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How do I stop getting invites to like a page on Facebook?

How do I stop getting invites to like a page on Facebook?

Getting invited to like Facebook pages you’re not interested in can be annoying. You likely keep getting notified because one of your Facebook friends likes that page. When they interact with it, Facebook’s algorithm thinks you might be interested too and sends you an invite. Thankfully, Facebook provides tools to limit or stop page invite notifications. Here are some tips on reducing Facebook page invite spam.

Why Do I Keep Getting Facebook Page Invites?

You likely keep getting Facebook page invites for a few reasons:

  • A Facebook friend of yours likes or follows that page and interacted with it recently.
  • Facebook’s algorithm thinks you may be interested in that page based on your friend’s activity.
  • Pages can pay to promote invite notifications to get more likes.
  • Pages you’ve liked in the past may share or promote other similar pages.

Essentially, Facebook is trying to show you pages you might like based on friends’ interests and your own history. But sometimes these suggestions miss the mark and you get invited to pages that don’t interest you.

Should I Just Unlike or Unfollow Pages I Don’t Want?

You can unlike or unfollow pages sending you invites, but this isn’t always the best solution. Here’s why:

  • You may actually want updates from that page, just not invite notifications.
  • Unliking a page doesn’t stop invite notifications from it since your friends can still interact and trigger invites.
  • It takes time to individually unlike lots of pages.

So unlike or unfollow pages if you truly have no interest in their content. But for pages you want to hear from less often, adjusting your notifications for them is a better approach.

How to Limit Page Notifications on Facebook

You have a few options to cut down on page invite notifications and other page updates on Facebook:

Turn Off Notifications for a Specific Page

You can disable notifications from a particular page that’s bothering you with invites or posts. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the page’s profile.
  2. Click “Following” below the cover photo.
  3. Select “See First,” “Standard,” or “Unfollow.”

Choosing “Standard” will significantly reduce notifications. “Unfollow” stops them entirely. You’ll still like and follow the page, just not get updates.

Snooze Notifications from a Page

Another option is snoozing notifications from a page for a set period of time, like 30 days. Here’s how to snooze:

  1. Go to the page profile.
  2. Click “Following” below the cover photo.
  3. Select “Snooze for 30 Days.”

After 30 days, you’ll start getting notifications again. You can always snooze again.

Adjust Notifications from Multiple Pages

Snoozing or limiting notifications page-by-page takes time. To adjust notifications from multiple pages at once:

  1. Go to your Facebook feed.
  2. Click the three line menu in the top right.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy”>”Settings.”
  4. Click “Notifications” on the left side.
  5. Under “Posts,” click “Pages Feed.”
  6. Select your desired notification frequency for page posts.

This changes notifications for all pages in one go. You can also click on individual pages here to disable their notifications entirely.

Unfollow Irrelevant Pages

If you don’t care about a page’s content at all anymore, unfollowing it completely stops all notifications. Just go to the page, click “Following,” and select “Unfollow.” You can also unlike the page at the same time.

Adjust News Feed Preferences

Facebook shows you more of what you engage with in your News Feed. If you’re seeing too many page posts, adjust your News Feed preferences:

  1. Go to your News Feed.
  2. Click the three line menu in the top right.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy”>”Settings.”
  4. Click “News Feed Preferences.”
  5. Drag the slider left for “Pages” to see fewer page posts.

Follow Pages You Actually Like

Actively follow pages you’re genuinely interested in. Engage with their content by reacting, commenting, and sharing posts. Facebook will start showing you more of their posts and fewer irrelevant invites.

How to Stop Page Invite Notifications

Specific types of notifications like page invites can also be turned off. Here are two ways to stop page invite spam:

Globally Disable Page Recommendations

You can fully disable page recommendations on Facebook like this:

  1. Click the down arrow in the top right.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Click “Settings.”
  4. Go to “General” in the left column.
  5. Turn off “Get Recommendations for Pages You Might Like.”

This stops all page invites. But you also won’t get invites to pages you may actually want to follow.

Limit Specific Page Recommendations

For more granular control, limit invites from specific pages:

  1. Go to the page profile.
  2. Click the three dots beside “Following.”
  3. Select “Hide Recommendations.”

This just stops invites from that particular page. You can still get invites from other pages you’re interested in.

Prevent Facebook Friends from Triggering Invites

Since your friends’ activity triggers page invites, you can also control notifications by adjusting friends’ ability to interact with your profile.

Limit Old Posts Resurfacing

When friends interact with old posts on your profile, it can resurface that content and trigger more page invites. Stop this by:

  1. Going to your profile.
  2. Clicking the three dots in the top right.
  3. Selecting “Settings & Privacy”>”Settings.”
  4. Clicking “Audience and Visibility.”
  5. Disabling “Allow friends to tag or mention you.”
  6. Disabling “Allow resharing of your posts to Stories.”

This prevents friends from tagging you and sharing old posts that could trigger more invites.

Restrict Friend Ability to Tag You

You can also limit friends’ ability to tag you in their own posts. On your profile:

  1. Click the three dots in the top right.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”>”Settings.”
  3. Click “Audience and Visibility.”
  4. Turn off “Who can tag you.”

Having fewer tags from friends gives Facebook less input that you want to engage with certain pages.

Remove Tags from Past Posts

You can also remove tags friends added in previous posts and limit their visibility. This lessens outdated information Facebook uses to link you to pages.

Unfriend or Unfollow Annoying Friends

If a specific friend won’t stop spamming page invites, restricting their posts from your News Feed or unfriending them can help. But this should be a last resort for handlingspammy friends.

Use Third-Party Tools to StopNotifications

A few third-party apps and browser extensions can help filter or block Facebook notifications:

  • Social Book Post Manager – Helps schedule and manage posts and follow/unfollow pages.
  • F.B. Purity – Browser extension that filters the News Feed and stops notifications.
  • News Feed Eradicator – Browser extension that removes the News Feed entirely.

Research any third-party tools carefully since some collect your data. But they can provide more granular controls over feed content and notifications.

Give Feedback to Facebook

Finally, give Facebook direct feedback when you get irrelevant invites or notifications. Here’s how:

  1. Click the X or “Hide” on the notification.
  2. Select “I don’t want to see this.”
  3. Click “Continue” and choose why you don’t want to see it.

The more irrelevant notifications you hide and report, the more Facebook will refine your preferences and recommends better pages.


Getting spammed with invites to like Facebook pages you’re not interested in is annoying. Thankfully, you have options to reduce or eliminate these notifications. The key steps are snoozing or unfollowing specific pages, limiting page notifications globally, unfriending spammy friends, and giving Facebook direct feedback on irrelevant suggestions. With some adjustments, you can keep getting updates from pages you genuinely care about without all the spam.