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How do I stop Facebook notifications going to my email?

How do I stop Facebook notifications going to my email?

Facebook notifications can be very annoying when they start flooding your email inbox. Thankfully, Facebook provides settings to control which notifications you receive via email.

Why am I getting Facebook notifications in my email?

By default, Facebook sends certain notifications to your email as well as within Facebook. This includes notifications about comments, tags, friend requests, and more. The intention is to ensure you don’t miss notifications even if you aren’t actively using Facebook.

However, for many people, getting Facebook notifications by email can be too much. It clutters up your inbox and you get duplicate notifications within Facebook as well.

How to stop Facebook email notifications

You can customize which Facebook notifications you receive through email in your notification settings. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook notifications page. This can be accessed by clicking the globe icon in the top right of Facebook.
  2. In the left column, click on “Email”.
  3. Here you will see a list of all possible email notifications from Facebook. Go through and toggle off any notifications you don’t want to receive in your email.
  4. Make sure to click “Save Changes” at the bottom when you are done.

This will stop the selected notifications from going to your email. You will still get them within Facebook, just not sent to your external email address.

Types of email notifications you can turn off

Here are some of the common Facebook email notification types you can disable:

  • Comments on your posts
  • Tags of your profile in posts and photos
  • Friend requests
  • When you are added to Groups
  • Event invitations
  • Page notifications from Pages you have liked
  • Facebook weekly recap
  • Notifications that you have missed calls on Messenger

Recommended email notifications to keep on

While you may want to turn off most Facebook email notifications, here are some notification types you may want to keep turned on:

  • Security alerts about unrecognized logins
  • Password reset emails when you reset your password
  • Purchase and payment confirmations for purchases made on Facebook

These types of notifications can be important for account security and managing payments. But other than that, feel free to minimize email notifications from Facebook.

Will this stop all Facebook emails?

Disabling notifications will stop most Facebook-related emails. However, here are some Facebook emails that you will still receive even with notifications off:

  • Emails about your Facebook account, like password resets
  • Information about new Facebook features
  • Facebook Newsletter if you are subscribed
  • Facebook order and payment confirmations
  • Messages from friends in Messenger

So disabling notifications does not stop all Facebook emails, but it will significantly reduce the number you receive.

Other ways to reduce Facebook email notifications

In addition to adjusting your notification settings, here are a couple other ways to cut down on Facebook emails:

Unfollow friends and Pages

You can unfollow friends and Pages you don’t want to get notifications from while staying connected. This will remove their posts from your News Feed and also stop their notifications.

Leave Groups

Leaving Groups you are not active in will remove email notifications from those Groups.

Unsubscribe from emails

At the bottom of Facebook emails, there is an “Unsubscribe” link you can use to stop that type of email.

Send Facebook emails to spam

If any Facebook emails get through that you want to stop, you can mark them as spam or delete them to help filter them out.

Will I miss important notifications if I turn them off?

It’s possible you might miss some notifications without the emails. However, most important interactions will still show up when you actively use Facebook. And you can keep critical security-related notifications on.

To ensure you don’t miss notifications when not on Facebook:

  • Check your Facebook notifications regularly
  • Enable pop-up notifications on desktop
  • Enable push notifications on mobile

With these enabled, you shouldn’t miss anything important even without emails.

Can I set up a separate notifications email address?

Facebook does not currently provide the ability to send notifications to a separate email address than your primary Facebook email. Your options are limited to either allowing or blocking the notifications from being sent to your main Facebook email.

What about Messenger notifications?

The email notification settings also apply to Messenger notifications. You can disable emails for new Messenger chats, calls, reactions, comments, and more. However, you will still receive email notifications for messages sent directly to you in Messenger conversations.

To further manage Messenger notifications:

  • Disable Messenger push notifications in your device settings
  • Mute conversations to stop notifications from specific people
  • Turn off active status to stop emails that you missed a call


Facebook’s email notifications can quickly become overwhelming and clutter up your inbox. Thankfully, you can fully customize which Facebook notifications you receive as emails in your notification settings.

I recommend going through and turning off most email notifications from Facebook aside from critical account and security notices. This will clean up your inbox without you missing important activity when actively using Facebook.

You can also unfollow friends and Pages, leave Groups, and unsubscribe from emails to further reduce unnecessary Facebook emails. Just be sure to still check your Facebook notifications regularly and enable push notifications on your devices.

With the right email notification settings, you can stay on top of Facebook activity without getting bombarded with emails.

Notification Type Recommended Setting
Comments Off
Tags Off
Friend Requests Off
Event Invitations Off
Page Notifications Off
Account Security On
Password Reset On
Payments On

This table summarizes the recommended settings for each notification type to minimize unnecessary Facebook emails while keeping important security and payment emails enabled.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to turn emails back on?

You can return to the email notification settings page at any time to turn specific email notifications back on if needed. Just use the toggle switches to re-enable the desired notifications.

Can I do this on mobile?

Yes, you can access the email notification settings and make changes right from the Facebook mobile app. Just go to the menu icon, choose “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings” and select “Notifications” to access the email options.

Will turning off emails affect my Messenger app?

No, disabling Facebook email notifications will not affect your Messenger app functionality. You will still be able to send and receive Messenger messages as normal.

What about notifications for Facebook Groups?

Email notifications for Facebook Groups can be disabled in the notification settings. You will still get Group notifications within Facebook, but they will no longer be sent to your external email.

Can I get notifications on my phone but not email?

Yes, you can keep mobile push notifications enabled in Facebook’s settings while disabling email notifications. This will allow you get notifications on your phone without the duplicate emails.


  • Go to Notification Settings > Email to customize Facebook email notifications
  • Turn off unnecessary notifications like comments, tags, friend requests
  • Keep important security alerts on like password resets
  • Check Facebook regularly and use push notifications to stay updated
  • Unfollow, leave Groups, and unsubscribe to further reduce emails

Following these tips will help eliminate excessive Facebook notification emails while still allowing you to stay on top of important Facebook activity and notifications.