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How do I stop Facebook from refreshing constantly?

How do I stop Facebook from refreshing constantly?

If you find that Facebook is refreshing constantly or reloading pages unexpectedly, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue.

Check Your Internet Connection

One of the most common reasons Facebook may be refreshing or reloading constantly is an unstable internet connection. Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Restart your router and modem – Unplug both devices, wait 30 seconds, then plug them back in. This can help reset your connection.
  • Switch from WiFi to wired internet – Connect your computer directly to your router with an Ethernet cable. This eliminates WiFi issues.
  • Test your internet speed – Go to a site like and run a test. If speeds are low, contact your internet provider.
  • Try a different web browser – Open Facebook in a different browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari. If the issue persists, it’s not browser-related.

If you can connect to other sites fine, but Facebook is still refreshing constantly, move on to software and settings troubleshooting.

Update Your Browser, Graphics Drivers, and Plugins

Outdated software can sometimes cause performance issues like constant refreshing. Try updating:

  • Your web browser – Download the latest version.
  • Your graphics drivers – Get the newest drivers directly from the manufacturer (Nvidia, AMD, Intel).
  • Browser plugins like Flash and Java – Check for updates.

Reboot your computer after updating for the changes to take full effect. Also disable or remove any browser add-ons you don’t need as they can sometimes conflict.

Adjust Your Browser Settings

There are a few browser settings tweaks that can potentially fix constant refreshing issues:

  • Disable browser extensions – Temporarily turn off all extensions and test Facebook. If the issue stops, turn them back on one-by-one until you identify the problematic add-on.
  • Clear your browser cache – This removes temporary files and forces Facebook to reload properly.
  • Enable “Do Not Track” – This prevents websites from tracking your activity for ads. Can help page performance.
  • Switch off hardware acceleration – Improves compatibility with graphics cards in some cases.

You can also try using Facebook in Incognito or Private Browsing mode. This disables extensions and clears cookies only for that browsing session.

Troubleshoot Software Conflicts

In rare cases, a conflict with other software on your computer may cause Facebook performance issues. Try these steps:

  • Close background programs – Shut down any other apps running besides your web browser.
  • Temporarily disable antivirus – Some antivirus software can conflict. Disable temporarily and re-enable after testing.
  • Uninstall unrelated programs – Remove any suspect apps you recently installed before the issue began.
  • Update Windows – Install the latest Windows updates in case they patch a bug causing conflicts.

This can isolate whether another program on your PC is clashing with Facebook and forcing constant refreshes.

Reset Your Browser Profile

Resetting your browser profile erases settings and returns it to a clean default state. Here’s how for popular browsers:

Google Chrome

  1. Click the 3-Dot Menu > Settings > Advanced
  2. Under “Reset Settings” click Restore settings to their original defaults

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click the 3-Line Menu > Help > Troubleshooting Information
  2. Click “Refresh Firefox” button


  1. From the Menu Bar, click Safari > Preferences
  2. Go to the Advanced tab and check “Show Develop menu in menu bar”
  3. From the Develop menu, select “Empty Caches”

Resetting can clear out any corrupted files or settings causing Facebook refresh issues. Make sure to reset any custom settings afterward.

Test Facebook in Other Browsers

As a final step, test loading Facebook in multiple different web browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari. If the constant reloading issue only happens in one browser, it indicates a problem with that particular browser installation.

You’ll then need to dig into further browser-specific troubleshooting like profile resets or reinstalling the browser completely.

Contact Facebook Support

If you’ve tried all other troubleshooting steps and Facebook is still endlessly reloading pages, reach out to Facebook support:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center
  • Select the problem category you are having (ex. Login Issues)
  • Pick the article closest to your problem (ex. Can’t log in)
  • Follow prompts to contact Facebook support and explain your constant refreshing issue

Facebook can investigate potential account, browser or network issues on their end causing the problem.


To stop Facebook from constantly refreshing or reloading, first look at common fixes like checking your internet connection, updating software, adjusting browser settings and troubleshooting conflicts. Resetting your browser or profile can also help clear out any corrupted data. Testing Facebook across multiple browsers can reveal whether the issue is browser-specific. If all else fails, reach out to Facebook support to see if they can identify any problems on the backend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Facebook keep refreshing randomly?

Common reasons Facebook may keep refreshing randomly include an unstable internet connection, outdated browser/software, too many browser extensions, software conflicts, and corrupted browser files. Browser privacy settings may also cause issues.

How do I stop my Facebook page from refreshing every 5 seconds?

Try restarting your router and computer, disabling browser extensions, updating graphics drivers, clearing browser cache/cookies, disable hardware acceleration, close background apps, and check for Windows Updates. Switching browsers or resetting your browser profile may also help.

Why does Facebook refresh when I click on a post?

This issue is typically caused by an add-on or extension conflict in your web browser. Try disabling all extensions and re-enabling one by one until you identify the problematic add-on. Also update, reset or reinstall your browser.

How do I stop Facebook from refreshing when I type?

This frustrating issue is often due to an unstable internet connection. Switch to wired internet if on WiFi. Update network drivers and test speeds. Adjust browser settings like disabling extensions. Check for software conflicts and update Windows/browsers. Clear browser cache and reset your profile if needed.

Why does my Facebook newsfeed keep refreshing 2022?

In 2022, common causes include Chrome or Firefox extensions conflicting, pending Facebook updates, crowded WiFi networks, and out-of-date network drivers. Try updating network adapters, switch browsers, disable extensions, or reset your router.

Facebook Refreshing FAQ Table

Question Answer
Why does Facebook keep refreshing randomly? Common reasons Facebook may keep refreshing randomly include an unstable internet connection, outdated browser/software, too many browser extensions, software conflicts, and corrupted browser files. Browser privacy settings may also cause issues.
How do I stop my Facebook page from refreshing every 5 seconds? Try restarting your router and computer, disabling browser extensions, updating graphics drivers, clearing browser cache/cookies, disable hardware acceleration, close background apps, and check for Windows Updates. Switching browsers or resetting your browser profile may also help.
Why does Facebook refresh when I click on a post? This issue is typically caused by an add-on or extension conflict in your web browser. Try disabling all extensions and re-enabling one by one until you identify the problematic add-on. Also update, reset or reinstall your browser.
How do I stop Facebook from refreshing when I type? This frustrating issue is often due to an unstable internet connection. Switch to wired internet if on WiFi. Update network drivers and test speeds. Adjust browser settings like disabling extensions. Check for software conflicts and update Windows/browsers. Clear browser cache and reset your profile if needed.
Why does my Facebook newsfeed keep refreshing 2022? In 2022, common causes include Chrome or Firefox extensions conflicting, pending Facebook updates, crowded WiFi networks, and out-of-date network drivers. Try updating network adapters, switch browsers, disable extensions, or reset your router.

Tips to Fix Facebook Refreshing

Here is a summary of top tips to stop Facebook from constantly refreshing:

  • Check your internet connection and switch to wired if possible
  • Update your browser, graphics drivers, Flash, Java
  • Disable browser extensions and clear cache
  • Adjust settings like hardware acceleration
  • Close other running programs
  • Update Windows and disable antivirus temporarily
  • Reset your browser profile
  • Test Facebook in multiple browsers
  • Contact Facebook support if the issue persists

Following this Facebook refreshing troubleshooting guide can help isolate the cause and lead you to a solution. Stable internet, updated software, managed extensions, and clean browser files are most important. Seek further help from Facebook if needed.