existing Facebook group:

  • The group likely has important meaning and history for current members. Honoring that is crucial.
  • Usurping control from invested admins who have built community can be ethically problematic.
  • Members have expectations for the group. Radically altering that against their wishes raises issues.
  • Focus on adding value, not just taking control.

Rather than plotting takeover plans in secret, engaging the current admins and members openly and honestly about your intentions is more ethical. If your ideas for improving the group are compelling, they may willingly offer you an admin role.

When Taking Over a Group Can Be Justified

There are some instances where taking over a Facebook group could be reasonable or justified:

  • The current admins have abandoned the group and members need new leadership.
  • You are a co-founder or former admin who invested significant time into building the group.
  • Your business sponsored the group as part of a formal agreement.
  • Serious misconduct by the current admins needs to be addressed.
  • The majority of members support you assuming leadership based on your contributions.

As long as your motivations align with the group’s interests and you take over transparently, it may be justified. But the bar for removing fellow admins against their wishes should be high.

Alternatives to Taking Over a Group

Rather than trying to take over an existing Facebook group, here are some alternative approaches to consider:

  • Start your own Facebook group in the niche with a unique spin.
  • Partner with the current admins rather than usurping control.
  • Become an active member without admin access.
  • Build influence and trust gradually over time.
  • Launch a complementary Facebook community and cross-promote.
  • Focus efforts on a different platform like Slack or Discord instead.

With creativity and patience, you may be able to achieve your goals without taking over someone else’s community. Prioritize adding value for members rather than gaining control.


Taking over a Facebook group without admin rights is very difficult, risky, and controversial. While there are techniques you could try, focus instead on building trust and credibility as a member. Or launch your own group if you have the resources and motivation. Consider the ethical implications and alternatives before attempting to wrest control from current admins.

With gradual relationship building and posting valuable content, you may eventually be welcomed into a leadership role. But a heavy-handed takeover is unlikely to succeed or win you support. Treat the existing members with respect and make your intentions clear rather than scheming behind the scenes.

If your vision for the Facebook group is truly compelling, rally member support transparently to petition the admins for expanded access. But be prepared that they may decline if you haven’t built sufficient goodwill and trust. Building community takes time and patience.

Technique Pros Cons
Become an active, helpful member
  • Gains influence organically
  • Low risk of backlash
  • Requires significant time investment
  • No guarantee admins will provide access
Message the current admins
  • Direct and transparent approach
  • May work if request is reasonable
  • Unlikely to work in most cases
  • Risk of admin retaliation
Purchase a sponsorship
  • Clear value exchange for the admins
  • Access granted as part of formal agreement
  • May require significant financial investment
  • Group must allow sponsorships
Post high-value content
  • Positions you as an expert
  • Adds value for members
  • No guarantee of gaining admin access
  • Time consuming to create content
Launch a competing group
  • Ability to build on your terms
  • Attracts members organically
  • Requires significant effort and resources
  • No guarantee it will overtake existing group
Claim unmanaged group
  • Official takeover process via Facebook
  • Gives full control if approved
  • Rarely an option unless group is abandoned
  • No recourse if claim is denied

In summary, taking over an existing Facebook group with no admin rights is extremely challenging. Focus instead on adding value as a member while respecting the admins’ authority and community history. With patience and diplomacy, you may eventually earn a leadership role. But attempting an aggressive takeover rarely ends well.

Build trust and credibility over time by contributing positively. Or launch your own group if you have a vision that can’t be realized as a regular member. But avoid destructive attempts to wrest control against a community’s wishes. Collaborate for the benefit of all members rather than plotting hostile takeovers.

What are your thoughts on taking over a Facebook group without admin rights? Do you have any other insights or advice? Let me know in the comments!