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How do I share someone else’s story on Facebook?

How do I share someone else’s story on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to share posts from other people’s profiles on their own timelines. This can be a great way to spread interesting content, support friends and family, or bring awareness to important issues. However, it’s important to share responsibly and be mindful of privacy settings when sharing others’ content.

Things to Consider Before Sharing Someone Else’s Post

Before sharing another person’s post or story on Facebook, consider the following:

  • Does the original poster want their content shared publicly? If it’s a close friend, it’s usually fine, but don’t share anything too private.
  • Is the information accurate? Make sure you’re not unintentionally spreading misinformation.
  • Could it be perceived as insensitive? Don’t share content that could be hurtful or offensive to certain groups.
  • Is the post/story recent? Sharing outdated information may spread confusion.
  • Do you have permission? If in doubt, ask the person before sharing their content.

Using discretion is advised when sharing others’ posts. The last thing you want is to upset someone by sharing something they didn’t want public.

How to Share Someone Else’s Post on Facebook

If you’ve determined that it’s appropriate to share someone else’s post, here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the original post on their profile that you want to share.
  2. Click on the Share button below the post. It looks like an arrow curving to the right.
  3. In the Share window that pops up, click on the Share Now button if you want to share it immediately.
  4. To customize the audience, click on the down arrow beside Share Now. Select if you want to share to your timeline, a friend’s timeline, a Facebook group, or in a private message.
  5. The post will now appear on your profile or wherever you chose to share it. It will show that you shared the other person’s post and include their name.

And that’s it! The original post is now shared from your account for your connections to see.

Sharing a Friend’s Life Event or Story

Sharing friends’ life events or stories can be a great way to support them and help spread the word. For example, if your friend just got engaged, they may post about it with a photo. It would be appropriate and thoughtful to share this to your own timeline and congratulate them.

However, make sure you follow the considerations mentioned earlier. Do they seem to want the news shared publicly? Is it very recent, or did you accidentally stumble on an old post? When in doubt, ask them if they’re comfortable with you sharing it. The same goes for any major life events like marriages, births, new jobs, etc.

Sharing an Interesting Article, Video or Photo

If one of your connections shares an article, YouTube video or photo that you find interesting or helpful, sharing it can allow your own friends to see it too. For example, if your friend who’s a chef shares a useful cooking tutorial video, your friends may appreciate you passing that along.

Again, use discretion to ensure the original poster is comfortable with you sharing it more widely. Make sure it comes from a legitimate source and isn’t spreading misinformation before passing it on.

Sharing a Friend’s Travel Photos

When a friend is traveling the world or visiting cool destinations, they’ll likely post photos throughout their journey. It can be exciting to share these photos to your own timeline and engage with them about the experiences.

However, take care not to overshare photos that the original poster may have intended for a smaller audience. Posting too many photos could come across as spamming your friends. And some travelers may not want their location revealed at all times. When in doubt, ask before sharing vacation photos widely.

Sharing Funny Posts and Memes

Brighten up someone’s day by sharing an amusing post or funny meme that a friend originally posted. This can spark laughs among your own connections as well.

Just be cautious not to share anything too silly or embarrassing that the original poster may not appreciate being spread around. Make sure funny images or jokes are all in good taste.

Showing Support for a Cause or Issue

If a friend shares a post raising awareness for a cause or issue, sharing it yourself can help rally more support. This can be especially impactful for social justice issues or nonprofits. However, be sure you research the cause first to make sure it’s legitimate.

Political or controversial issues can be trickier to share. Be sure that doing so aligns with your own values and that the information comes from reputable sources.

Credit the Original Poster

When you share someone else’s content, it’s good practice to credit the original poster or link to the source. This gives them recognition and shows that you’re not taking credit for it as your own.

When you share a post on Facebook, it automatically keeps the original poster’s name attached. But it’s still nice to say something like “Shared from [original poster’s name]” in your additional text.

Be Mindful of Privacy Settings

Keep privacy settings in mind when sharing others’ posts. Even if your account is public, the original poster may have intended their content just for friends and family. Always check with the person first before sharing something from their profile to a wide audience.

You can also look at the audience selector on their original post. If it’s posted to Public, chances are they won’t mind further shares. But if it’s Friends, Family, or a limited group, ask permission before sharing to your own public networks.

Don’t Overshare the Same Content

Avoid excessive sharing of the exact same content over and over. Your friends will likely quickly tire of seeing multiple shares of your friend’s engagement announcement or vacation photos, for example.

Space out your shares, and mix it up with a variety of content from different people. Oversharing will just dilute the impact anyway.

Unshare If Requested

If the original poster asks you to unshare something you’ve already posted, respect their wishes right away. They may have intended a more limited audience or had a change of heart about sharing.

Simply delete your share of their post from your timeline. On desktop, you can click on your share post’s dropdown menu and select Unshare. On mobile, tap on your share, then tap on Unshare.

Reporting Inappropriate Content

If you come across inappropriate content that someone has shared from another person’s profile, don’t share it further. Report it to Facebook by clicking on the three dots in the corner of the post and selecting Report. This helps keep Facebook safe and community-oriented.

Using Common Sense and Courtesy

In summary, use sound judgment when sharing others’ posts. Always be considerate and ask if unsure whether they’d like it shared. Make sure you’re not violating privacy, spreading misinformation or offending people. With care and courtesy, sharing can be a great way to connect!