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How do I stop my Facebook bar from disappearing?

How do I stop my Facebook bar from disappearing?

The Facebook bar, also known as the bookmark bar or favorites bar, is a handy tool that allows you to quickly access your favorite Facebook pages and features. However, sometimes this bar can mysteriously disappear from view. When this happens, it can be frustrating trying to get the bar to show up again.

There are a few possible reasons why your Facebook bar may have disappeared. The good news is that in most cases, it’s relatively easy to get it back.

Why Did My Facebook Bar Disappear?

Here are some common reasons the Facebook bar may have vanished from your browser:

  • You accidentally hid it – You may have clicked the “Hide Bar” button which minimizes the bar.
  • It’s turned off in settings – The bar can be disabled in your browser or Facebook settings.
  • Your browser updated – Sometimes browser updates reset customizations like the Facebook bar.
  • You’re in privacy mode – Private browsing modes disable extensions like the bar.
  • It’s a glitch – Occasionally Facebook glitches cause the bar to disappear.

So in most cases, the bar is still there but has just been minimized or turned off for some reason. The good news is it’s usually easy to restore it!

How to Get the Facebook Bar Back

Here are the steps to show your Facebook bar again if it went missing:

Check if the Bar is Minimized

Often the bar is simply minimized, so check for a small sliver on the edge of your browser window. Click and drag this sliver downwards to reopen the bar. If you don’t see the sliver, try the next steps.

Toggle the Bar in Browser Settings

Open your browser settings and look for options related to the bookmarks/favorites bar. Make sure the bar is not disabled or hidden here. If you find a setting related to the Facebook bar specifically, make sure that is enabled.

Toggle the Bar in Facebook Settings

Open your Facebook account settings and look for options about the bookmark/favorites bar. Make sure the bar is enabled here and not hidden. Click save to apply any changes.

Refresh the Browser

Try closing all browser windows and reopening Facebook. Or refresh the page using Ctrl+R or Cmd+R. This may reset any glitches that caused the bar to disappear.

Update Browser Extensions

Make sure your browser and the Facebook bar extension are up to date. Old versions can sometimes cause issues. Check for any available updates and install them.

Reset the Browser

As a last resort, try resetting your browser to default settings. This clears any problems and resets customizations like the missing bar. You may need to reinstall the Facebook bar extension after resetting.

Prevent the Facebook Bar From Disappearing

Once you’ve got your bar back, here are some tips to stop it from vanishing again:

  • Be careful when clicking in the bar area – Accidentally hitting “Hide Bar” minimizes it.
  • Pin the bar – Pinned bars are less likely to be changed or reset.
  • Update browser and extensions – Keep software updated to prevent glitches.
  • Use bar in standard mode – Switch out of privacy/incognito modes.
  • Lock down bar settings – Prevent changes by locking bar settings.

When to Seek Further Help

In most cases, the steps above should restore your missing Facebook bar. But if you still can’t get the bar back, here are some times to seek additional help:

  • You disabled the bar and can’t re-enable it – Seek help accessing hidden browser settings.
  • Facebook settings are locked – You’ll need to gain access to your settings again.
  • The extension is corrupted – An expert may need to reinstall or replace the bar extension.
  • You suspect a virus or malware – Run security scans to check for infections.
  • The bar is gone in all browsers – This points to an account or system issue.

Talk to your IT department or a computer technician if you can’t resolve the issue yourself. They can dig into browser configurations, run diagnostics, and access locked settings if needed to get your bar back.


Having your Facebook bar mysteriously disappear can certainly be frustrating. But in most cases, it’s a simple matter of toggling some settings or refreshing your browser to restore it. Keep the bar enabled, avoid accidentally minimizing it, and keep software updated to stop it from vanishing. Seek additional help if basic troubleshooting fails to bring the bar back.

With the right tips, you can stop your Facebook bar from disappearing and stay productive with quick access to all your favorite Facebook features.


Why did my Facebook bar disappear on my iPhone?

On iPhones, the Facebook bar is part of the Facebook app, not your browser. It may disappear if you update the Facebook app, switch accounts, or change settings. Check app settings or reinstall the app if needed.

Can you permanently delete the Facebook bar?

Yes, it is possible to permanently remove the Facebook bar if desired, either in your browser add-on settings or within your Facebook settings. However, this cannot be undone so be sure before deleting it.

Does Facebook bar drain battery?

The Facebook bar shouldn’t noticeably drain battery on its own. However, actively using Facebook and its features in the bar will use additional battery as it runs in the background.

Reason How to Fix
Accidentally hid the bar Drag sliver to reopen
Disabled in browser settings Re-enable in settings
Disabled in Facebook settings Re-enable in Facebook
Browser updated Refresh browser
In privacy mode Switch to standard mode
Facebook glitch Update Facebook extension

Should I pin my Facebook bar?

Pinning the Facebook bar will help keep it in place even if settings get changed or your browser resets. Click the pin icon in the bar to pin it.

Does Facebook bar work on Safari?

The Facebook bar extension only works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other supported browsers currently. Safari does not support this extension yet.