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How do I stop seeing the same people’s posts on Facebook?

How do I stop seeing the same people’s posts on Facebook?

If you are tired of seeing the same people dominate your Facebook News Feed, there are a few things you can do. Here are some quick answers to common questions about reducing the amount of posts from certain friends on Facebook without unfriending them:

Why do I keep seeing the same people in my News Feed?

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm displays posts based on a few factors:

  • How often you interact with a person’s content
  • How recently the content was shared
  • Relevance of the content to you

So if you frequently like, comment on, or otherwise engage with a friend’s posts, Facebook will show you more of their content at the top of your News Feed. The more you interact, the more their future posts will be prioritized for you.

How do I stop seeing someone’s posts without unfriending them?

You have a few options to reduce someone’s posts in your News Feed that don’t involve unfriending them:

  1. Snooze – You can temporarily snooze someone for 30 days. Their posts won’t show up in your News Feed during that time, but you’ll still be friends.
  2. Unfollow – Unfollowing someone will keep you friends but permanently remove their posts from your News Feed.
  3. Adjust News Feed preferences – Go to “News Feed Preferences” under Settings and adjust which friends you see first/frequently.
  4. Interact less – Like, comment, and share their posts less often and their content will be lower priority.

Snoozing or unfollowing are the most direct ways to curate your News Feed.

Should I snooze or unfollow someone?

It depends on your goals:

Snooze Unfollow
  • Temporary (30 days)
  • Posts reappear after snooze period
  • Good for short-term tuning of feed
  • Permanent change
  • Posts do not reappear in feed
  • Good for long-term feed adjustments

So if you just need a short break from someone’s posts, use Snooze. But to permanently remove their content, Unfollow is better.

How do I snooze someone on Facebook?

Snoozing someone is easy to do right from their profile or posts:

  1. Click the 3 dots beside a post by that person in your News Feed.
  2. Select “Snooze [Name] for 30 Days”.
  3. Confirm you want to Snooze them when prompted.

Or to snooze from their profile:

  1. Go to their profile page.
  2. Click the 3 dots in the top right corner.
  3. Choose “Snooze [Name] for 30 Days”.
  4. Confirm the Snooze.

After 30 days, their posts will automatically start appearing in your News Feed again.

How do I unfollow someone on Facebook?

Unfollowing someone takes just a couple clicks:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile page.
  2. Hover over the “Friends” button and click “Unfollow.”
  3. Confirm you want to Unfollow them when prompted.

That’s it! Going forward, none of their posts will show up in your News Feed. You’ll remain Facebook friends.

What’s the difference between snoozing, unfollowing, and unfriending?

These 3 options give you more granular control over someone’s posts in your News Feed:

Snooze Unfollow Unfriend
  • Temporary (30 days)
  • Posts reappear after snooze period
  • Remain Facebook friends
  • Permanent change
  • Posts do not reappear
  • Remain Facebook friends
  • Permanent change
  • No access to profile or posts
  • No longer Facebook friends

So Snooze is temporary, Unfollow is permanent but you stay friends, and Unfriend removes them fully from your connections.

What happens when I snooze or unfollow someone?

When you snooze or unfollow someone:

  • You stop seeing their posts in your News Feed
  • They do not get notified or know you snoozed/unfollowed them
  • You stay Facebook friends and can still interact normally if you visit their profile
  • Your profile, posts, and interactions will still appear normally to them

Snoozing and unfollowing simply tailor your News Feed without impacting your actual Facebook friendship.

How do I manage News Feed preferences?

In addition to snoozing and unfollowing individuals, you can also adjust general News Feed preferences:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > News Feed Preferences
  2. Prioritize who you see first, such as favoring Close Friends
  3. Filter preferred post types, like Links, Photos, or Videos
  4. Use See First option to pin favorite Pages to the top

These options help you customize your entire News Feed experience.

Can I limit someone’s posts without them knowing?

Yes, when you snooze or unfollow someone on Facebook, it does not notify them or indicate to them that you took this action. It simply tailors your News Feed.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • They can still see your profile and posts normally
  • You remain Facebook friends and can still interact on each other’s profiles
  • You just won’t see their posts in your customized News Feed

So you can limit their posts from your feed selectively without them knowing.

What are some other Facebook News Feed tips?

In addition to managing friends’ posts, some other tips for improving your News Feed experience:

  • Add interesting Pages to See First to pin content you want to the top
  • Use Lists to group friends and prioritize content from Favorites
  • Set notifications on Close Friends to get alerts for their posts
  • Check News Feed Preferences for post filtering options
  • Use Comments, Reactions, and Shares to boost types of posts you enjoy

Actively curating your feed using lists, preferences, snoozing, and unfollowing gives you maximum control.


If certain friends dominate your Facebook News Feed, you have options like snoozing, unfollowing, Lists, and News Feed Preferences to tailor your feed without hurting friendships. Snoozing temporarily hides someone’s posts for 30 days, while unfollowing permanently removes their content but keeps you connected as friends. Adjusting preferences and using tools like Lists provides more ways to customize your News Feed and see the posts you care most about.