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How do I show most recent news feed on Facebook?

How do I show most recent news feed on Facebook?

Here are some quick answers to getting the most recent news feed on Facebook:

Enable the Most Recent Setting

The easiest way to see the newest posts at the top of your News Feed is to enable the “Most Recent” setting:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click on the 3 line menu icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Most Recent” under the “News Feed Preferences” section

This will instantly rearrange your News Feed so the newest posts from friends, pages, and groups you follow are at the top. The setting will stay enabled unless you manually switch back to the default “Top Stories” view.

Adjust News Feed Controls

You can also prioritize newer content in your News Feed using the News Feed Controls:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click on the 3 line menu icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “News Feed Preferences”
  4. Drag the slider next to “Earlier Posts” to the right to see more recent stories higher up

This gives you more granular control over the mix of new and old posts. Dragging the slider further right will increase the number of latest posts you see.

Follow Pages That Post Frequently

The more active pages you follow, the more recent updates will appear in your News Feed. Follow pages that post status updates often so you see their newest content right away.

Some examples of frequently updating pages to follow include:

  • News and media outlets
  • Sports teams and athletes
  • Bands and music artists
  • Webcomics and meme pages
  • Brands and companies

Go through and Like any active pages you want to see the latest from. Their newest posts will then start appearing at the top of your feed.

Interact With Friends Regularly

Facebook’s algorithm also takes your interactions into account. Being active and engaging with your friends’ posts helps surface their latest updates higher in your feed.

Ways to interact more with friends include:

  • Commenting on their posts
  • Liking and reacting to photos
  • Sharing updates
  • Tagging friends in posts
  • Joining in group conversations

The more you interact, the more Facebook will show you the latest from those friends when you check your News Feed.

Use the Bookmarks Menu

Facebook’s Bookmarks menu lets you access your newest News Feed posts in just one click:

  1. Click the Bookmarks icon near the top of the left sidebar
  2. Select “News Feed”

This will open a feed of your most recent stories. You can also bookmark the Most Recent News Feed view here for quick access later.

Try Out Different Sorting Views

In addition to Most Recent, Facebook provides other News Feed sorting options you can test out:

  • Top Stories – Default algorithmic view showing you a mix of popular and relevant posts.
  • Friends First – Posts more heavily weighted toward friends and family.
  • Pages First – Shows page posts higher up.

Toggle between these options in your News Feed Preferences to see which ones surface new content you care about seeing immediately.

Use Third-Party Apps

Some third party apps can also provide a constantly updating feed of your newest Facebook posts:

  • Buffer – Social media management platform with option to create a shareable live feed from Facebook.
  • Feedly – News aggregator that lets you add a Facebook feed.
  • Social Report – Monitoring tool with a real-time Facebook post stream.

These services can complement the native options above by giving you an external live feed of your Facebook updates.

Check News Feed Frequently

The simplest way to see new posts right away is to check your News Feed often. Set reminders to refresh the page every hour or few hours if you want to stay on top of the latest updates.

Tips for frequent News Feed checks:

  • Add Facebook as a browser bookmark for easy access
  • Install the Facebook mobile app to check on-the-go
  • Enable News Feed notifications on your device
  • Add a News Feed browser extension to alert you of new posts

Frequently loading your News Feed gives you more opportunities throughout the day to catch your friends’ and pages’ latest posts.


Viewing the most recent stories at the top of your News Feed helps you stay in-the-know about what’s happening now on Facebook. Configure your settings to prioritize new posts, follow active pages, engage with friends often, and check your feed regularly to see updates as they occur.

With these tips, you can keep your News Feed fresh and make sure you never miss the latest posts from your connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I not seeing recent posts at the top of my News Feed?

There are a few possible reasons you may not be seeing the newest posts first, including:

  • You have the default “Top Stories” view enabled – Change to the “Most Recent” setting
  • You don’t follow many frequently updating pages – Try following more active pages
  • You haven’t interacted with friends recently – Be more active commenting and reacting to posts
  • The algorithm is still learning your preferences – Give it time to optimize your feed

Is there a way to get notified about new News Feed posts?

Yes, Facebook has notifications you can enable to alert you when there is new activity in your News Feed, including posts from friends and pages you follow. On desktop, the notifications appear in the top blue bar. On mobile, they will show up as push notifications.

Can I create a dedicated feed of only my latest News Feed posts?

Services like Buffer and Feedly allow you to generate a specialized feed that displays only your newest Facebook updates. You can also bookmark the Most Recent view in Facebook’s Bookmarks menu for quick one-click access.

What’s the difference between Most Recent and Top Stories?

Most Recent shows all new posts in strict chronological order, while Top Stories uses an algorithm to rank and mix older and newer stories. Most Recent ensures you always see latest posts first.

How often does Facebook News Feed update?

The Facebook News Feed updates in real-time as new stories are posted. However, it relies on users actively posting and interacting to surface fresh content. Pages that post more often will result in more frequent News Feed updates.

News Feed Sorting Methods Comparison

Here is a comparison of Facebook’s different News Feed sorting options:

Sorting Method Description Benefits
Most Recent Newest posts always at top See latest updates immediately
Top Stories Algorithmic mix of new and old Balance of timely and relevant
Friends First Prioritizes friend content Stay connected with friends
Pages First Shows more page posts up top Get more updates from pages

Tips for Interacting with Friends’ Posts

Interacting with friends is key to seeing their latest posts. Here are some tips for engaging more:

Interaction How To Do It Benefit
Comment Type comments below posts Join the conversation
Like Click the Like button Show appreciation
React Use a reaction emoji Express how you feel
Share Click the Share button Repost content
Tag Mention friends in posts Include them

Why are some older posts appearing in my Most Recent feed?

Facebook’s algorithms may sometimes surface older posts in the Most Recent feed if they are seeing high engagement. These “bumped up” posts are intended to prevent you from missing popular content. You can hide posts you’ve already seen to keep focus on new.

Can I filter my News Feed by date or time posted?

Unfortunately there is no native News Feed filter to show posts from a specific date range or time period. The best option is to use Most Recent and regularly check-in to see the latest updates.

Will using third-party apps to access Facebook get me banned?

No, apps like Buffer and Feedly are authorized services allowed to access Facebook data through the Graph API. As long as you use reputable third-party apps, not unofficial workarounds, there is no risk of getting banned from Facebook.


  • Enable “Most Recent” News Feed setting
  • Adjust News Feed controls to favor recent posts
  • Follow more pages that post frequently like news and brands
  • Regularly interact with friends by commenting, liking, and sharing
  • Check News Feed often to catch updates right away

With these tips, you’ll see the newest posts every time you check Facebook. Never miss fresh content from friends, family, and pages you follow.