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How do I stop getting Facebook notifications from another account?

How do I stop getting Facebook notifications from another account?

Having too many Facebook notifications from accounts you don’t want to hear from can be annoying. Luckily, Facebook provides various ways to limit or stop notifications from specific people or Pages. Here are some quick answers to common questions about managing Facebook notifications from other accounts:

How do I stop getting notifications from someone I’m not friends with?

If you are getting notifications from someone you are not friends with on Facebook, you can take the following steps:

  1. Go to the notifications tab in your Facebook account
  2. Find a notification from the account you want to stop getting notices from
  3. Hover over the notification and click the “X” icon to hide it
  4. Select “Hide from [name]” to stop seeing notifications from that person

This will remove that account’s ability to post on your timeline or tag you in posts without your permission. They can still send you messages, however.

How can I mute or unfollow someone’s posts?

If you don’t want to unfriend someone but are tired of seeing their posts in your News Feed, you can mute or unfollow them instead. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the profile of the person you want to mute/unfollow
  2. Click on the “Following” or “Friends” button below their cover photo
  3. Select “Unfollow [name]” or “Mute [name]”

Muting someone will remove their posts from your News Feed, but you’ll still be friends. Unfollowing does the same thing, but they will also no longer see your posts.

How do I turn off notifications from a Facebook Page?

If you don’t want to unlike or unfollow a Facebook Page but don’t want notifications from them either, you can turn off notifications specifically:

  1. Go to the Page and click “Following” below the cover image
  2. Hover over “Notifications” and click “Off”

This will stop notifications from that Page, but you’ll still see their posts in your News Feed. You can also choose “See First” or “Default” to customize which Pages you want notifications from.

Can I block someone on Facebook?

Yes, you can block someone on Facebook to prevent them from viewing your profile, posting on your timeline, starting conversations, inviting you to events, and more. To block someone:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Click on the three dots icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Block”

You can also preemptively block someone who is not your friend but can still send you messages by going to the messages tab, opening a message from them, and blocking them.

How do I report notifications that are harassing or abusive?

If someone is sending you offensive or abusive notifications, you can report them directly from the notification:

  1. Click on the notification
  2. Select “Report post”
  3. Choose “It’s harassing me or someone else”

You can also report full profiles, specific posts, messages, or comments. Facebook will review them for harassment violations and may disable accounts or content found to be abusive.

Can I temporarily snooze all notifications?

If you want to take a break from Facebook notifications for a bit, you can snooze them:

  1. Go to the notifications tab
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right
  3. Select “Snooze Notifications”
  4. Choose how long you want them snoozed for

This will stop notifications during the selected time period. When it ends, you’ll start getting them again.

How do I change my overall notification settings?

You can customize your general Facebook notification settings as well:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Notifications”
  2. Toggle notifications on or off for a type like “Email”, “Push”, or “Sounds”
  3. Click a category like “Friends” to customize specific notification triggers

Here you can fine-tune which events do or don’t trigger notifications. For example, you could get notifications when tagged but not when someone likes your post.

Can I download my Facebook data to see notification senders?

Yes, through Facebook’s “Download Your Information” tool you can download an archive containing your full notification history. Here’s how:

  1. Go to “Settings” then “Your Facebook Information”
  2. Click “Download Your Information”
  3. Select “Notifications” under “Your Records”
  4. Choose date range and media formats
  5. Click “Create File”

Facebook will assemble your data archive and email you a link to download it when ready. This can help you see who has been notifying you most frequently.


Managing notifications from people and Pages you don’t want to hear from is an important part of curating your Facebook experience. Use the above filters, blocks, snoozes, and mutes to limit annoying notifications.

But notifications can also be valuable for staying updated on posts from close friends or favorite Pages. Be selective about who you turn notifications off for completely versus just muting or unfollowing.

Finding the right balance takes some trial and error. Don’t be afraid to play around with notification settings as your preferences change. Facebook’s customizable tools give you control.

What matters most is that the notifications you do receive add value rather than aggravating you. With the techniques covered here, you can keep your Facebook notifications beneficial and block out the rest.

Here is a table summarizing the key options for managing Facebook notifications from other accounts:

Option What it Does How to Do it
Hide Notifications Stops notifications from specific person Click “X” on their notification
Unfollow Stops seeing someone’s posts Go to profile, click “Following,” select “Unfollow”
Mute Stops seeing someone’s posts Go to profile, click “Friends,” select “Mute”
Turn Off Notifications Stops notifications from Page Go to Page, click “Following,” turn off “Notifications”
Block Prevents someone contacting you Go to profile, click 3 dots, select “Block”
Snooze Notifications Temporarily stops notifications Go to notifications, click gear, select snooze time
Change Settings Customize notification triggers Go to “Settings” then “Notifications”
Download Info See full notification history Go to “Settings,” “Your Facebook Information,” download notifications

With the right settings in place, you can enjoy the notifications that enhance your Facebook experience without being annoyed by unwanted notices. Stay in control of your account and customize notifications to match your preferences.

What notification management strategies have worked well for you? Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips and tricks for staying notified of the good without the bad.