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How do I stop people from commenting on my timeline?

How do I stop people from commenting on my timeline?

Having the ability to control who can comment on your posts is an important part of managing your online presence. While some platforms like Facebook allow you to limit commenting to friends only, others like Twitter and Instagram make it possible for anyone to comment unless you specifically block them. Here are some tips on how to stop or limit commenting on your timeline across popular social media platforms.


Facebook provides a few different options for controlling who can comment on your posts:

  • Friends only – You can limit commenting to friends only, which will prevent the general public from commenting on your posts. To do this:
    1. Go to your profile page and click on the three dots in the top right corner
    2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings
    3. Click on the Audience and Visibility tab
    4. Under the section Who can see your future posts?, click on the dropdown next to Who can comment on your public posts? and select Friends
  • Acquaintances – If you want to allow comments from friends of friends, select Acquaintances in the dropdown instead of Friends.
  • Block users – You can block specific people from interacting with any of your posts, including commenting. To do this:
    1. Go to the profile page of the person you want to block
    2. Click on the three dots at the top right corner next to Message
    3. Select Block
  • Limit old posts – For posts made in the past, you can limit commenting to friends only by:
    1. Going to your profile page and clicking on Posts
    2. Clicking on the three dots at the top right corner of a post and selecting Edit Privacy
    3. Under Who can comment on this post?, choose Friends instead of Public
    4. Click Save

Setting posts to Friends only is the best option if you want to limit commenting to people you know on Facebook. Using Acquaintances will allow a wider audience to comment, while blocking specific users can help prevent harassment.


Twitter allows you to control commenting on your tweets in a couple ways:

  • Protect your tweets – You can make your Twitter account private so that only approved followers can see and interact with your tweets. To do this:
    1. Go to your profile and click Settings and privacy
    2. Select Privacy and safety
    3. Check the box for Protect your Tweets under Tweet privacy
    4. Click Save
  • Disable replies – You can turn off replies for an individual tweet by clicking the three dots icon on a tweet and selecting Disable replies. This will prevent anyone from commenting on that specific tweet.
  • Block users – Just like on Facebook, you can block individual users which prevents them from commenting on any of your content. From their profile, click Block to do this.
  • Limit your followers – If you want to prune your followers list, you can manually go through it and remove accounts you don’t want following you anymore. Go to Followers under your profile icon, and click Follow Back under any users you wish to remove.

Protecting your tweets is the best way to limit unwanted commenting on Twitter, as it limits your posts to only approved followers. The other options can help you silence specific users or tweets.


Instagram provides these options for controlling comments:

  • Turn off commenting – You can disable commenting on your posts entirely by toggling off Commenting under Settings > Privacy > Comments. This will prevent all users from commenting on your posts.
  • Block users – Just like other platforms, you can block users from interacting with your profile which includes commenting on your photos and videos.
  • Limit old posts – For existing posts, you can turn off commenting by tapping the three dots icon above a post, selecting Edit, and toggling Allow Commenting to off under Comment Controls.
  • Delete comments – If an inappropriate comment slips through, you can delete it by swiping left on the comment and tapping Delete.

The nuclear option is disabling commenting entirely, which will give you full control. Blocking abusive users and deleting unwanted comments as they come in can also help you maintain a positive commenting environment.


YouTube provides creators several ways to manage comments on their videos:

  • Disable comments – You can turn off commenting on your entire channel or on individual videos. To disable all comments:
    1. Go to YouTube Studio
    2. Click Settings > Community
    3. Uncheck Allow comments under Default settings for new videos
    4. Save
  • Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review – You can choose to have YouTube automatically flag questionable comments for your review before they are posted. To do this:
    1. Go to YouTube Studio
    2. Click Settings > Community
    3. Under Video comment settings, check Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review
    4. Save
  • Block words or users – You can block certain words from being posted or block specific users from commenting in the first place. These options are located under YouTube Studio > Settings > Community.
  • Report abusive comments – You can flag inappropriate comments for YouTube to review and potentially remove by clicking the Flag button on the comment.

