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How do I share someone’s story on my story?

How do I share someone’s story on my story?

Sharing posts from others on your Instagram Story can be a great way to engage with your followers and give credit to creators you admire. However, Instagram has specific rules around story sharing, so it’s important to understand how to properly share someone else’s content.

Getting Permission

First and foremost, you need permission from the original poster before sharing their content on your Instagram Story. You don’t own the rights to other people’s posts, even if you’re just looking to share it with your own followers. Always ask the creator if they’re okay with you sharing their post. Many creators will appreciate the exposure, but it’s still important to ask first.

Tagging the Original Poster

Once you have permission to share the post, you should always tag the original poster. When you share the post to your Story, type ‘@’ followed by their exact Instagram handle. This gives them credit for creating the content and also allows your followers to easily find and follow the original poster if they want to see more of their content.

Using the Share Poster Option

The easiest way to share someone else’s feed post or Story on your own Story is to use the “Share Poster” option. To do this:

  • Go to the post you want to share on the original poster’s profile.
  • Tap the paper airplane icon below the post.
  • Select “Share Poster to Your Story.”
  • This will add the post to your story with the original poster tagged.

Reposting vs Sharing

It’s important to understand the difference between “sharing” someone’s post and “reposting” it:

  • Sharing means posting their content on your Story which disappears after 24 hours. This shares their post temporarily.
  • Reposting means posting their permanent post on your own feed or profile. You should always ask for permission before reposting someone else’s content to your own page.

Give Value to Your Followers

Don’t just share random posts from others. Make sure the content you share adds value for your followers. For example, you can share posts from influencers in your industry that provide helpful tips or inspirational quotes. Write a quick caption explaining why you’re sharing a particular post.

Follow Fair Use Guidelines

Even if you have permission to share someone’s post, you still need to follow Instagram’s community guidelines and fair use doctrine. This means:

  • Only sharing a small portion of a video – no more than 10 seconds.
  • Not sharing entire blog posts or articles from others.
  • Only sharing non-copyrighted material.

Credit the Creator

Always make sure to visibly credit whoever created the original post. Tagging them is the minimum, but you can also add text like “Photo by @username” or “Post via @username.” Give a clear indication that you did not create the content.

Ask First If Unsure

When in doubt, ask the original poster if they mind you sharing their content. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Many legal issues can be avoided by simply getting permission and visibly crediting whoever created the post.

Using Repost Apps

Third-party apps like Regrammer allow you to easily repost others’ content. However, you still need to follow all the best practices around crediting the creator and getting their permission before using these tools.

Story Stickers

Instagram provides some great creative tools to make shared posts stand out. Try adding stickers like:

  • The original poster’s username
  • “Shared with [your username]” sticker
  • GIFs or other visual effects

Tagging Brands

If you want to tag a brand in a shared post, double check that the original poster didn’t intentionally leave the brand untagged for a reason. Respect their tagging preferences.

Resharing Your Own Content

You are free to reshare your own content on your Story as you see fit. But be cautious of over-sharing the same content too many times, as this can annoy followers.

Removing Tagged Posts

Any user has the right to untag themselves from a shared Story post. So if someone asks you to remove a post you shared that tags them, respect their wishes and delete it from your Story.


Sharing other people’s Instagram posts on your Story should be done thoughtfully. Always get the creator’s permission, visibly credit them, add value for your audience, and follow fair use principles. When in doubt, ask the original poster if they’re comfortable with you sharing their content.

Do Don’t
Get permission first Share without consent
Tag the original poster Repost entire posts
Use Share Poster feature Post copyrighted material
Credit the creator Share too much of a video
Provide value for your audience Ignore untag requests

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of someone’s video can I share?

Instagram recommends keeping shared video clips to just 10 seconds or less. Anything above that requires explicit permission.

What if someone’s post appears on Explore?

Even if you discover a post on Explore, it’s not public domain content. Treat it the same as any other user’s post and get permission before sharing.

Can I share posts across different social media?

Each platform has its own rules. Get permission from the original poster before sharing their Instagram content on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

What happens if I share without permission?

You risk having the content reported and removed. Repeated offenses can even get your account banned. Always respect creators’ ownership of their content.

How can I customize shared posts?

Instagram provides creative tools like stickers, drawings, and GIFs to personalize shared posts on your Story. Just don’t edit the original content without permission.


Sharing user-generated posts on your Instagram Story can be an impactful strategy when done properly. It gives exposure to creators, provides value for your audience, and shows your appreciation for others’ work. But be extremely mindful of only reposting content you have direct consent to use, and always give credit where it’s due. With the original creator’s needs top of mind, story sharing can benefit everyone involved.