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How do I start making money on my Facebook?

How do I start making money on my Facebook?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. With such a massive user base, Facebook presents a major opportunity for individuals and businesses to make money directly on the platform.

There are several ways to monetize a Facebook presence, from simply placing ads on your page, to selling products directly through Facebook Shops. The strategy you choose will depend on your goals, audience, and existing resources. With a thoughtful approach, you can turn your Facebook presence into a steady revenue stream.

Should I create a Facebook Page or Group?

The first step is deciding whether to build a Facebook Page or Group. Here is a quick comparison:

  • Pages – Public profiles that individuals or businesses create. You can run ads and sell products directly on Pages.
  • Groups – Private spaces where members can share content and discuss common interests. Monetization options are more limited.

For making money directly on Facebook, Pages offer more options. You can always create a complementary Group down the line to engage your followers.

How do I create a Facebook Page?

Setting up a Facebook Page is free and easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click “Create” in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Page” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose a Page category that fits your focus, like Business or Community.
  4. Add your Page name, some basic information about your purpose, and a profile picture.
  5. Click the blue “Continue” button. Your new Page is ready!

Make sure to add a profile and cover image, write an informative “About” section, and engage your initial followers. A complete, professional-looking Page establishes credibility.

How do I get followers on my Facebook Page?

There are several proven tactics to get more Facebook Page followers (also called Likes or Fans):

  • Run Facebook ads targeting your ideal audience.
  • Post engaging content regularly.
  • Use hashtags and location tags to increase discoverability.
  • Cross-promote your Page on other channels.
  • Encourage current followers to Like and Share your content.
  • Use Facebook Insights to analyze your metrics and finetune tactics.

It takes consistent effort, but it’s completely doable to build an audience of thousands or even millions of fans who like your brand.

What are some ways to make money from a Facebook Page?

Now let’s get into the money-making possibilities. Here are some of the top options:

Run Facebook Advertising

One of the simplest ways to monetize a Facebook presence is by running ads. You’ve probably seen sponsored posts in your feed promoting businesses. You can create your own using Facebook’s advertising tools.

Facebook offers an intuitive ads manager where you can:

  • Choose your campaign objective (awareness, traffic, conversions, etc).
  • Target your ads based on detailed audience parameters like age, location, and interests.
  • Set a monthly budget so you don’t overspend.
  • Create ads with text, images, video, and more.

Then Facebook will show your ads to relevant users and you only pay when people click your ad or complete your desired action. This pay-per-click model makes Facebook ads very low-risk. And the large audience and targeting options give your brand tremendous exposure potential.

Sell Products or Services

Facebook Pages also allow you to directly sell products or services. There are a couple ways to approach this:

  • Facebook Shop – Create an online store directly on your Page. Users can browse and buy your items without leaving Facebook.
  • Posts and Ads – Promote your offerings through regular posts and ads. Then process orders on your external site.

The second option keeps things simple if you already have an ecommerce site. Make use of custom “Buy Now” buttons, tags, and other features to enable quick transactions.

Selling physical or digital products is a major money maker for many Facebook Pages. Just stay compliant with Facebook’s commerce policies.

Offer Paid Services

Offering paid services is another way to generate revenue from your Page audience. For example, you could offer:

  • Paid online courses
  • Live or pre-recorded webinars
  • Consulting services
  • Virtual coaching and training
  • Subscription content

Promote these paid offerings to your target audience, process transactions externally, and limit access through groups, codes, etc. This leverages the audience you’ve built on Facebook to sell high-value services.

Use Facebook Pay

Facebook Pay allows users to make payments and donations directly on Facebook in a few taps. Users can store payment information safely in one place for convenience.

As a Page owner, you can integrate Facebook Pay to enable quick on-platform transactions. This creates a seamless experience for your followers.

Payments made via Facebook Pay are processed by external partners like Stripe and PayPal. Facebook itself does not process or store users’ actual payment information.

Monetize Facebook Live Videos

Facebook Live is an engaging video broadcasting tool. You can generate revenue from your live videos in a few ways:

  • Run ads during or between videos
  • Promote paid products/services and include links
  • Enable viewer tips and gifts
  • Charge for premium content

Musicians, teachers, coaches, and other creators can monetize their expertise through interactive live broadcasts.

Use an Affiliate Marketing Model

With affiliate marketing, you earn commission promoting other companies’ products or services. Here are some tips for running an affiliate program on Facebook:

  • Choose affiliate products aligned with your niche and audience.
  • Join affiliate networks like ShareASale to find suitable offerings.
  • Create posts and ads to promote affiliate products and highlight their value.
  • Use tracking links so purchases can be attributed to you.
  • Draw audiences to your website for greater monetization options.

The ability to easily run ads and share affiliate links makes Facebook a top platform for affiliate marketers.

What are Facebook’s policies around making money?

While Facebook offers diverse monetization capabilities, it’s important to adhere to their policies to avoid penalties. Here are some key guidelines for Pages seeking to make money:

  • Comply with Facebook’s commerce, advertising, and other policies.
  • Use real names and credentials when managing Pages and ad accounts.
  • Abide by all applicable laws and regulations for your location and industry.
  • Do not engage in deceptive or misleading practices.
  • Disclose paid promotions and affiliate relationships transparently.

Staying compliant protects your Page’s reputation and standing. Read Facebook’s guidelines closely and consult them before pursuing new monetization tactics.

Can I make money from a personal Facebook profile?

For business activities, Facebook recommends converting personal profiles into Pages. However, you still have some monetization options for a personal profile:

  • Promote affiliate links in your posts – Disclose affiliate relationships clearly.
  • Go “live” and enable viewer tips/gifts – Popular for gamers and creators.
  • Sell items in Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Groups.
  • Participate in Facebook research studies and surveys.

Just ensure you comply with Facebook’s terms for acceptable use by individuals. Maintaining your personal connections should take priority over money-making.

What tools can help me monetize my Facebook presence?

Some additional tools can optimize and simplify your Facebook money-making strategy:

  • Facebook Business Suite – Manage your Pages, ad accounts, and insights in one centralized dashboard.
  • Facebook Creator Studio – Analyze Facebook and Instagram content performance, schedule posts, and more.
  • Facebook Shopify – Integrate your Shopify store with Facebook for enhanced selling options.
  • Affiliate management plugins – Track clicks and sales from affiliate links.
  • Automation tools – Schedule content and engage followers at optimal times.

The right tools help you streamline posting workflows, analyze performance, save time, and ultimately boost your revenue.


With over 1 billion daily active users, Facebook offers immense opportunities to start making money directly on their platform. The keys are choosing the right monetization strategies for your goals and audience, playing to Facebook’s strengths for community engagement and discovery, and closely adhering to Facebook’s policies.

Some smart tactics to get started include:

  • Building an audience by creating valuable content and running ads
  • Selling products, services or online courses
  • Monetizing Facebook Live broadcasts
  • Promoting affiliate products relevant to your niche
  • Leveraging Facebook Pay for seamless transactions

Put your unique, creative touch on these models and optimize them over time. With consistent effort, you can develop a profitable presence on the world’s largest social network.