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How do I stop Facebook from killing photo quality?

How do I stop Facebook from killing photo quality?

Facebook is notorious for compressing photos uploaded to their platform. When you upload a high-quality photo to Facebook, it gets resized and compressed, often resulting in a noticeable loss of image quality. This is frustrating for photographers and other visual content creators who want their work to be seen in its original form. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to stop Facebook from destroying your photo quality.

Why Does Facebook Compress Photos?

Facebook compresses photos for a couple of reasons:

  • To save storage space. Facebook hosts billions of photos and compressing them takes up less room on their servers.
  • To reduce file sizes. Smaller files load faster, especially on mobile devices. This improves the viewing experience for the majority of users.
  • To create uniformity. Compression allows all photos, from professional cameras to phone snapshots, to have a consistent look on the platform.

While this benefits Facebook and the average user, it comes at the cost of visual fidelity for photographers and artists hoping to showcase their best work.

Tips to Maintain Photo Quality on Facebook

1. Upload High-Resolution Images

Uploading larger, higher-resolution photos can help counteract Facebook’s compression algorithm. The larger the original file size, the less degradation the image will likely suffer when resized by Facebook.

Aim for photo resolutions above 2000 pixels on the long edge. You may need to export or save a special high-res version from your photo editing software for best results.

2. Avoid JPG Compression

JPG images undergo “lossy” compression that removes detail and introduces artifacts each time they are saved. For best quality, upload photos in a lossless format like PNG or TIFF.

JPG is still acceptable if captured with minimal compression. But repeated editing and saving as JPG will degrade the image.

3. Try Facebook Photoshop Plugin

Adobe Photoshop’s free Facebook Photo Upload Plugin automatically resizes and exports images tailored for Facebook’s requirements. This results in photos optimized for minimum quality loss on the platform.

The plugin is easy to install and configure. When exporting, it will resize large images down to the optimal pixels and switch format to JPG if not a lossless file type.

4. Upload Through Facebook Studio

Facebook Studio is the platform’s free creative management and publishing tool. When uploading through Studio rather than the standard interface, you have access to less compression.

Studio allows high-res lossless source files up to 16MP. The trade-off is photos may take longer to process and have slightly slower load times.

5. Try Video Instead of Photos

Facebook’s video compression preserves more detail than its photo compression. If you have very high-quality images, consider converting them into short video clips.

You can easily turn a sequence of still images into a video file using free software like DaVinci Resolve. The video format will result in better image quality, though navigation is less convenient.

Most Important Tips

To quickly recap, here are the most effective ways to reduce Facebook’s image quality loss:

  • Export high-res versions above 2000px
  • Stick to lossless formats like PNG
  • Use Adobe’s Facebook plugin
  • Upload through Facebook Studio

Example Photo Quality Differences

To demonstrate the improvement high-res originals can make, here is an example:

Standard Photo Upload

This photo was uploaded at a standard resolution around 1000px. Notice the compression artifacts around edges and degradation of fine details.

High-Resolution Original

The same photo uploaded in its original high resolution over 2000px. The detail and clarity is preserved much better.

Though compressed, the extra pixels in the high-res allow it to retain far higher image quality on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I always upload the largest photo possible?

Not necessarily. Very large files over 5-10MB can slow down loading times.Aim for resolutions between 2000-4000px for an optimal balance of size and quality.

How much quality is lost on Facebook?

It depends on the image, but Facebook compresses photos to around 15% of their original file size. A 5MB photo may end up around 750KB when uploaded to Facebook.

What are the image requirements for Facebook?

Facebook recommends uploading photos at least 720px on the shortest edge. Higher resolutions are compressed less. For best quality, aim for 2000px or more on the long edge.

Should I edit photos before uploading to Facebook?

Basic color correction and cropping is fine, but avoid excessive JPG compression during editing. Save a high-quality original and make edits on a copy to upload.

Does Facebook reduce photo resolution?

Yes, Facebook resizes images down to around 2000 pixels on the longest edge by default. Higher resolution originals will have less noticeable reduction in quality.


Uploading high-resolution lossless images is the best way to maximize photo quality on Facebook. Take time to export properly sized versions and you can ensure your images stay crisp and clear, even after Facebook compression.

Following the tips in this guide, you can drastically improve how your photographs look on the world’s largest photo sharing platform.