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How do I stop seeing posts from a group on Facebook?

How do I stop seeing posts from a group on Facebook?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and discuss various topics in a more focused community setting. While groups can be a valuable way to engage, you may encounter some that you don’t want to see posts from in your News Feed. Luckily, Facebook provides a few different options for limiting or removing group posts from your feed.

In this article, we’ll discuss some quick answers to common questions about stopping group posts on Facebook:

Can I stop seeing posts from a group on Facebook without leaving the group?

Yes, you can stay in the group but stop seeing posts from that group in your News Feed. Leaving the group completely is not your only option.

How do I stop a group’s posts from showing up in my Facebook News Feed?

There are a couple ways to stop seeing a group’s posts without fully leaving the group:

– Mute the group for 30 days – This temporarily stops posts showing up from that group without unfollowing or leaving it. After 30 days, posts will start showing again unless you mute it again.

– Unfollow the group – This keeps you in the group so you can check in whenever you want, but new posts will no longer show up in your feed unless you follow it again.

You can access these options by going to the group, clicking the 3 dots beside the Join button, and selecting either “Mute Group” or “Unfollow Group”.

If I mute or unfollow a Facebook group, can I still see posts if I visit the group page?

Yes, muting or unfollowing prevents posts from appearing in your News Feed but does not stop you accessing posts. If you visit the actual group page, you’ll be able to see all recent posts and participate normally.

Can I permanently stop seeing posts from a Facebook group in my feed?

Unfollowing a group will prevent posts showing up unless you choose to follow again. However, muting only lasts 30 days before posts will start showing in your feed again.

To permanently stop seeing posts from a specific group, you need to unfollow the group and not follow it again later. As long as you remain unfollowed, posts from that group will not populate your News Feed.

What’s the difference between leaving and unfollowing a Facebook group?

Leaving a Facebook group removes you as a member, while unfollowing keeps you in the group but stops posts appearing in your feed.

If you leave, you’ll no longer be able to see any posts, participate, or rejoin without being added by an admin. Unfollowing keeps you as a member so you can still choose to engage with posts on the group page.

Generally, unfollow allows more flexibility if you want to occasionally check in but don’t need a constant feed of posts. However, if you don’t want any connection to the group at all, leaving may be a better option.

Do I have to leave Facebook groups that I no longer want to see posts from?

No, you don’t have to fully leave a group just to stop seeing updates from it. As covered above, you can either mute or unfollow a group to remove it from your News Feed without leaving.

Muting and unfollowing are designed exactly for this purpose – to allow you to stay part of communities you have joined while managing your feed and which posts you see.

Unless you want to completely disconnect from a group you’ve joined, muting or unfollowing will usually give you the control you need.

How to Stop Seeing Posts from a Facebook Group in Your News Feed

Now that we’ve covered some quick background on controlling group posts in your News Feed, let’s walk through the steps to actually mute, unfollow, or leave a group:

Mute a Facebook Group

1. Go to the group’s page that you want to mute.

2. Click on the three dots next to the Join/Joined button.

3. Select “Mute Group” from the dropdown menu.

4. Choose to mute posts for 24 hours, 30 days, or until you turn it back on.

5. Click “Confirm” to complete muting the group.

Unfollow a Facebook Group

1. Go to the group’s page that you want to unfollow.

2. Click the Following/Joined button on the right side.

3. Choose “Unfollow Group” to stop seeing posts in your feed.

4. Confirm you want to unfollow the group when prompted.

Leave a Facebook Group

1. Go to the group’s page that you want to leave.

2. Click on the three dots next to the Joined button.

3. Select “Leave Group” from the menu.

4. Confirm that you want to leave the group.

5. Choose whether you want to see archived posts from the group or not. Select “No” to remove all trace of the group.

That’s all there is to muting, unfollowing, or fully leaving a Facebook group to stop its posts appearing in your feed. Follow these steps when any group is cluttering your News Feed or creating unwanted notifications.

Other Ways to Control Your Facebook News Feed

In addition to managing group posts, there are other ways to customize your Facebook feed and reduce annoying content:

Prioritize Close Friends

Facebook allows you to follow your Close Friends list separately from acquaintances and broader connections. Prioritizing Close Friends will fill your News Feed with more relevant personal updates from your favorite people.

Snooze Certain People

If you don’t want to unfollow someone but need a break from their updates, you can snooze them for 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days or indefinitely. Their posts won’t show up until you unsnooze them.

Unlike Pages

Your News Feed automatically includes posts from Pages you’ve liked. If updates from a Page become excessive or irrelevant, you can unlike it while still following it if you choose.

Update News Feed Preferences

Use the News Feed Preferences section to adjust whether you see more or fewer posts from friends, groups, Pages and the News feed overall. You can make your feed more personalized and relevant.

Install News Feed Eradicator

This browser extension replaces your entire News Feed with an inspirational quote for a distraction-free experience. If you want to fully eliminate mindless scrolling, it’s an option.

The Benefits of Controlling Your Facebook News Feed

Customizing your Facebook feed delivers a number of advantages:

Improves focus

Limiting distracting groups, people and pages helps you zone in on updates that truly matter to you.

Creates meaningful connections

Seeing more content from close connections strengthens real relationships rather than surface-level activities.

Limits social media addiction

Removing endless scrolling helps break compulsive social media habits and use your time more intentionally.

Reduces overwhelm

Fewer posts from large groups cuts down on notification overload from non-priority sources.

Increases personal relevance

Facebook’s algorithm learns your preferences through your interactions over time, tailoring your feed.

Controlling your News Feed leads to a healthier relationship with social media. You consume higher quality information, focus on people you care about, and spend less time endlessly scrolling.


Facebook groups provide useful communities but can also overrun your News Feed with irrelevant or excessive posts. Luckily, you’re not limited to fully leaving groups and can instead mute or unfollow them. This allows you to remain a member for occasional checks while creating a more personalized feed.

In combination with leveraging options like Close Friends lists, snoozing people, and updating feed preferences, you can take charge of your Facebook experience. Social media works best when it connects you with your favorite people and interests, not when it becomes a mindless time sink.

Hopefully this guide provided some valuable tips on stopping posts from groups you’ve joined on Facebook. The platform offers effective tools, you just need to actively manage them sometimes.
What are your best practices for controlling your News Feed and making Facebook work for you?