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How do I share my audience with another Business Manager?

How do I share my audience with another Business Manager?

Sharing your Facebook or Instagram audience with another Business Manager can be useful if you want to give someone else access to your page’s insights or allow them to run ads targeting your existing followers. Here are some common questions and answers about how to properly share your audience on Facebook and Instagram:

Can I share my Facebook page’s audience with another Business Manager?

Yes, you can share your Facebook page’s audience with another Business Manager account. To do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” in the top right
  2. Select “Page Roles” on the left side
  3. Click “Add Partner” and enter the Business Manager ID of the account you want to share access with
  4. Select the level of access you want to provide: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Analyst or Advertiser
  5. Click “Submit” to send the access request to the other Business Manager

Once the other Business Manager approves your access request, they will be able to view insights and run ads using your page’s followers as the target audience.

What access levels can I grant another Business Manager for my Facebook page audience?

There are 5 access levels you can grant to another Business Manager for your Facebook page audience:

  • Admin – Full access to insights, content posting, moderation, ads
  • Editor – Can edit page content, respond to comments, create ads
  • Moderator – Can respond to and delete comments
  • Analyst – Read-only access to insights
  • Advertiser – Can run ads using your page’s audience

Choose the level that allows them the permissions they need while limiting access to what you want to keep private.

Can I share my Instagram account’s audience?

Yes, you can share your Instagram account’s audience with another Business Manager the same way you would share a Facebook page’s audience:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the 3 lines in the top right
  2. Tap “Settings” > “Account” > “Partners” > “Business Partners”
  3. Enter the Business Manager ID and select an access level
  4. The Business Manager will receive a notification to approve access to your audience

This will allow the other Business Manager to get insights and run ads targeting your Instagram followers.

Does sharing my audience allow full access to my ad accounts?

No, sharing your Facebook or Instagram audience only provides access to that specific page or account’s followers. The other Business Manager will not have access to your full ad accounts or other connected assets unless you explicitly grant it.

To keep your ad accounts private, only share access at the Advertiser level when adding a Business Manager partner.

What happens when I share my audience – does it duplicate my followers?

Sharing your audience does not duplicate or copy your followers to the other Business Manager. It simply allows the other Business Manager to view insights and potentially target your existing followers with ads.

Your followers count will remain the same. The other Business Manager is just gaining access to your audience for analytics and marketing purposes.

Can I stop sharing my audience later on?

Yes, you can remove the audience share access at any time by going back to your Facebook page or Instagram account settings and removing the Business Manager connection.

Go to the Page Roles or Partners area and click the “X” next to the Business Manager you want to disconnect.

This will immediately revoke their access to your audience. Any existing ad campaigns targeting your audience may stop running properly once the Business Manager loses access.

What happens if I delete my Facebook page or Instagram account?

If you delete your Facebook page or Instagram account that you shared access to, the other Business Manager will immediately lose access to your audience and insights.

Any existing ad campaigns will stop running. The connected Business Manager will no longer be able to target your specific followers since the shared asset has been deleted.

Can I share audiences across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger?

Unfortunately audience sharing only works within each app. You cannot share your Facebook audience with an Instagram Business Manager or vice versa.

If you want a Business Manager to access your cross-app audiences, you need to share each of your assets individually:

  • Share Facebook page audience
  • Share Instagram account audience
  • Share Messenger audience

There is no single audience share that spans multiple apps at this time.

Should I use Business Manager audience sharing or create an ad account?

Business Manager audience sharing is best for giving limited analytics or ad targeting access to your followers.

If you want to grant full control including spending budgets and creating content, you may want to consider adding the other Business Manager as an Ad Account partner instead.

Ad Accounts allow for broader permissions like creating ads, managing payments and subscriptions, etc across your connected assets.

Can I share audiences from my personal profile?

Audience sharing only works for Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts – you cannot share access to your personal profile followers unfortunately.

If you want to allow ad targeting of your personal profile audience, you would need to convert to a business account first.

What are the pros and cons of sharing my audience?

Pros Cons
Allow others to tap into your existing audience Less control over who can market to your followers
Get additional insights from another perspective Risk of your audience being over-targeted
Grow your reach by allowing personalized ad campaigns Shared insights may reveal sensitive analytics
Delegate ad management and testing Can’t limit specific demographics or interests


Sharing your Facebook or Instagram audience can be beneficial in the right circumstances, allowing partners to tap into your existing followers and amplify your messaging.

However, it does come with risks of over-targeting and loss of control. Be thoughtful in who you share access with and limit sharing to the appropriate levels.

Monitor any ad campaigns driven by your audience sharing closely. And remember you can revoke access at any time if needed.

Used strategically, sharing audiences can expand your reach and provide valuable insights. But be cautious sharing your hard-earned followers to ensure a positive experience for your community.