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How do I start a new Facebook account over?

How do I start a new Facebook account over?

Starting a new Facebook account from scratch can be daunting, but with the right steps it can be done smoothly. Facebook has become such an integral part of many people’s lives that losing access to an old account or wanting a fresh start can feel like a major life change. This article will walk through all the steps needed and considerations to take when starting a brand new Facebook account.

Reasons For Starting A New Account

There are a few common reasons someone may want to start over with a new Facebook account:

  • You can’t access your old account anymore, either because you forgot the password, lost access to the email, or Facebook disabled it.
  • You want to separate friends/family from professional contacts and start fresh.
  • Your old account has too much embarrassing or outdated information you want to leave behind.
  • You went through a major life change like marriage and want a new start.
  • You feel like you spend too much time on your current account and want to try limiting social media use.

Whatever the reason, wanting a completely fresh start on Facebook is understandable. But it does take some strategizing to do it right.

Preparing To Open A New Account

Before you open that brand new Facebook account, there are a few things you should do to prepare:

Decide on an email address

You’ll need an email address to sign up for your new Facebook account. This is best if it’s an email only used for this account and not tied to your old Facebook or other social media. Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and other free email providers offer simple signups.

Choose a new name

Unlike your old Facebook account, you’ll want to register your new account under a name your old friends and contacts won’t automatically recognize. This gives you a better shot at starting fresh. You can sign up with your middle name, a nickname, or initials instead of your first name.

Find profile photos not on your old account

Any photos used in your old Facebook profile need to be avoided in the new account. Search your computer or take brand new selfies to upload to the new profile so you can’t be easily connected to the old you.

Consider limiting info you share

Be more selective with what personal info, like your job, education, location etc that you add to this new account. You can always add more later after seeing who seeks you out organically.

Creating The New Account

Once you’ve put together your new email, name and photos, it’s time to open the account:

  1. Go to and click Create New Account
  2. Enter your new email and desired password
  3. Type in your new name and birthday
  4. Click sign up and upload a photo to represent you

The signup process is very quick. But there are still some important steps before using the profile.

Key Steps After Creating Account

Check these tasks off your list after opening your new Facebook account for maximum control:

Adjust privacy settings

Go through each section in Settings > Privacy and tailor the options to your comfort level. Make items like posts, friends list, photos more private.

Stay unsearchable

In Settings > Privacy, you can prevent your new profile from appearing in public Facebook searches. Only mutual friends can find you.

Change ad preferences

Your new account will start out with generic ads based on the info you provided. Go into Settings > Ads to tweak preferences and data use.

Don’t send friend requests yet

It’s best to let current friends and family find you themselves first before reaching out. This helps keep your new account private.

Unfollow old friends/pages

As old connections find your new profile, consider unfollowing their posts to limit ties to your past self initially. You can refollow later.

Finding New Friends and Connections

A fresh start means new friends. Here are tips for making connections without turning to your old inner circle right away:

Search for industry colleagues

Look up professional associations and companies in your line of work to connect with new helpful contacts.

Comment on public posts from interesting people

Engage in broader discussions by replying to posts you admire to get noticed.

Join Facebook groups

Search for groups focused on your hobbies, causes or identity to meet like-minded users.

Follow inspirational public figures

Add motivational authors, artists, community leaders and more to cultivate your feed.

Message friends of friends

If you organically reconnect with some old contacts, browse their friends list for even newer potential friends.

Managing Two Accounts

If you decide to maintain both your old and new Facebook accounts, here are some ways to keep them separate:

Use different emails to log in

As mentioned, attach different email addresses to each profile so you never mix up logins.

Change passwords

Don’t reuse the same password for both accounts. Come up with two distinct, complex passwords.

Log out fully after using each

Always fully log out instead of just closing the tab to prevent accidental crossover.

Use different web browsers

Do all your old account browsing in Chrome and new account in Firefox to prevent confusion, for example.

Bookmark the logins

Save bookmarks logins for each profile to easily access the right one. Include account first name in bookmark title.

Install the Facebook app twice

Use parallel Facebook apps on your mobile device – one for each account.

Pros and Cons of a New Facebook Account

Starting over on Facebook can be refreshing but there are tradeoffs to weigh as well:

Pros Cons
Total fresh start and privacy Loss of old connections and history
Control what new friends see Takes time and effort to rebuild profile
Distance from past mistakes or drama Some couldn’t find you if wanted to
New perspective on how to use Facebook Missing out on some notifications and messages


Although it takes dedication and intention, creating an entirely new Facebook profile can end up being a fun and rewarding way to start fresh. By being selective with data you provide, limiting visibility, and approaching new connections thoughtfully, you can craft a whole new social media identity. Just take it slowly, focus on the future, and be patient allowing your new Facebook presence to flourish.