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How do I stop Facebook from verifying my identity?

How do I stop Facebook from verifying my identity?

Facebook’s identity verification process can be frustrating for users who value their privacy. The social media giant asks users to upload government IDs to confirm their real identities, often when changing names or adding certain profile info.

While Facebook says this protects against impersonation and fake accounts, many find it intrusive. Some religious minorities, activists, or those trying to avoid stalkers/abusers may not want Facebook knowing personal details like legal names.

Fortunately, users can take steps to avoid identity verification on Facebook. This guide will explain Facebook’s ID verification process, when it’s required, how to prepare, and tactics to stop Facebook from verifying your identity.

When Does Facebook Require ID Verification?

Facebook prompts identity verification in the following situations:

  • Creating a new account
  • Changing your name or birthday
  • Adding profile info like relationships or work/education
  • Running certain ads or paid promotions
  • Requesting an account review after being locked out

The platform looks for mismatches between your profile details and the info on your ID. For example, uploading an ID with a different name or birthdate than your profile.

Facebook also runs automatic checks looking for suspicious activity, like suddenly changing profile details or requesting lots of reviews after being locked out. These triggers can prompt ID verification requests even if you haven’t changed anything.

New Accounts

When you first create a Facebook account, you may immediately be asked to upload a photo ID. This is especially common if signing up with a new device or internet connection.

Facebook is looking to confirm you are a real person creating your first legitimate account. Submitting ID documents helps prove you aren’t impersonating someone else or creating a fake account.

Changing Profile Information

Making significant changes to your profile details can also trigger ID verification:

  • Changing your name or birthday
  • Adding or changing your relationship status
  • Updating work or education history
  • Adding a profile photo
  • Listing a new location

Again, Facebook is checking that your new details match any government IDs you submit. If the info doesn’t line up with your documentation, the changes may be rejected.

Paid Promotions

Anyone running Facebook ads or paid promotions may have to complete identity verification first. This applies to individual users and business pages.

Submitting ID confirms you are the legitimate account owner if promoting products, services, political content, and more. This prevents impersonation and fake ads on the platform.

Account Lockouts

Getting your account locked by Facebook will also require ID verification before regaining access. This applies to both temporary and permanent account disables.

After being locked out, you can request a review to potentially reverse the action. But Facebook will check your submitted documentation to confirm you are the actual account holder before restoring access.

How To Avoid Identity Verification

For those intent on avoiding providing personal info to Facebook, here are some tips to stop the platform from verifying your identity:

Avoid Major Profile Changes

As covered earlier, significantly changing profile details often triggers ID checks. Make small, gradual profile adjustments over time rather than major overhauls all at once.

You can also change some info like location in settings rather than on your public profile to be more discreet. Keep your name, birthday, photos, and relationship status consistent.

Secure Your Account

Enable two-factor authentication and monitor login notifications to keep your account secure. A sudden login from a suspicious location can prompt ID verification. Maintaining your account security makes it less likely to get flagged.

You can even provide a trusted friend or partner’s phone number for two-factor login instead of your own. This adds a layer of identity protection.

Avoid Paid Promotions

Don’t run ads or paid posts of any kind, as these often require ID confirmation before being approved. Stick to only organic posting activity.

Be Selective When Reporting Issues

Avoid reporting minor account issues to Facebook support. Repeatedly contacting support after being locked out can raise red flags, as can reporting things like impersonation or fake accounts.

Only report the most serious problems, and be extremely limited in your requests for review after account disables. Excessive reporting is suspicious.

Maintain Your Connection History

Access Facebook from the same devices and internet connections as much as possible. Suddenly logging in from new equipment or IPs you’ve never used before can prompt verification checks. Maintain consistent connection patterns.

You can also give your account a geographic center, like listing a current city on your profile and accessing Facebook frequently when in that location. Drastically changing locations is risky.

List a Realistic Workplace/School

If including employment or education history, choose real organizations that can be easily verified if checked. Avoid listing fake schools or employers.

