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How do I share my Facebook link?

How do I share my Facebook link?

Sharing your Facebook profile link with others is easy and enables people to connect with you on Facebook. Here are some quick answers about how to find and share your Facebook profile link:

Where do I find my Facebook profile link?

Your Facebook profile link is located in a few places:

  • On your profile page, it will be located in the intro section under your name and profile photo.
  • In the right sidebar of your homepage, find the “Add Account” section. Your name will be listed with your profile link next to it.
  • In the top right corner of any Facebook page, click on your profile picture and then “View Profile.” Your profile link will show in the intro section.

How do I share my Facebook profile link?

There are a few different ways you can share your Facebook profile link with others:

  • Copy and paste the link: You can manually copy the link from your profile and paste it into emails, messages, etc. to share it.
  • Use the share icon: From your profile, click on the three dots “…” next to the intro section and select “Share Profile.” This will generate a shareable link.
  • Share a post: When you share a post, your name and profile link will be included. Others can then click on your name to access your profile.

Who can see my Facebook profile link?

The visibility of your Facebook profile link depends on your privacy settings:

  • If your profile is public, anyone who finds or is given your profile link will be able to access and view your profile.
  • If your profile is friends only, only your approved friends will be able to see your full profile via the link.
  • If your profile is private, only you can access your profile via the link unless you specifically allow others to view it.

How can I customize my Facebook profile link?

To customize your Facebook profile link:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Click on the “Edit Public Profile & URL” button
  3. Enter your new custom username in the URL section
  4. Click “Review Change”

This will change your profile link from to You can choose any unique username as your custom link.

Can I remove my profile link from a post?

If you share a post and decide you don’t want your profile link attached to it anymore:

  1. Go to the post
  2. Click the three dots “…” in the top right corner
  3. Select “Edit post”
  4. Remove your name from the content
  5. Click “Save”

This will remove the link to your profile from that post.

How do I find someone else’s profile link?

To find the Facebook profile link for one of your friends or connections:

  • Go to their profile page
  • Their profile link will be in the intro section under their name
  • Copy or share the link from there

You can only access a person’s profile link if you are friends with them on Facebook or their profile is public.

Can I create a custom link for my Facebook Page?

Yes, you can create a custom, shorter link for your Facebook Page similar to a profile link:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Edit Page”
  3. Click “Edit Settings”
  4. Under “Facebook Web Address” enter your custom name
  5. Click “Save Changes”

This will change your Page’s link from to You can share this new link so it’s easy for people to find your Page.


Sharing your Facebook profile link is easy – just locate it in your profile, copy/paste it, or use the share options. Make sure your privacy settings allow the right people to access it. You can also customize your profile link with a unique username for simpler sharing. For Facebook Pages, you can create custom links too. Share your profile and Page links so new friends and followers can connect with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t some people see my Facebook profile with the link?

If someone can’t access your profile via your profile link, it likely means your privacy settings are limiting access. Double check that your profile visibility is set to public or that you’ve specifically allowed that person to view your profile.

Can I change my Facebook profile link back after customizing it?

Yes, you can change your custom profile link back to your regular name at any time. Just go to your profile, click “Edit Public Profile & URL” and delete your custom name. This will reset it to the default format.

What happens if someone else is already using the custom name I want?

Facebook profile links must be unique. If someone else already created the custom link you want, Facebook will let you know and make you choose a different username that isn’t in use.

How do I remove my profile link from someone else’s post?

You can’t directly remove your profile link from someone else’s post. You would need to ask them to edit the post and take your name out of the content. The only posts you can directly edit are ones you have created.

Can I customize my personal Facebook profile link for business purposes?

Facebook recommends creating a Facebook Page for business use rather than using your personal profile. Pages allow for username customization and provide more professional options. Keep your personal profile for non-business connections.

Summary Table

Action Steps
Find your profile link Check profile page intro, account menu in sidebar, click your profile pic
Share your link Copy/paste link, use share icon, include in posts
Customize your link Edit Public Profile & URL, enter new custom name
Remove link from post Edit post, delete your name from content
Get someone else’s link Go to their profile, copy link in intro
Custom Page link Edit Page, Edit Settings, customize Web Address

This table summarizes the key steps covered in this guide for finding, customizing, removing, and sharing your Facebook profile link as well as creating custom links for Facebook Pages.

Example Scenarios

Sharing link on new job

Martha just started a new job and wants to connect with her new coworkers on Facebook. To make it easy for them to find her, she could post an update saying “I’m thrilled to start my new job at ABC Company! Connect with me on Facebook: (copy/paste profile link).” Now her coworkers can easily send her friend requests.

Removing link after relationship change

Jeremy went through a breakup and doesn’t want his ex to be able to view his Facebook profile anymore. He can edit any posts he shared that contain his name/profile link and remove the link. He can also adjust his privacy settings to limit profile viewing. Now his ex won’t be able to find or access his profile.

Customizing band Page link

Savannah plays guitar in local band “The Rockets.” They want an easy to remember custom link for their Facebook Page. Savannah edits the Page, changes the Web Address to “rocketsband” and saves the change. Now their Page link is instead of a long ID number.

Related Articles

If you found this guide helpful, you may want to read more about:

  • Customizing your Facebook URL for business
  • Where to find your Facebook profile link on mobile
  • Troubleshooting issues with your Facebook profile link
  • Facebook privacy settings and profile visibility
  • Tips for connecting with coworkers on Facebook

Refer to Facebook Help for additional support managing your profile and settings.