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How do I share an image on Wix?

How do I share an image on Wix?

Sharing images on your Wix site can be a great way to enhance your content and engage your audience. Whether you want to share photos from an event, display product images in your online store, or just add some visual interest to your pages, Wix makes it easy to upload and embed images.

In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for uploading images to your Wix Media Manager and then embedding them in your site pages and blog posts. We’ll cover image formats, size requirements, and optimization tips. We’ll also look at the different ways you can display images from the Wix Editor.

Ready to learn how to share photos and graphics seamlessly on Wix? Let’s get started!

Uploading Images to Wix

The first step in sharing an image on your Wix site is uploading it to your Wix Media Manager. This central hub stores all the media files, including images, for your site.

To upload an image:

  1. Go to the Media Manager in your Wix Dashboard.
  2. Click the “Add” button.
  3. Select “Upload.”
  4. Choose your image file from your computer. Wix supports common image formats like JPG, PNG, SVG, and GIF.
  5. Fill out any metadata like title, description, and tags to make the image easier to find later.
  6. Click “Upload.”

Once the upload is complete, the image will show in your Media Manager library and is ready to add to your site!

Here are some tips for preparing your images for upload:

  • Optimize images to reduce file size. Large file sizes load slower for your site visitors. Use an image optimizer or compressor to lower resolution or compression as needed.
  • Resize larger images. For most purposes, you won’t need massive image dimensions. Shrink down using image editing software.
  • Stick to common web formats like JPG, PNG, and GIF. Avoid specialty formats like TIFF or PSD.
  • Add descriptive metadata so it’s easy to search your media library.

Following those best practices will get your images ready for seamless sharing on your Wix site!

Adding Images to Pages

Once your image is uploaded to your Wix Media Manager, it’s time to add it into your site pages or blog posts. There are a few ways to do this from the Wix Editor.

Inserting Images

The simplest option is using the Insert Image button on the toolbar:

  1. Place your cursor where you want the image to be added.
  2. Click the Insert Image button (it looks like a little photo icon).
  3. Select your image from the media library pop-up.
  4. The image will be added to the page.

With that method, the image will be embedded at a default medium size. Keep reading for ways to adjust the display settings.

Adding Image Widgets

Alternatively, you can drag and drop an Image widget from the sidebar:

  1. Drag an Image widget where you want your photo to go.
  2. Click on the placeholder image to open your media library.
  3. Select your image file.

With the Image widget, you have a few more control settings available right away such as:

  • Size – small, medium, large, or full width.
  • Alignment – left, center, or right aligned.
  • Linking – add a hyperlink to the image.
  • Spacing – adjust vertical padding around the image.

Background Images

For a full background image, like a header photo or hero image, use the Background widget:

  1. Add a Background widget to your page section.
  2. Click on the placeholder background to open your media library.
  3. Select your image file.

Background images will stretch and resize as needed to fill the container. Make sure your image works well cropped or scaled up to utilize the full space.

Configuring Image Settings

No matter how you add your images to the page, you can always access and tweak the display settings. Click on the image, then expand the Settings panel. Here are some of the options available:

  • Size – Choose from small, medium, large, or full width. Specify a custom width and height numerically.
  • Alignment – Align left, center, or right within its container.
  • Link – Add a hyperlink to make the image clickable.
  • Open link in – Choose whether the link opens in the current tab, a new tab, a modal, or a slideshow.
  • Spacing – Adjust top/bottom padding to fine tune positioning.
  • Border – Add a border color, width, radius, and style.
  • Shadow – Apply a shadow effect with blur, spread, and color.
  • Animation – Make your image move into position with slide, fade, or other effects.

Take some time to explore all the design and display options for your embedded images. The settings panel gives you precise control over appearance and interactivity.

Adding Images in Blog Posts

Sharing images in your Wix blog posts works much the same as adding them into pages:

  • Use the Insert Image button on the toolbar.
  • Or drag and drop the Image widget into your post.
  • You can also set a featured image in the blog post settings that will show up at the top of the post.

Blog images should complement and enhance your written content. Here are some best practices:

  • Break up long blocks of text with relevant images.
  • Use captions to briefly explain the image and tie it back to your post content.
  • Optimize size – neither too big nor too small.
  • Align left or right to avoid awkward breaks mid-paragraph.
  • Credit the source if it’s not your original photo.

Well-chosen images make your blog posts more engaging and appealing for your readers!

Sharing Images in Your Online Store

For Wix Stores, you’ll want high quality photos of your products, services, or portfolio. Clear, professional images help customers make informed buying decisions.

Product images will be loaded into your store’s media library. To connect them with your store items:

  1. Edit the product in your Wix Store dashboard.
  2. Open the Photos/Videos tab.
  3. Click Add Media and select your photos from the media library.

Tips for product photography:

  • Shoot against a white or simple background.
  • Capture multiple angles – front, side, back, details, use, etc.
  • Add props, models, or context for more appealing lifestyle shots.
  • Optimize lighting. Remove harsh shadows and ensure accurate colors.
  • Retouch as needed. Make slight adjustments, not major distortions.

With quality product images, you can create a polished, visually engaging online store powered by Wix.

Optimizing Images for Performance

With all types of images you add to your Wix site, you’ll want to optimize them for fast performance. Large, unoptimized images can slow down your page load times.

Follow these tips:

  • Use image editing tools to reduce file size through compression, resizing, etc.
  • Set explicit pixel dimensions – don’t just scale down with HTML.
  • Enable Wix Turbo mode to optimize images automatically.
  • Lazy load offscreen images so they don’t all load at once.
  • Use page caching and CDN to serve images faster.
  • Monitor site speed and address any image-related bottlenecks.

Finding the right balance between image quality and performance is key. You want great looking photos that also load quickly for visitors. Check out Wix’s image optimization guide for more tips.


From blog posts to product pages, compelling images make for an engaging, effective Wix site. With the Wix Editor, it only takes a few clicks to upload your photos and embed them into pages.

The key steps we covered:

  • Upload images to your Wix Media Manager.
  • Insert images into pages and blog posts from the media library.
  • Utilize the image widget settings to fine-tune display options.
  • Connect product images to your online store items.
  • Optimize images for faster performance.

By sharing high quality, well-cropped, relevant images, you can boost conversions and create an immersive experience for your Wix site visitors. So grab your best shots and start adding visual flair across your site pages!