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How do I tag someone on a post I put on Facebook?

How do I tag someone on a post I put on Facebook?

Tagging someone on Facebook allows you to link their profile to a post or photo that you share, sending them a notification. When you tag someone, their name appears as a link on your post. Tagging is a great way to make sure your friends, family or other connections see posts and photos you’d like them to see.

There are a few different ways to tag someone on Facebook. You can tag someone in a status update, on a photo, on a video, in a comment or on a Facebook Live video. Tagging only takes a few clicks, and this article will walk through the steps for tagging someone in different places on Facebook.

Why Tag Someone on Facebook?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to tag someone on Facebook:

  • To make sure they see a post you share
  • To let them know you are thinking of them
  • To give them credit for being in a photo or video with you
  • To notify them that they are featured or mentioned in your post
  • To ask for their opinion or expertise on something
  • To invite them to an event or location
  • To recommend their Facebook page or content
  • To share an inside joke or story that features them

When you tag someone, it creates a link to their profile page. The post where you tagged them may also show up on their own profile under the Tagged section. Tagging someone is a public action that all of your friends and followers can see.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Post

Tagging someone on a regular status update you write is easy to do. Here are the steps:

1. Go to your Facebook News Feed and click in the box at the top labeled “Write something…” to create a new post.

2. Start typing your post as you normally would. This can be a text update, shared link, feeling or activity.

3. When you want to tag someone, type the “@” symbol. A dropdown will appear showing you friends to tag.

4. Select the name of the friend you want to tag from the dropdown. Their name will now appear highlighted in blue and linked.

5. Add any other text to your post as you normally would and click Post when you are ready to share it.

Once posted, your friend will receive a notification letting them know they were tagged. The tag will also appear on their profile under the Tagged section. They can like or comment on your post directly from the notification if they choose.

How to Tag Someone in a Photo

You can also tag your friends when uploading photos to Facebook. Here is how to do it:

1. Upload a new photo to Facebook as you normally would, either from your computer or mobile device.

2. Once the photo is uploaded, hover your mouse over it and click Tag Friends. Boxes will appear over each face.

3. Start typing the name of the friend you want to tag. Click on their name to tag them.

4. Adjust the tag if necessary by clicking and dragging the box around their face.

5. Click Done Tagging to finish and post the photo.

The tagged person will be notified and the photo will also appear in the Photos section of their own profile. Friends tagged in a photo are able to untag themselves if they wish.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Video

Much like photos, you can tag people who appear in any videos you upload and post on Facebook:

1. Upload a new video to Facebook.

2. Preview the video and click Tag Friends. A box will appear as you move your mouse over the video.

3. Click on the screen to tag each person when they appear. Type their name and select the correct friend.

4. Click Done Tagging when finished.

5. Edit the text or details for your video post, then click Post to share it.

The tagged friends will be notified and be able to see the video from their profiles. They will have the option to untag themselves if they wish.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Comment

You may also want to tag your friends and connections in comments on posts:

1. Locate the post where you want to tag someone and select Comment below it.

2. Start typing your comment as normal. When you want to tag someone, type the “@” symbol.

3. Select their name from the dropdown that appears. Their name will become linked.

4. Finish your comment and select Comment to post it.

Tagging someone in a comment will send them a notification. This is a great way to directly ask someone a question or get their opinion on the post.

How to Tag Someone on Facebook Live

When broadcasting live video on Facebook, you can tag people in the real time:

1. Tap Live at the top of your News Feed to start a broadcast. Allow access to your camera and microphone if prompted.

2. Tap the screen to access options. Select Tag Friends.

3. Type out the names of the friends you want to tag. Tap the name to tag them. Their name will appear at the bottom.

4. Tap Done to finish tagging. Their name will remain at the bottom while you broadcast.

5. When finished, tap Finish to end the live video.

Tagged friends will receive a notification that they were mentioned in your Facebook Live video. Tagging someone on a live broadcast is a fun way to get their real-time reaction or opinion.

How to Edit or Remove Tags on Facebook

What if you make a mistake and tag the wrong friend? No problem – you can easily edit or remove tags from your posts. Here’s how:

Edit a Tag

1. Click on your post and select Edit Post.

2. Hover over the name tag and click the “X” to remove it.

3. Type the name of the correct friend to tag them instead.

4. Click Save to update the post with the corrected tag.

Remove a Tag

1. Click on your post and choose Edit Post.

2. Hover over the name of the tagged friend and click the “X” to remove the tag completely.

3. Click Save and the tag will be removed from the post.

The friend will no longer be tagged or notified once you remove the tag from the post.

What Happens When You Tag Someone on Facebook

Here is a quick rundown of what happens when you tag someone:

– The tagged friend will receive a notification that they were tagged.

– The post will appear on their profile under the Tagged section.

– They can like, comment on or share the post directly from the notification.

– For photos and videos, the tag will appear as a link on their name.

– They can untag themselves if they do not want to be linked to the post.

– The tag will be visible to all friends/followers who can normally see your posts.

– You can edit or remove a tag at any time.

So in summary, tagging someone shares that post with them and makes it visible from their profile. Use tags thoughtfully to notify friends and family about relevant posts!

Tips for Tagging People on Facebook

Here are some tips to use tags most effectively on Facebook:

  • Only tag people who are actively using Facebook – otherwise they may never see it.
  • Avoid tagging strangers, distant acquaintances or colleagues unless you know them well.
  • Tag thoughtfully – not everyone may want to be tagged in every silly post.
  • Ask permission before tagging someone in an embarrassing or unflattering photo.
  • Tag people who are actually in a photo or video – don’t just tag randomly.
  • Clean up old tags if a friend asks you to remove them from a post.
  • Use tags sparingly – you don’t want to overwhelm people.
  • Add a personal message when tagging to explain why you are tagging them.

Following basic tag etiquette keeps your friends happy and avoids awkward or unwanted tags. Use your best judgment when deciding who and when to tag someone on Facebook.

Can I Turn Off Tags or Stop Being Tagged?

If someone keeps tagging you on annoying posts, there are ways to limit being tagged on Facebook:

– Go to your settings and turn off tag suggestions. This prevents your name from appearing as a suggestion when friends start typing a post.

– If someone tags you in a post, delete it from the Tagged section of your profile. This helps prevent it from showing up on your Timeline.

– Submit an untag request on a post if you don’t want to be associated with it. The tag will be removed.

– Block a user if necessary, which prevents them from tagging you in any posts in the future.

– Adjust your overall privacy settings on Facebook to limit who can see tagged posts.

While being tagged can be a nuisance at times, it’s meant to help you connect and share with friends. Try talking to repeat offenders before resorting to more extreme untagging options.

Let Your Friends Know They’re Important by Tagging

Tags are a great Facebook feature when used properly. They help you engage your friends, share meaningful posts and notify connections about things you think they’d appreciate. Tag thoughtfully and not excessively. With more than a billion Facebook users, your odds of tagging the wrong “Scott Smith” or “Jennifer Taylor” by mistake go up, so always double check names before posting. Follow basic tag etiquette, and both you and your friends will enjoy the benefits of tagging on Facebook.