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How do I share a live link on FB?

How do I share a live link on FB?

Sharing live links on Facebook is a great way to let your friends and followers tune into a live video or audio broadcast in real time. With just a few clicks, you can easily generate a live link from broadcasting platforms like StreamYard or Restream and share it on your Facebook profile, page or in groups. This allows people to simply click the link and start watching or listening without having to leave Facebook. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps for creating and optimizing live links on Facebook.

Generating a Live Link

The first step is to create your live video or audio broadcast using a platform that provides you with a shareable live link. Some popular options include:

  • StreamYard – Provides customizable and optimized live links to share on social media.
  • Restream – Lets you live stream to multiple platforms and generate live links for each one.
  • YouTube – Go live on YouTube to get a public link to share.
  • Facebook Live Producer – Native live streaming for Facebook Pages with shareable links.
  • Zoom – Free accounts can host live webinars and get a join link to share.

Once your broadcast is up and running, navigate to the platform’s sharing or link settings to grab the unique URL that others can use to tune in live. Most platforms will generate a link that looks something like:

This is the link you’ll want to share on Facebook.

Sharing the Live Link on Your Profile

After you’ve generated your live link, you can easily share it on your personal Facebook profile. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile page and click the “Write something…” field to create a new post.
  2. Paste your live link into the text field.
  3. Add text explaining that you’re live and inviting people to tune in.
  4. You can include hashtags like #livevideo or #liveradio to help people find your post.
  5. Add an eye-catching image or graphic as the post image.
  6. Click “Post” to publish the live link post.

Your live video or audio will instantly be available for anyone who clicks on that post. It’s a great unobtrusive way to share a live broadcast with friends and family.

Sharing on a Facebook Page

In addition to your personal profile, you can also share live links from Facebook Pages you manage related to a business, brand, organization or as a public figure. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and access the publishing tools.
  2. Click “Create Post” to start a new post.
  3. Paste your live link into the text field.
  4. Write compelling copy explaining the live event and why people should tune in.
  5. Add a relevant image or graphic that catches the eye.
  6. Include hashtags and @mentions tailored to your audience.
  7. Click “Publish Now” or schedule the post to go live right before you start broadcasting.

Posting your live link from a Facebook Page gives you access to a larger audience who is interested in your industry or content. Make sure the copy is optimized to connect with that audience and drive clicks to your broadcast.

Sharing in Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups focused on specific topics are a great place to share your live broadcasts if the content is relevant to the group. Make sure you read and understand the group’s rules before posting live links. Here are some best practices:

  • Read the group description and rules to ensure live links are allowed.
  • Engage regularly in the group so you’re not just spamming your links.
  • Frame your post to highlight how it benefits the group and fits the topic.
  • Keep your post concise with a compelling title and description calling out the value.
  • Engage with comments and feedback from group members.

Posting live links to active Facebook Groups can help you tap into engaged audiences with an interest in your content area. Just make sure your broadcasts truly deliver value to group members.

Optimizing Your Live Links

To maximize clicks and live viewers from Facebook, you should optimize your actual live links with meta descriptions, images and titles. Most streaming platforms allow you to customize these.

Custom Descriptions

Adding a meta or open graph description to your live link will help communicate crucial context right in the Facebook post preview. You typically get 100-200 characters to explain what the live stream is about and why viewers should click to watch or listen.

Custom Images

Setting a custom image for your live link on Facebook helps catch the eye and brand your broadcast. Opt for something visual that represents the content, with bright colors and minimal text.

Custom Titles

Giving your live link a customized title tag means your real broadcast name will be displayed in posts, not just the generic platform link. Add your name, the show title and keywords relevant to your audience.

Driving Clicks with Facebook Ads

If you want to maximize live viewers and bypass people’s crowded news feeds, you can invest in Facebook ads. You can create and target a Facebook ad campaign specifically promoting your live link to ensure it gets in front of your ideal audience. Here are some tips:

  • Set up the ad as a website click objective to your live link.
  • Create dark social posts that appear like normal content in feeds.
  • Target interests, behaviors and demographics relevant to your content.
  • Drive clicks with a strong call-to-action on the ad creative.
  • Launch the ad campaign right as you go live or leading up to broadcast.

With some budget invested, Facebook ads can yield significant live viewership numbers by proactively putting your link in front of targeted groups with a clear CTA tied to your broadcast.

Going Live on Facebook

Although live links are great, you can also stream directly on Facebook with their native live video broadcasting tools. This allows you to skip generating a live link altogether. Here’s an overview of how to go live natively:

Personal Profile Streams

From your personal profile page, click the “Live Video” icon on the status composer. Broadcast live video directly from your phone or streaming software. Your stream will be visible to your friends and followers on your profile.

Facebook Page Streams

If you manage a Facebook Page, enable live video on your page from Publishing Tools. Then click the camera icon from your page to start broadcasting live. Increase potential reach and discovery through hashtags, locations and crossposting.

Facebook Live Producer

For professional live streams, you can use Facebook Live Producer with streaming software like OBS or Wirecast. Schedule streams in advance, control graphics and use a multi-camera setup. Generates public links to share as well.

Live Audio Rooms

Go live with just audio from your phone using Facebook’s Live Audio Rooms. Engage listeners in a talk-radio format and invite speakers. Great for conversations, Q&As, podcasts and more.

Going live natively on Facebook taps directly into their platform, but doesn’t provide the customizable link benefits and multi-stream options that third-party broadcasting tools offer.

Best Practices for Facebook Live Links

To maximize your Facebook live links, integrate these best practices into your strategy:

  • Test your live setup and links ahead of time.
  • Create eye-catching custom images and meta descriptions.
  • Time your posts and ad campaigns around the live broadcast.
  • Engage with viewers and comments as they tune in live.
  • Promote on your profile, Pages and relevant Groups (read rules!).
  • Optimize copy to compel clicks from your target audience.
  • Analyze results to refine approaches and platforms.
  • Re-share the link as an on demand replay after live broadcast.


Sharing live links provides a flexible, customizable way to promote your real-time video and audio broadcasts to Facebook audiences. Optimizing your links for clicks and strategic posting on profiles, Pages and in Groups can help maximize live viewers. Driving traffic with ads and going live natively on Facebook can also expand your reach. Focus on crafting compelling copy and visuals tailored to your audience. With the right preparation and promotion, live links can connect your Facebook followers to must-see streaming content, engaging them in real time.