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How do I stop annoying pop-ups on Facebook?

How do I stop annoying pop-ups on Facebook?

Facebook pop-ups can be annoying and intrusive. Here are some tips to stop pop-ups on Facebook:

Use an ad blocker

One of the best ways to stop pop-ups is to use an ad blocker. Ad blockers prevent pop-ups, ads, and other intrusive elements from displaying on web pages. Some popular ad blockers include:

  • uBlock Origin
  • AdBlock Plus
  • AdGuard

These browser extensions can be installed for free and customized to block different types of ads and pop-ups. When enabled on your browser, they will automatically block many of the annoying pop-ups you encounter on Facebook.

How to install an ad blocker

Installing an ad blocker is simple:

  1. Choose an ad blocker from the options mentioned above.
  2. Search for the ad blocker in your browser’s extension marketplace (Chrome Web Store for Chrome, Add-ons for Firefox).
  3. Click “Add to Chrome” or “Add to Firefox” to install the extension.
  4. Confirm that you want to add the extension by clicking “Add extension.”

Once installed, the ad blocker will automatically work in the background to block pop-ups.

Customizing your ad blocker

Many ad blockers allow you to customize what types of ads and pop-ups get blocked. For example, in uBlock Origin you can click the extension icon in your browser toolbar, then click “Dashboard” to access settings. From here you can whitelist certain sites or enable additional filter lists to increase blocking.

Take some time to customize your ad blocker to best block the pop-ups you see on Facebook.

Adjust Facebook Ad Preferences

Facebook collects data about you in order to serve targeted advertisements. You can reduce advertisements and pop-ups by updating your Facebook ad preferences:

  1. Click the arrow in the top right corner and go to “Settings & Privacy.”
  2. Under “Privacy,” click “Ads.”
  3. Click “Ad settings.”
  4. Update “Ads based on data from partners,” “Ads that include my social actions” and other options.

Restricting Facebook’s ability to target ads can reduce how many pop-ups and sponsored posts you see.

Removing interests

From the “Ads” section, click “Your interests” and remove any interests you do not want used for ad targeting purposes.

Hiding ad topics

You can also hide ad topics you no longer wish to see. Click “Hide ad topics” and select any topics you want to remove.

Continually refine your ad preferences and interests to see fewer targeted pop-ups from Facebook advertisers.

Adjust Notifications Settings

Facebook sends various notifications which can clutter your screen and be distracting. Reduce notifications by going to “Settings & Privacy” then “Notifications” and adjusting these options:

  • Turn off push notifications for Facebook altogether
  • Unfollow friends who clutter your feed
  • Turn off specific notification types
  • Reduce the number of emails Facebook sends you

You can also click on the three dots next to groups or pages and select “Turn off notifications” to stop getting notified of new posts.

Manage notifications from friends

To manage notifications from friends:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Click “Notifications”
  3. Click “Notifications from friends”
  4. Review all notification options and disable any unnecessary ones

This allows you to keep notifications just from close friends or groups you interact with regularly.

Reduce email notifications

Facebook often emails notifications even if you have them turned off within Facebook. To reduce emails:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Click “Notifications”
  3. Click “Email”
  4. Turn off as many email notification options as possible

Adjusting these notification settings can significantly reduce distracting pop-ups.

Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links

One cause of annoying pop-ups and redirects is clicking on suspicious or questionable links. Avoid clicking links with these characteristics:

  • From pages or people you don’t know or trust
  • Have spelling errors or odd URLs
  • Promise prizes, free gifts, or other unlikely rewards for clicking
  • Have exaggerated headlines like “You won’t believe what happened!”

Even links posted by friends could lead to pop-ups if their account has been compromised. Always hover over a link to see the URL before clicking.

How to tell if a link is suspicious

Here are some signs a link may be suspicious and lead to pop-ups or malware:

  • URL looks different than the text – hover to check
  • Misspelled or odd-looking URL
  • URL from an unknown or questionable domain
  • Link promising free gifts, prizes, or other unlikely rewards
  • Posts urging you to share or click quickly

When in doubt, avoid clicking unfamiliar links, even if shared by friends.

