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How do I share my Facebook business page with a group?

How do I share my Facebook business page with a group?

Sharing your Facebook business page with a group can be a great way to increase engagement and reach new customers. Here are some tips on how to share your Facebook business page with a group:

Why Share Your Facebook Business Page With a Group?

There are a few key reasons you may want to share your business page with a Facebook group:

  • Increased exposure – Sharing your page in relevant groups gives you access to new audiences who may not have found you otherwise.
  • Engagement – People in Facebook groups tend to be more engaged than general Facebook users. Posting in a group may lead to more likes, comments, and shares.
  • Leads – Facebook groups allow you to interact directly with potential customers. This can help generate new business leads and sales.
  • Recommendations – Satisfied group members may recommend your business to others in the group or on their own page.

Overall, sharing your page in the right Facebook groups can significantly expand your reach and allow you to connect with motivated prospects.

How to Share Your Facebook Business Page with a Group

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to share your Facebook business page with a group:

  1. Go to the group where you want to share your page.
  2. At the top of the group, click “Share Link.”
  3. Paste the URL of your Facebook business page.
  4. Write a compelling caption to introduce your business to the group. For example: “We’re a local bakery serving customized cakes and sweets. Check out our page for photos of our latest creations!”
  5. Make sure the post visibility is set to “Public” so all group members can see it.
  6. Click “Post” to share the link with the group.

And that’s it! Your business page is now shared with that Facebook group. Be sure to monitor comments and engage with any group members who check out your page.

Tips for Sharing Your Facebook Business Page

Here are some tips to make sure your Facebook business page gets seen by the right people when shared with a group:

  • Target relevant groups – Don’t spam your page link in random groups. Take time to identify Facebook groups whose members are in your target demographic and would be genuinely interested in your business.
  • Follow group rules – Check the group guidelines before sharing your page. Some groups prohibit advertising or have rules about promotional posts.
  • Engage first – Interact and engage with the group before sharing your page link. This builds trust and authority within the group.
  • Share selectively – Don’t overdo it. Share your page periodically and thoughtfully in a few carefully selected groups.
  • Post at optimal times – Pay attention to when group engagement seems highest and target your posts accordingly.

Taking these tips into account will maximize the impact of sharing your Facebook business page in a group.

Engaging With Group Members Who Visit Your Page

It’s important to engage with any group members who check out your Facebook business page after you share it. Here are some ways to interact with them:

  • Thank them – If a group member likes, follows or comments on your page, be sure to thank them publicly.
  • Answer questions – Promptly reply to any questions asked on your page by group members.
  • Offer exclusive deals – You can provide special discounts or offers just for group members who engage with your page.
  • Feature their content – Share user-generated content like photos or reviews from group members onto your business page.
  • Send messages – Follow up privately via Facebook messenger to see if group visitors have any other questions.

This extra engagement from you can lead to lasting connections with new loyal customers.

Measuring Results of Sharing Your Page

After sharing your Facebook business page in a group, be sure to monitor metrics to see how effective it is. Here are some key results to track:

  • Page likes – See if new likes were added, especially from group members.
  • Post reach – Measure how many saw your page post in the group.
  • Referral traffic – Check Google Analytics to see if visits from Facebook increased.
  • Sales impact – Determine if sharing your page led to more sales or leads.
  • Engagement rate – Calculate how many group members interacted with your page post.

Analyzing these metrics over time will give you a clear picture of the business impact of sharing your Facebook page with that group.

Mistakes to Avoid When Sharing Your Page

There are a few common mistakes businesses make when sharing their Facebook page with groups. Avoid these:

  • Spamming – Posting your page link repeatedly comes across as spam.
  • Pitching too aggressively – Using overly promotional language can turn group members off.
  • Not targeting well – Sharing your page in irrelevant groups that have no interest.
  • Forgetting group rules – Not checking guidelines and getting banned from the group.
  • Ignoring feedback – Failing to reply to comments or questions from group members.

Being mindful of these missteps will help your page be received positively when shared in Facebook groups.

Alternatives to Sharing Your Full Business Page

If a Facebook group prohibits sharing business pages, here are some alternative ways to promote your business:

  • Share specific content – Rather than your full page, post an interesting photo, video or update from your page that would benefit the group.
  • Run a giveaway – Offer group members a chance to win one of your products or services.
  • Provide discounts – Let the group know about any special deals just for members.
  • Suggest your page – Casually mention your business page in relevant group conversations.
  • Show expertise – Establish authority by answering group members’ questions related to your business.

With creativity, you can still connect with a Facebook group and subtly promote your business even without directly posting your page link.


Sharing your Facebook business page with relevant groups can be a win-win. You gain increased visibility and engagement, while group members get introduced to a business they may find valuable.

Be strategic in choosing groups, provide value to members, and continue engaging those who check out your page. Measure results over time to refine your approach.

With the right technique, sharing your Facebook business page with groups can take your marketing efforts to the next level.