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How do I set up questions for joining a Facebook group?

How do I set up questions for joining a Facebook group?

Joining a Facebook group can be a great way to connect with people who share your interests. Many groups have questions that potential members need to answer before being approved to join the group. Setting up thoughtful questions for joining your Facebook group allows you to screen members and ensure they meet the criteria to participate in your community.

Why Do Facebook Groups Have Join Questions?

There are several key reasons Facebook group admins use join questions:

  • Screen potential members – Join questions allow admins to evaluate if a person would be a good fit for the group based on their answers.
  • Prevent spammers – Requiring people to answer questions makes it harder for spammers to automatically join groups.
  • Set expectations – The join questions communicate the group’s rules and norms so people understand what the group is about before joining.
  • Spark engagement – Thoughtful questions encourage members to share information about themselves right away.

Crafting thoughtful join questions allows you to maximize the benefits for your Facebook group. The effort put into the questions will pay off through more relevant, engaged members.

Types of Facebook Group Join Questions

There are several categories of join questions that Facebook group admins commonly use:

Screening Questions

These questions aim to evaluate if a person meets the criteria to join your group. Some examples include:

  • Are you a current employee at [company name]?
  • Do you live in [city/state/country]?
  • Are you a parent of a child under age 2?

The answers allow you to only accept members that fit the purpose of your group.

Introduction Questions

These “ice breaker” questions let potential members share information about themselves. Some examples are:

  • Please introduce yourself in 2-3 sentences.
  • What interests you about this group?
  • How did you hear about this community?

The introductions give you a sense of who the person is and why they want to join.

Expectation Setting Questions

These questions set clear expectations about group norms. Some examples are:

  • Do you agree to follow all group rules and be respectful to fellow members?
  • Will you contribute positively to discussions and refrain from spamming?
  • Do you agree not to share any private group content externally without permission?

The answers have members acknowledge key guidelines and standards upfront before joining.

Best Practices for Facebook Group Join Questions

Follow these tips when creating your group’s join questions:

Keep the Number of Questions Reasonable

Ask 2-4 questions total. More than that will be overwhelming and discourage potential members from applying.

Make Questions Relevant

Tailor questions specifically for your group’s focus and membership criteria. Generic questions are less effective.

Use a Mix of Question Types

Include a blend of screening, introduction, and expectation setting questions to get a well-rounded picture of applicants.

Give Context for Screening Questions

For screening questions, briefly explain why you are asking to provide clarity for applicants.

Make Introduction Questions Inviting

Introduction questions should spark conversation, not feel like a formal interview. Keep the tone friendly.

Set Expectations for Quality Responses

Instructions should note that single word/sentence answers may not be approved — require some thoughtfulness.

Allow Members to Save Draft Answers

Enable the option for potential members to save draft responses if they need time to complete the questions.

Examples of Effective Facebook Group Join Questions

Here are some examples of good join questions:

Parenting Group

  1. Are you a parent? If yes, please tell us the age(s) of your child/children.
  2. Briefly share why you’re interested in this parenting community and what you hope to get out of it.
  3. Do you agree to keep all personal details about other members confidential and to adhere to the group rules?

Small Business Community

  1. Are you a current owner of a small business with fewer than 50 employees? If so, please share the name and industry.
  2. What are 1-2 challenges you face as a small business owner that you’d like advice on from this community?
  3. Do you agree to refrain from promoting products/services and focus on contributing value to peers in the group?

Regional Hiking Club

  1. Do you live in the Pacific Northwest or routinely hike in the area? If yes, please list your home city.
  2. Share briefly what draws you to hiking and what types of trails you prefer – this will help us get to know you better!
  3. Will you follow leave no trace principles and pack out all trash when hiking with this group?

Reviewing and Approving/Denying Facebook Group Join Requests

Once your questions are set up, be sure to carefully review each membership request and the person’s answers. Approve applicants who meet the criteria and thoughtfully respond to all questions. Politely deny requests from people who do not qualify or fail to complete the questions.

Promptly approving/denying join requests and providing clear reasoning will ensure potential members have a positive experience even if declined. This helps maintain the integrity of your community.


Thoughtful Facebook group join questions allow you to curate an engaged, relevant membership. Take the time to craft screening, introduction, and expectation setting questions tailored for your community.

Evaluating responses during the review process enables you to further strengthen your group by accepting members who fit the criteria. This creates a foundation for an active, thriving forum.