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How do I tag my day on Facebook?

How do I tag my day on Facebook?

Tagging your day on Facebook is a fun way to share what you’re up to with friends and family. When you tag your day, you can add location tags, mention friends, and select different emotions to sum up how you’re feeling. Tagging your day creates a post that will show up in the Feeds of your friends so they can see what you’re up to. Here’s how to tag your day on Facebook:

Step 1: Open the Facebook App

First, open up the Facebook app on your phone. You can access your Facebook feed by tapping on the app icon that has a blue background with a white “f” letter icon. This will bring you right to your News Feed.

Step 2: Tap “What’s On Your Mind”

From your News Feed, you will see a box at the top that says “What’s on your mind?” Tap inside this box to begin creating a new post.

Step 3: Select “Tag Your Day”

Once inside the update box, you will see different options for types of posts you can create. Look for the icon that says “Tag Your Day” and select it. It looks like a location pin icon.

Step 4: Add Location

After selecting “Tag Your Day,” you will be brought to a screen where you can add details about what you’re up to. The first option is to add your location. Tap “Check in” to add where you currently are. Start typing the name of the location and choose it from the list when it pops up.

Step 5: Tag Friends

You can also tag any friends who are with you for your day. Tap “With” and start typing your friend’s name. Select them when their name pops up in the list. This will tag them in your post so it shows up on their Timeline too.

Step 6: Select a Mood

To sum up how you’re feeling, you can add a mood icon. Tap on the smiley face icon and you’ll see a range of different emotions to choose from. Select the one that fits your current mood.

Step 7: Add Photos/Videos (Optional)

If you want to share photos or videos from your day, tap the camera icon at the top of the screen. You can select existing photos and videos from your camera roll or take new ones directly in the Facebook app.

Step 8: Write a Caption

In the update box, write a short caption summarizing your day. Let friends know what you’re up to!

Step 9: Post

Once you’ve added location, tagged friends, selected a mood, and written your caption, tap the blue “Share Now” button at the bottom to post your day tag. It will now appear in the News Feeds of your friends so they can like and comment on your post.

Tips for Tagging Your Day

Here are some tips to take your day tags to the next level:

Add Lots of Details

Don’t be shy about tagging multiple locations, friends, and moods. The more details you add, the better the recap of your day will be.

Tag Friends You’re With

Make sure to tag any of your friends who appear in photos and videos from your day. Tagging them will share the post directly on their Timeline.

Use Creative Captions

Summarize your day in the caption with a creative saying or some witty humor to make it more engaging.

Post Throughout the Day

You don’t have to wait until the end of the day to tag your day. Feel free to add tags in the moment as fun things happen.

Adding Tag Your Day to Your Favorites

If you tag your day a lot, you can add it to your Favorites section for quick access:

  1. Tap the “More” tab in the update box
  2. Tap the star icon next to “Tag Your Day”
  3. “Tag Your Day” will now show up in your Favorites bar

Now when you return to the update box, you’ll see Tag Your Day readily available as a favorite option.

Using Tag Your Day in Facebook Stories

You can also add your day tags directly to your Facebook Stories:

  1. In Facebook Stories, tap the + icon to create a new story
  2. Take or select a photo/video for your story
  3. Tap the location pin icon to add Tag Your Day
  4. Add locations, friends, moods, etc
  5. Tap “Your Story” to share the story to your profile

The Tag Your Day sticker will attach all the details directly to your story. Friends can then tap on it to see the locations and friends tagged.

Troubleshooting Tag Your Day

Location Not Showing Up

If you’re having trouble getting Facebook to recognize your location, make sure location services are enabled on your device. On your phone, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and make sure Facebook has permission to access your location.

Friends Not Tagging

The friends you tag will get a notification, but they have the option to remove themselves from your post. So if you don’t see a friend showing up you know you tagged, it likely means they removed the tag themselves.

Day Tag Not Posting

If your day tag disappears after creating it or seems stuck trying to post, close out of the app entirely. Reopen Facebook and try creating your day tag again. This should resolve any posting issues.

Using Hashtags in Your Day Tags

Including hashtags in your day tag captions is a great way to increase discoverability and get more engagement from people outside your friends list. Here are some tips for using hashtags:

Do Your Research

Look up popular hashtags related to your post content before using them. You want to make sure you’re using hashtags people are actually searching for.

Use a Mix of Popular and Niche Tags

Blend broadly popular hashtags like #travel, #food, or #friends with some more niche tags relevant to your specific content.

Keep It Relevant

Only use hashtags closely related to your post so they reach the right target audience.

Limit the Number

Using 1-2 relevant hashtags will help increase reach. But going overboard with them will make your caption look messy.

Utilize Location Tags

When you tag a business location, add their handle and popular hashtags people search for that place.

Use Trending Tags

Research what day-specific hashtags are trending for holidays, events, etc and work them in.

Follow Up on Engagement

Reply to any new comments from people who engaged via your hashtags to grow connections.

Tag Your Day vs Check In

So what’s the difference between tagging your day and a standard check in post? Here’s a quick rundown:

Tag Your Day Standard Check In
More creative, expressive update Simple post just noting your location
Can include emoji moods No option to add mood
Posts to your Timeline Only shows in News Feed
Friends can interact via comments No comment capability

As you can see, tagging your day allows for a much more engaging, interactive post compared to a standard check in. It gives you more creative control over your location update.

The Benefits of Tagging Your Day

Tagging your day on Facebook offers a variety of benefits:

Recap Memories

It provides an easy way to recap the day’s events all in one place for future memories and reflection.

Share Experiences

The posts let you instantly share experiences and happenings with friends and family.

Discover New Places

When friends tag locations, you can discover new spots and businesses around you.

Connect Over Shared Interests

Tagging friends, moods, and hashtags helps connect you with others who share interests.

Highlight Your Personality

With moods and captions, day tags really let your personality shine through.

Best Practices for Tagging Your Day

Follow these best practices when tagging days on Facebook:

  • Add details throughout the day for a thorough recap.
  • Use captions creatively vs just stating facts.
  • Vary your location tags between hometown, travel spots, businesses, etc.
  • Focus on positive mood emojis to uplift your friends.
  • Tag friends you actually spent time with that day.
  • Respond to friend reactions and comments.
  • Use hashtags selectively and intentionally.

Privacy Tips for Tag Your Day Posts

When using Tag Your Day, it helps to keep these privacy tips in mind:

  • Restrict past location tags if you don’t want certain places publicly visible.
  • Untag yourself from any questionable locations you’ve been tagged at by friends.
  • Be selective with tagging family members if you want to control visibility.
  • Omit sensitive locations like homes, workplaces, etc.
  • Delete day tags completely if you have any second thoughts or regrets about them.


Tagging your day is a fun way to creatively share what you’re up to on Facebook. Add locations, friends, moods, photos, videos, and hashtags to give followers a complete rundown. Use the Tag Your Day sticker in Stories too! Tag thoughtfully, respond to comments, and don’t overshare private details. Follow these tips to make the most of tagging your days on Facebook!