Disabling comments entirely or holding them for review are the most effective ways to maintain control. Blocking specific words or users can also help limit unwanted remarks.


LinkedIn provides a couple straightforward ways to limit comments from others:

  • Change default posting settings – By default, anyone can comment on your posts but you can limit this to only people who follow you. To change the default:
    1. Go to your profile and click the Me icon (your profile pic)
    2. Select Settings & Privacy
    3. Go to Communications > Change next to Who can comment and like on your public posts?
    4. Select Only people who follow you
  • Turn off commenting for individual posts – When creating a post, toggle Comments off under Who can comment on this post? before sharing it.
  • Delete comments – You can remove individual comments by clicking the X icon next to a comment.

Adjusting your default commenting setting is best to limit unwanted remarks from people you don’t know. Disabling commenting on specific posts or deleting unacceptable comments gives you more granular control.


TikTok enables creators to manage commenting in these ways:

  • Turn off commenting – You can disable comments on individual videos when posting by toggling Allow Comments off.
  • Filter comments – TikTok lets you filter comments by keyword, filter spam comments, and block specific users from commenting. You can manage these under Settings & Privacy > Digital Wellbeing.
  • Report comments – You can report inappropriate or abusive comments by long-pressing on them and selecting Report.
  • Delete comments – Just like other platforms, you can delete unwanted comments by swiping left on a comment and tapping Delete.

Filtering comments and blocking users can help limit poor behavior. Turning off commenting on select videos is also an easy way to control the conversation.


Snapchat has limited options for managing comments and interactions:

  • Delete comments – You can delete unwanted or inappropriate comments by long-pressing them and selecting Delete.
  • Remove friends – If someone consistently leaves unwanted remarks, you can remove them as a friend under Manage Friends in your profile. This will block them from viewing your stories or interacting with you.
  • Limit story visibility – You can choose to share your stories with only selected friends instead of all by customizing visibility when you post.

Removing problematic friends is the best way to limit poor commenting behavior on Snapchat. Unfortunately you cannot disable comments entirely, so deleting them as needed is your only option.


Reddit provides subreddit moderators several ways to govern commenting, but individual users have more limited options:

  • Disable inbox replies – You can choose to not receive replies to a post by selecting Disable Inbox Replies immediately after posting.
  • Delete comments – You can remove comments you don’t want public by tapping the delete icon.
  • Block users – You can block specific redditors from interacting with you, which prevents them commenting on your posts.

Moderators have more powerful tools like disabling comments entirely for a subreddit or banning abusive users. But as an individual without mod privileges, disabling inbox replies and blocking users are your best options for curtailing unwanted remarks.


While each platform provides different sets of tools, some common techniques emerge for limiting comments on your social media timelines:

  • Disable commenting – The nuclear option to prevent all remarks on your posts.
  • Limit audience – Make your profile private or share to smaller groups of friends only.
  • Filter/block words or users – Automatically hide unwanted language or block abusive accounts.
  • Hold for review – Flag questionable comments for approval before public posting.
  • Delete/report – Remove or report inappropriate comments as needed.

Finding the right balance between enabling public discussion and controlling unwelcome attention is a challenge. Hopefully the platform-specific options covered above provide some ideas on how to limit commenting while maintaining an open social media presence.

With the rise of trolls, bots and hate speech, unchecked commenting can become a liability. But fostering communication among genuine supporters and followers remains important for any public profile. By utilizing tools like comment disabling, filtering and blocking judiciously, you can curate more constructive conversations on your own terms.

Social media gives everyone a voice. While this provides valuable opportunities for diversity, it also means dealing with negativity. There’s no one right way to manage comments for everyone, but understanding how to control settings and limit visibility puts you back in the driver’s seat. Find an approach that lets you share comfortably on your own terms.

The idea of totally unmanaged public commentary may have been appealing initially. But in practice, maintaining civil discourse requires thought and effort. The solutions detailed here represent a starting point to regain control of your social spaces. How you utilize them depends on your specific circumstances and comfort level. With some wise boundaries in place, your online discussions can become uplifting places of genuine connection again.