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How do I switch from profile to page on Facebook?

How do I switch from profile to page on Facebook?

Switching from a personal Facebook profile to a Facebook Page is a common request for many users. There are some key differences between profiles and Pages on Facebook that impact how you use the platform for personal versus professional/business purposes.

What is the Difference Between a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page?

The main differences between a Facebook profile and a Facebook Page are:

  • Profiles are for individual people to share personal updates, connect with friends and family, join groups, etc. Pages are for businesses, brands, organizations and public figures to broadcast updates publicly and connect with their target audiences.
  • Profiles have friends, Pages have followers/fans. You send friend requests to connect with profiles. People can simply follow/like your Page to become connected.
  • Profiles have privacy settings to control who can see your info/updates. Page info and updates are public.
  • Pages include tools for promoting posts, analytics, lead generation and sales.

So in summary, profiles are for personal social networking while Pages are used for establishing a public presence and brand on Facebook.

Should I Have Both a Profile and a Page?

You can have both a personal Facebook profile and a Facebook Page, and many people do. Here are some of the benefits of having both:

  • Keep personal and professional connections separate.
  • Use your profile to interact with friends and family.
  • Use your Page to interact with customers, promote your business/organization and drive engagement.
  • Showcase different aspects of your life and brand on each platform.

However, you don’t necessarily need both. Some individuals choose to only have a Page if they want to solely focus on professional/brand building activities on Facebook.

How to Create a Facebook Page

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook Page:

  1. Go to and log into your personal Facebook profile.
  2. Click on the down arrow at the top right and select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the category that best describes your business/brand.
  4. Fill out the required information including:
    • Page name
    • Category again
    • Description
  5. Click “Continue” and add a profile picture and cover photo.
  6. Click “Next” and you will be taken to your new Facebook Page.

Once your Page is created, you can begin adding content and inviting people to follow your Page. You will need to build your audience over time through valuable posts and engagement.

How to Switch a Facebook Profile to a Page

If you already have a personal profile set up but now want to switch it to a Page, here are the steps:

  1. Go to your profile and download a copy of your data for safekeeping using the “Download Your Information” tool in Settings.
  2. Create a new Facebook Page for your business/brand using the steps above.
  3. Let your friends/connections know that you are migrating to a new Page and invite them to follow.
  4. Post from your new Page going forward and stop posting personal content on your profile.
  5. Eventually delete or disable your old profile when you are fully transitioned to posting from your Page.

Things to note about switching a profile to a Page:

  • You cannot simply convert a profile into a Page. You need to create a new Page from scratch.
  • Your profile friends do not automatically follow your new Page. You need to let them know to follow your Page.
  • It takes time and continued posting to rebuild your audience. Be patient and consistent.

How to Use Both a Profile and Page

If you want to maintain both a personal Facebook profile and a Page, here are some best practices:

  • Post personal updates like family photos, life events and discussions only on your profile. Keep your profile content private.
  • Post business/brand related updates, sales, promotions, industry news etc. only from your Page. Make sure all Page posts are public.
  • Let friends/family connect with your profile. Have customers/fans connect with your Page.
  • Check your profile and Page from separate accounts to avoid confusion.
  • Use Facebook advertising tools to boost Page posts when relevant.

Keeping your profiles and Pages separate allows you to engage different audiences in customized ways on Facebook.

Pros and Cons of Profiles vs. Pages

Here is a comparison of some of the pros and cons of Facebook profiles versus Pages:

Facebook Profiles Facebook Pages
  • Connect with friends & family
  • Join interest-based groups
  • Separate personal and professional connections
  • Publicly showcase your brand/business
  • Unlimited followers/fans
  • Use tools to promote and advertise
  • Drive traffic, sales & leads
  • Limited to 5,000 friend connections
  • No advertising/promotion tools
  • Harder to attract followers
  • Public updates visible to all
  • Can’t make personalized connections
  • Must build audience from scratch


Facebook Pages provide more tools and opportunities for establishing an online presence and promoting a business or brand. However, personal profiles still have benefits for social connecting with your closest circle.

Many people find value in having both a profile and a Page to take advantage of Facebook’s different features. The key is keeping your content and connections separate between the two. With strategic use of profiles and Pages, you can get the most out of Facebook for both your personal life and professional endeavors.