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How do I share my Goodreads year in books on Facebook?

How do I share my Goodreads year in books on Facebook?

Many avid readers use Goodreads to track and rate the books they read over the course of a year. Goodreads provides a great way to set a reading goal, log the books you’ve read, write reviews, and connect with other book lovers. At the end of each year, Goodreads tallies up all the books you logged and creates an infographic called “Your Year in Books.” This infographic visually displays stats like how many pages you read, what your shortest and longest books were, which genres you read the most, and more. It’s a fun way to look back on your reading accomplishments for the year. If you want to share your Year in Books infographic with friends and followers on Facebook, it’s easy to do! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook.

Why Share Your Year in Books on Facebook?

Here are some great reasons to share your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook:

– It allows you to showcase and celebrate your reading accomplishments for the year. You read a lot of books and that deserves recognition!

– It’s an easy way to let your friends and family know what books you enjoyed reading this year and which ones you’d recommend.

– Your Year in Books infographic is visual and interesting, so it will likely get more engagement on Facebook than just writing a text post about the books you read.

– Other book lovers and friends may discover new books to add to their reading list based on your Year in Books post.

– Sharing on Facebook is fast and convenient way to spread the word about your Goodreads account and encourage others to use Goodreads too.

– It’s a fun conversation starter about books! People will likely comment on your post and engage with you about what they’ve read this year too.

So if you want to share your reading stats and promote Goodreads at the same time, posting your Year in Books on Facebook is a great idea!

How to Find Your Goodreads Year in Books

If you want to share your Goodreads Year in Books infographic, you first need to locate it within your Goodreads account. Here are the steps to find it:

1. Go to and log into your account.

2. Click on the “My Books” drop down menu at the top of the screen.

3. Select “Year in Books” from the menu.

4. This will bring you to your Year in Books page. The infographic will be right at the top, showing off your reading stats for the year.

5. Scroll down below the infographic to find the “Share Your Year in Books” section. This is where you can grab the URL link or embed code to share your Year in Books on Facebook and other sites.

6. Alternatively, you can save or download the infographic image itself to upload directly to Facebook. Just right click on the infographic and select “Save image as” to download it.

So locating your Year in Books on Goodreads is simple! Just navigate to the Year in Books page in your account and you’ll find everything you need to share it.

How to Share Your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook

Once you’ve found your Year in Books infographic on Goodreads, it’s time to share it on Facebook. Here are a few different ways you can go about it:

Method 1: Share a Link

1. Go back to your Year in Books page on Goodreads and copy the URL link provided in the “Share Your Year in Books” section.

2. Go to Facebook and create a new post. Paste the URL link into the post.

3. The link will automatically pull in the cover image from your Year in Books infographic to accompany the post.

4. Write a caption for your post explaining that this is your Goodreads Year in Books. Customize the post however you’d like.

5. Click post! The link will now be shared on your Facebook page.

Method 2: Embed the Infographic

1. On your Goodreads Year in Books page, copy the embed code in the “Share Your Year in Books” section.

2. Go to Facebook to create a new post. Click on the “” icon to open the HTML editor.

3. Paste the embed code into the HTML editor.

4. The infographic image should now be showing up in your Facebook post.

5. Add a caption, then click post to share it!

Method 3: Upload the Image

1. Download/save the infographic image from your Goodreads Year in Books page.

2. Go to Facebook and create a new post. Click “Photo/Video” to select a photo to upload.

3. Upload the infographic image from where you saved it on your computer.

4. Once it’s uploaded, add a caption explaining this is your Goodreads Year in Books.

5. Click post and the image will be shared!

Those are three easy ways to go about sharing your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook. Pick whichever method you find easiest. The important thing is to show off your reading accomplishments for the year!

Customizing Your Facebook Post

Once you’ve got your Goodreads Year in Books infographic shared on Facebook, consider adding some extra text or flair to customize your post:

– Write a longer caption explaining your highlights and stats from the year. How many books did you read? What was your longest/shortest book? Which book genre did you read most?

– Give shoutouts to some of your favorite books that you read this year and explain why you loved them. This gives friends recommendations.

– Use relevant hashtags like #Goodreads #YearInBooks #BooksOf2021 etc.

– Tag friends who you think would find your Year in Books post interesting. Fellow book lovers will want to engage with your reading accomplishments!

– Use Facebook stickers or GIFs that are related to reading or books to spice up your post.

– Ask people to comment sharing their own Year in Books or favorite books from the year. This can spark a book discussion.

The more you customize your Year in Books Facebook post with extra info, the more interesting it will be to your friends and followers. Make sure people know why your reading stats are worth sharing!

Tips for Sharing Your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook

Here are some additional tips to follow when sharing your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook:

– Time it right – Post your Year in Books at the very end of the year in late December or early January when everyone is reflecting back on their yearly accomplishments.

– Privacy settings – If your Facebook profile is public, anyone can see your post. Adjust your sharing settings accordingly.

– Use hashtags – Hashtags like #Goodreads #2021Books #MyYearInBooks will help more people see your post.

– Engage with comments – Thank people for their comments and discuss the books they bring up. More engagement means more visibility for your post.

– Cross-post on other social media accounts like Twitter or Instagram and link back to your Facebook post to reach wider audiences.

– Have fun with it! Customize your post in a way that showcases your personality as a book lover.

Sharing your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook is a great way to look back on your reading journey and spread the word about books you enjoyed. Follow these tips to make your Year in Books post shine and get people excited about reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good captions to use when sharing my Year in Books?

Here are some good Year in Books caption ideas:

– “It’s a wrap! Here is my 2021 Year in Books according to Goodreads!”

– “They say you are what you read. If that’s true, this infographic sums me up in 2021!”

– “Raise your hand if you’ve read more books than you can count this year! 🙋‍♀️ Here’s my Goodreads Year in Books!”

– “I see a lot of books in my future! 📚 Here’s the down low on what I read in 2021.”

– “From thrillers to romances, here’s what I read in 2021. What books made your list this year?”

Get creative and show off your reading personality through your caption!

Can I edit the infographic image before sharing it?

Absolutely! Once you download your Goodreads Year in Books image, you can edit it using photo editing software before uploading to Facebook. You may want to crop it, add filters, include fun text, or make other customizations to personalize it to your taste. Get creative!

What if I want to share my Year in Books on other social media sites too?

It’s easy to cross-post your Goodreads Year in Books across multiple platforms like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and more. The same methods apply – you can share the link, embed code, or image file. Make sure to use relevant hashtags for each site. Expand your audience by sharing your reading stats everywhere you can!

Should I include other screenshots from my Goodreads account?

You can definitely enhance your Year in Books post by also including screenshots of things like your Goodreads Reading Challenge progress, recent books you rated highly, your “Read” shelf, popular book lists you created, etc. This gives a more complete picture of your Goodreads activity for the year. Just don’t overload your Facebook post with too many screenshots. Pick a few good highlights.


Sharing your Goodreads Year in Books on Facebook is an awesome way to showcase your reading accomplishments and engage with book-loving friends and followers. With the right captions, hashtags, tags, and aesthetics, you can create an eye-catching post that sums up your literary journey for the year. Follow the steps outlined here to seamlessly share your Goodreads stats on Facebook. Don’t be shy – show off your bookworm pride! Whether you read 5 books or 500 books this year, your Year in Books is worth broadcasting to the world.