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How do I stop Facebook from flickering?

How do I stop Facebook from flickering?

If you are noticing that Facebook seems to flicker or flash periodically when you are using it, there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve this issue. Flickering or flashing on Facebook is often caused by an issue with your browser, extensions, or settings.

Quick Fixes

Here are some quick things to try that may fix a flickering Facebook:

  • Refresh the page – Flickering can sometimes be caused by a temporary glitch, refreshing may help.
  • Disable extensions – Browser extensions can sometimes cause flickering, try disabling them.
  • Update graphics drivers – Outdated graphics drivers can lead to display issues like flickering.
  • Adjust hardware acceleration – Turning off hardware acceleration in your browser may help.
  • Clear browser cache – Clearing your browser’s cached files can resolve display glitches.
  • Try a different browser – The issue may be browser-specific, try Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Identify the Cause

If quick fixes don’t resolve the flickering, you’ll want to try and identify what exactly is causing the problem. Here are some things to look at:


Browser extensions are a common source of flickering. Try disabling all extensions one by one to see if one in particular is the culprit. Some extensions known to cause flickering include ad blockers, VPN services, and tools like Grammarly.

Browser Settings

Look in your browser settings for anything that could be contributing to the flickering. Turn off hardware acceleration, disable plugins, and adjust visual effect settings. Removing toolbars and unused search engines can also help.

Video Drivers

Outdated, buggy, or incompatible video drivers are one of the most common reasons for screen flickering. Check for available driver updates from the manufacturer of your graphics card. Reinstalling drivers can also help.

Website Code

While less likely, its possible flickering could be caused by code on the Facebook website itself. Try viewing Facebook in different browsers or devices to pinpoint if the issue is specific to one platform.


Problems with your physical display like refresh rate conflicts, faulty connections or old age can also lead to flickering issues. Connect your computer to a different display if possible to test.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If you’ve tried the steps above and are still experiencing Facebook flickering, here are some more advanced things to try:

  • Update BIOS – An outdated system BIOS can cause compatibility issues leading to flickering.
  • OS Update – Install the latest updates for your operating system, graphics drivers and hardware.
  • Clean Install – Uninstall then reinstall the browser and graphics drivers from scratch.
  • System Restore – Roll back your system to an earlier restore point before the issue occurred.
  • Disable Hardware – Disable onboard graphics or disconnect extra monitors to isolate the source.
  • Check Temperatures – Overheating components can cause flickering and display corruption.

When to Seek Help

If you still can’t resolve the Facebook flickering after trying the above steps, you may need to seek additional help:

  • Post on tech forums – Describe your issue and what you’ve tried so far for help from experts.
  • Run diagnostics – Use built-in tools like Windows Memory Diagnostic to check for issues.
  • Contact support – Reach out to Facebook help resources or your device manufacturer.
  • Take it to a professional – Bring your computer to a repair tech for inspection.

Preventing Future Flickering

Once you’ve resolved your Facebook flickering problems, here are some tips to help prevent it from happening again:

  • Keep browsers, OS updated – Install software updates promptly to fix bugs and improve compatibility.
  • Limit extensions – Don’t install unnecessary browser extensions that could interfere.
  • Monitor temperatures – Use cooling pads and regularly blow out dust to prevent overheating.
  • Don’t overload system – Avoid running too many resource heavy programs simultaneously.
  • Check connections – Make sure cables between monitor and PC are secure and undamaged.
  • Consider upgrades – If your PC components are outdated, upgrades can improve stability.
  • Use quality hardware – Choose components from reputable brands known for reliability.

Common Causes of Facebook Flickering

Here is a table summarizing the most common potential causes and solutions for Facebook flickering:

Cause Solution
Outdated graphics driver Update to latest video driver
Extension conflict Disable extensions one by one
Browser cache Clear browser cached files
Hardware acceleration Turn off hardware acceleration
Incompatible software Update OS, browser, and apps
Overheating Clean PC, ensure adequate cooling
Buggy browser Use a different web browser
Display settings Adjust resolution, refresh rate
Bad monitor/cable Replace monitor or video cable


In summary, Facebook flickering is usually caused by software conflicts, outdated components, or hardware faults. Start by trying simple browser tweaks and work through more advanced troubleshooting until the cause is identified. Prevent issues in the future with proper computer maintenance. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to seek help through tech support channels or computer professionals. With some targeted troubleshooting, you should be able to resolve Facebook flickering and enjoy seamless browsing once again.