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How do I share a Facebook post on my Iphone?

How do I share a Facebook post on my Iphone?

Sharing posts is a great way to spread content you find interesting or valuable with your friends and followers on Facebook. On iPhone, sharing a Facebook post with your connections is easy and can be done in just a few taps.

Quick Answer

To share a post on iPhone:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to the post you want to share
  2. Tap the Share button below the post – it looks like an arrow pointing up and out of a box
  3. Select where you want to share the post – your timeline, a friend’s timeline, a Facebook group, etc.
  4. Tap Share

The post will now be shared to the destination you selected.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a more detailed walkthrough of how to share a Facebook post on iPhone:

1. Open the Facebook App and Go to the Post You Want to Share

Open the Facebook app on your iPhone. In your news feed, locate the post you want to share. This can be a post from a friend, family member, page you follow, group you are in, or any other public post on Facebook.

2. Tap the Share Button

Below the post text, image, or video, you’ll see a row of icons. On the right side of this row is the Share button – it looks like an arrow curving up and out of a box.

Tap this Share icon to open the sharing menu.

3. Select Where You Want to Share the Post

The sharing menu will open, presenting a number of options for where you can share the Facebook post. Your options include:

  • Post to Your Timeline – share the post on your own Facebook profile
  • Post to a Friend’s Timeline – share to an individual friend’s profile
  • Share to a Page You Manage – if you manage a Facebook page, share to that page
  • Share to a Group – share the post to a Facebook group you are a member of
  • Send on Messenger – share via a Facebook Messenger message
  • Copy Link – copy a link to the post to share elsewhere

Tap the option for where you want to share the post. For example, tap Post to Your Timeline to share it to your own profile, or tap Share to a Group and select a specific group to share it to.

4. Tap Share

Once you’ve selected where to share the post, tap the Share button at the bottom of the sharing menu.

The post will now be shared to the destination you chose.

Additional Options

When sharing a Facebook post on iPhone, you have a few additional options:

Add a Comment

When sharing to your own timeline, a friend’s timeline, or a group, you can add a comment that will be included with the shared post. Simply tap in the text field above the Share button and type your comment.

Tag Friends

You can also tag friends in your shared post. Tap Tag Friends and select the friends you want to tag. This will send a notification to your friends letting them know you tagged them.

Change Date/Time

By default, the post will be shared with the current date and time. However, you can change this by tapping the Date/Time displayed below the text field. This allows you to backdate a post if desired.

Change Audience

If sharing to your timeline, you can tap the audience selector (Public, Friends, etc) to change who can see the shared post.

Turn Off Reshare

For shares to timelines, you can toggle the Reshare option off if you don’t want others to be able to reshare your shared post.

Sharing Photos on iPhone

Sharing photos on Facebook from your iPhone is just as easy:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to the photo you want to share
  2. Tap the Share Photo button below the image
  3. Select where to share it and tap Share

You can also share multiple photos at once using the same process.

Sharing Videos on iPhone

To share videos:

  1. Go to the video in the Facebook app
  2. Tap the Share button below the video
  3. Choose where to share and tap Share

The video will be shared to the timeline or group you selected.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having trouble sharing posts on iPhone, here are some tips:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app
  • Check your internet connection
  • Force quit and relaunch the Facebook app if sharing is not working
  • For posts from a Page, make sure the Page has not limited sharing options
  • For posts in a Group, ensure you are still an active member of the group


Sharing content is a key part of Facebook. Whether you want to share an interesting article, a funny video, or a photo update, knowing how to share posts from your iPhone makes it quick and easy.

With just a few taps, you can re-share posts to your own timeline, with friends and family, in groups, and more. Use the Share button to start sharing content today.