You can even omit this info entirely and just list your current city instead. But if included, make sure it’s factual to avoid any conflicts.

Research Typical Triggers

Look online to learn what types of activities tend to trigger identity verification requests for Facebook users. You may find helpful tips or patterns based on others’ experiences. Avoid repeating behaviors that are known to prompt verification.

Do Not Link Controversial Pages

Refrain from liking, following, or linking to controversial Facebook pages about politics, activism, or unpopular ideologies. These types of associations can sometimes initiate identity checks. Don’t reveal these interests.

Avoid Creating Multiple Accounts

Only maintain a single Facebook profile. Trying to create secondary or backup accounts will likely trigger ID confirmation, as Facebook prohibits duplicates. Stick to one account.

Use Accurate Profile Pictures

Use photos of yourself or anonymous/generic images as your profile picture. Avoid celebrity photos or anyone else’s likeness.

Match account and cover photos when possible so your profile consistently represents you. Mismatched photos using someone else’s picture can prompt verification.

Preparing For Identity Verification

Despite your best efforts, you may still encounter identity verification at some point when using Facebook over the long term. If prompted for ID, here are some ways to prepare:

Collect Acceptable ID Documents

Have government ID documents ready in case asked for verification:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s license
  • National ID card
  • Birth certificate

Documents should be current and show your real legal name and birthday. Make sure they clearly display your photo too. Expired IDs often cannot be used to verify Facebook accounts.

Obscure Sensitive Details

When photographing your ID to submit, cover or obscure any details you don’t want Facebook recording, like:

  • License/ID number
  • Address
  • Passport number

Use your finger or a sticky note to block sensitive info that is unnecessary for Facebook’s records. Only your name, photo, and birthdate are required.

Adjust Privacy Settings

Lock down your privacy settings so only certain people can view your Facebook profile and activity. Restrict info like posts, photos, friends list, and more. Make your profile essentially anonymous to anyone besides approved connections.

Remove Controversial Interests

Delete pages liked, groups joined, and interests listed related to politics, activism, or any controversial topics that could have triggered verification. Remove mentions of religion, relationships, or employers if preferred. Eliminate any red flags.

Change Account Details

If you want to alter your profile name, photo, location, birthdate, or other info after verification, create a new account. Trying to change details again right after providing ID will be extremely suspicious to Facebook.

Submitting Fake/False Identification

Some may consider submitting fake or false ID documents to avoid providing their real identity. However, this comes with significant risks:

Account Deletion

If caught, Facebook will likely permanently disable your account for violating its Terms of Service. All your posts, photos, connections, and other data will be erased. There is no undoing this deletion.

Legal Charges

Using fake government documents is illegal in many jurisdictions. You could face civil or criminal fraud charges for presenting false identification, resulting in hefty fines or even jail time. It’s a serious legal offense.

Losing Access To Your Network

Having your account with all its data wiped means losing contact with potentially hundreds of friends, family, colleagues, customers, and more who you’ve connected with on Facebook. Rebuilding this network elsewhere is extremely difficult.

Banned From Facebook

Getting caught submitting false documents can result in being permanently banned from Facebook altogether. Even your real personal info could be prohibited from opening new accounts later on. You will lose all future access.

Under Scrutiny For New Accounts

If you try creating a new Facebook account after providing fake ID or being banned, you will be under much stricter scrutiny going forward. Expect identity checks right from the start when attempting to sign up again.


While Facebook’s identity verification process is intrusive for privacy-minded users, it exists to combat impersonation and fake accounts. Submitting false information is risky and ill-advised. However, managing your activity carefully can avoid triggering ID checks when possible.

Minimize changes to profile details, maintain consistent login behavior, steer clear of paid promotions, and avoid controversial associations. With disciplined activity, you can potentially manage your Facebook presence without confirming your real-life identity.

Handle any necessary verification discretely, like obscuring sensitive ID details and maximizing privacy settings afterward. With caution and care, Facebook can still be used while preserving some anonymity. But expect limitations in how freely you can operate. The higher your activity level, the more scrutiny you will face.