What to do if you click a suspicious link

If you accidentally click a shady link:

  1. Close the tab immediately
  2. Run an antivirus scan to check for malware
  3. Change your Facebook password if concerned about account security
  4. Watch for suspicious posts moving forward

Avoiding questionable links can prevent many annoying or malicious pop-ups.

Use Pop-Up Blocking Browsers and Extensions

In addition to ad blockers, you can stop pop-ups using these browser tools:

  • Chrome – has built-in pop-up blocker
  • Firefox – blocks pop-ups by default
  • Popup Blocker extensions – extra blocking power

Enable these features for maximum pop-up protection:

Browser How to Enable Pop-up Blocker
Chrome Click three dots in top right > Settings > Privacy and security > Site settings > Pop-ups and redirects > Blocked
Firefox Click three lines in top right > Options/Preferences > Privacy & Security > Permissions > Block pop-up windows

You can also search the extension stores for dedicated pop-up blocking extensions for extra protection.

Recommended pop-up blockers

Here are some top-rated pop-up blocking extensions:

Extension Browser
Popup Blocker Pro Chrome, Firefox
AdBlock Pro Chrome
Wipr Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge

Search browser extension stores to find highly rated pop-up blockers for your preferred browser.

Stay Logged Out When Possible

Facebook displays more pop-ups and sponsored posts to logged in users in order to target ads based on their data and behavior. When possible:

  • Use Facebook in an incognito or private browsing window
  • Remain logged out of your account
  • Periodically clear cookies and site data

This prevents Facebook from linking pop-ups and ads to your personal account activity.

How to browse Facebook while logged out

To use Facebook while logged out:

  1. Open an incognito/private window in your browser
  2. Go to and browse as usual
  3. Interact with pages and groups anonymously
  4. No personal data is collected in this mode

You can still view content but won’t have a personalized feed.

Clearing site data

To further remove identifying info:

  1. Click the three dots or settings menu in your browser
  2. Go to Settings/Preferences > Privacy and Security > Clear Data
  3. Select “Clear cookies and site data” for

Clearing this data periodically resets any tracking and improves anonymity.

Install a Pop-Up Management Extension

Rather than completely block pop-ups, browser extensions like Popup Manager let you manage pop-ups on a case-by-case basis:

  • Popup Manager for Chrome
  • Popup Control for Firefox

These provide more fine-grained control than pop-up blockers. When a pop-up appears, you have options to:

  • Block it
  • Allow it once
  • Allow it always
  • Other actions like pinning

With pop-up managers you can choose to interact with pop-ups you want while blocking unwanted ones.

How Popup Managers work

When a pop-up triggers, the extension icon indicates how many pop-ups are waiting. You can click to view a list of pending pop-ups and select how each should be handled. Options include:

  • Block – Prevents current and future pop-ups from that source
  • Allow once – Lets the current pop-up load one time only
  • Allow always – Adds the source to whitelist so future pop-ups can load
  • Pin – Pops the window out into a floating pinned window

This gives you granular control without outright blocking all pop-ups which may prevent some legitimate pop-ups.

Benefits of Popup Managers

  • See all pop-ups in one view
  • Manage pop-ups individually
  • Doesn’t block legitimate pop-ups
  • More control than blanket blocking

Installing a dedicated pop-up manager provides balanced control over distracting pop-ups.


Annoying pop-ups and ads on Facebook can be disruptive and compromise privacy. The techniques covered in this guide provide ways to reduce intrusive Facebook pop-ups for a better user experience.

Key takeaways include:

  • Use ad blockers to prevent many pop-ups entirely
  • Adjust Facebook notification settings to reduce pop-up prompts
  • Avoid clicking questionable links that may trigger pop-ups
  • Enable built-in browser pop-up blockers
  • Use private browsing to keep activity anonymous
  • Install pop-up management extensions for more control

Trying a combination of these tips can significantly decrease annoying pop-ups and create a cleaner Facebook experience.