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How do I show my likes and followers on Facebook?

How do I show my likes and followers on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. A key part of the Facebook experience is being able to see how many likes and followers you have for your profile and posts. This lets you gauge your reach and popularity on Facebook. Fortunately, Facebook makes it easy to find and display your like and follower counts. Here’s what you need to know.

Checking Your Profile Likes

Your Facebook profile likes represent the total number of likes your profile has received. This is different from post likes, which show how many likes a specific post has. Here’s how to see your Facebook profile likes count:

  1. Go to your profile page. This is the page that displays your cover photo, profile photo and information.
  2. In the left-hand column, click “Friends” below your cover photo.
  3. You’ll see a box that says “Friends – #”. The number shown here is your total profile likes.

So if your Friends box says “Friends – 5,200”, that means your profile has received 5,200 likes total. This number includes all likes ever received, even if some people have unliked your profile since.

Checking Your Post Likes

While your profile shows total lifetime likes, you can also view likes for each post you’ve shared. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on “Posts” in the left column.
  2. Scroll through your posts. Beneath the text and photo for each one you’ll see icons indicating how many reactions, comments and shares it has received.
  3. The number on the “Thumbs Up” icon is the like count for that specific post.

So if you see “45” on the Thumbs Up icon, that post has received 45 likes. You can click into each post to see a list of friends who’ve liked it.

Checking Your Follower Count

In addition to profile and post likes, you may want to see how many followers you have on Facebook. Your follower count represents the number of people who have subscribed to follow your public updates.

View your Facebook follower count by:

  1. Going to your profile page
  2. Clicking “Friends” in the left column
  3. Looking below the Friends box, where it will say “Followers – #”

The number displayed is your total follower count. This shows all followers, even if some have unfollowed you since.

Using Facebook Insights for More Stats

Facebook offers additional analytics through Facebook Insights. This lets you dive deeper into your profile and post metrics. To access insights:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Click on “Insights” in the left column
  3. Browse tabs like “Followers”, “Likes” and “Reach” for detailed stats

In the Followers tab you can see your follower growth over time. In Posts you can analyze engagement for each post. Insights provides a wealth of analytics to help optimize your Facebook presence.

Displaying Like & Follower Counts Publicly

Now that you know how to find your Facebook likes and followers, you may want to display these counts publicly to showcase your popularity. There are a few options for this:

  • Badges: Facebook offers profile badge widgets to promote your page likes and followers. Just go to your Page settings and add the appropriate badges.
  • Profile Bio: List your stats directly in your bio, like “5,200 profile likes | 4,500 followers”
  • Overlay Apps: Third party apps like SnazzyStats let you overlay your counts prominently on your profile picture.

However, keep in mind Facebook has deprecated badge counts in the user interface. Your metrics may be more meaningful communicated through compelling content and engagement. But badges, bios and apps can still help strengthen your influential presence.

Troubleshooting Like and Follower Counts

Sometimes your Facebook like and follower numbers may seem incorrect or fluctuate up and down. Here are some common causes and fixes for inaccurate counts:

Sudden Drops: Facebook Resets

Facebook occasionally resets like and follower metrics as part of their ongoing site maintenance and optimization. Don’t worry – this is normal and your actual followers are still there. Your numbers will gradually rebuild over the next few days as people interact again.

Slow Updates: Facebook Caching

Due to the enormous amount of traffic and data on Facebook, page insights are cached and can take time to update. It’s common for likes and followers to appear higher or lower for a few hours until caching catches up.

Hidden Followers: Profile Settings

In your profile settings, you can hide yourself from appearing in public follower lists. Your hidden followers will still be included in your overall follower count though.

Deactivated Accounts: Ghost Followers

If a follower deactivates their Facebook account, they disappear from your followers list immediately. However, they’ll remain counted in your total follower number unless they permanently delete their account.

Blocked Accounts: Can’t Follow

Blocking someone prevents them from following you again. However, it doesn’t remove them from your existing followers list retroactively.

Patience and allowing time for caching is the best solution if your counts look incorrect. The numbers tend to resolve themselves within a few days in most cases.

Get More Likes and Followers

While likes and followers aren’t everything, building your numbers can help increase your visibility and reputation on Facebook. Here are some tips:

  • Post Engaging Content: Useful, funny and inspiring posts will attract more interaction.
  • Optimize With Hashtags: Using relevant hashtags makes it easier for people to find your posts.
  • Run Contests: Prize giveaways and contests can help you gain more likes and followers.
  • Engage With Others: Commenting and liking posts from target audiences will lead more back to your profile.
  • Share Visual Media: Photos, videos and Stories tend to grab more attention than plain text.
  • Advertise: Use Facebook Ads to promote your page to targeted demographics.
  • Invite Friends: Prompt existing contacts to follow you directly through Facebook invites.
  • Cross-Promote: Market your Facebook through your other social media accounts.

With time, care and quality content, your Facebook likes and followers can steadily grow. But remember that engagement is ultimately more important than vanity metrics alone.


Facebook provides user-friendly tools for monitoring profile likes, post likes, and followers. Look in your Friends box for profile likes, post icons for post likes, and your Follower count below Friends. Use Insights for more in-depth analytics. Display counts publicly through badges, bios and apps if desired. Employ strategies like social advertising and contests to help drive more likes and followers. Focus on providing value, and the numbers will gradually build over time.

Metric How to Check
Profile Likes Friends box on profile page
Post Likes Thumbs Up icon on each post
Followers Follower count below Friends box