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How do I set up conversion API with Facebook Zapier?

How do I set up conversion API with Facebook Zapier?


The Facebook Conversion API allows you to track conversions from your Facebook ads directly in Zapier. This is useful for automating workflows and tracking the return on ad spend (ROAS) for your Facebook advertising campaigns.

In order to set up the Facebook Conversion API with Zapier, there are a few key steps:

  1. Get approved for Conversion API
  2. Create a Facebook app
  3. Get an Access Token for the Facebook app
  4. Set up a Zap in Zapier
  5. Test tracking conversions

In this article, we’ll go through each of these steps in detail. We’ll also cover some tips and best practices for setting up and using the Facebook Conversion API with Zapier.


Before diving into the setup, make sure you have the following:

  • A Facebook ad account
  • A Facebook page connected to the ad account
  • A Zapier account (free or paid plan)

You’ll need these to get approved for the Conversion API and to connect everything together.

Step 1: Get Approved for Conversion API

The first step is to get your Facebook ad account approved for the Conversion API. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Business Settings in your Facebook ad account.
  2. Click on the Conversions API tab.
  3. Click “Get Started.”
  4. Select the ad accounts you want to enable conversions for.
  5. Choose your business vertical and details.
  6. Agree to Facebook’s terms and policies.
  7. Click “Submit for Review.”

Facebook will review your request. This usually takes 1-2 business days. Once approved, you’ll get an email confirmation from Facebook.

Step 2: Create a Facebook App

To use the Conversion API, you need to create a Facebook app. This app will be used to generate the access token you need for making API calls.

Here’s how to create your Facebook app:

  1. Go to the Facebook Developers site.
  2. Click on “My Apps” in the top menu bar.
  3. Click “+ Create App.”
  4. Choose a display name and contact email.
  5. Select a category for your app.
  6. Click “Create App ID.”
  7. Go to the app dashboard and click “+ Add Product” to add Conversion API.
  8. Open Roles and enable Conversion API.

Your app is now created. Make note of the App ID and App Secret as you’ll need these later.

Step 3: Get an Access Token

To make API calls, you need an access token for your Facebook app. Here’s how to get one:

  1. In your Facebook app dashboard, click on Tools > Graph API Explorer.
  2. From the Graph API Explorer, click on Get User Access Token in the left column.
  3. Select your Facebook app from the dropdown.
  4. Check the boxes for manage_pages, ads_management, ads_read and ads_read.
  5. Click Get Access Token.
  6. Copy the long-lived User Access Token.

Save this access token as you’ll need it when setting up your Zapier connection.

Step 4: Set Up a Zap in Zapier

With your access token ready, it’s time to set up your Zapier workflow. Here are the steps:

  1. Log in to your Zapier account.
  2. Click “+ New Zap” to create a new Zap.
  3. Search for and select the Facebook Conversion API app.
  4. Connect your Facebook account using the access token.
  5. Choose a trigger app and event (e.g. new form submission).
  6. Map the conversion data you want to track (e.g. Lead ID).
  7. Configure your conversion details like title and value.
  8. Turn on your Zap.

Refer to Zapier’s docs for more details on setting up your conversion tracking Zap.

Step 5: Test Tracking Conversions

Once your Zap is live, it’s important to test that conversions are being tracked properly. Here are a few tips:

  • Trigger your chosen event in your app or website.
  • Check the Facebook Ads Manager for your conversion event.
  • Look in Zapier history to confirm API call was made.
  • Disable your Zap and try again – no event should fire.

Debug any issues and retest until you confirm it’s working. Be sure to test multiple conversion events.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips if you’re having issues getting your Conversion API tracking to work properly:

  • Triple check that your Facebook app has the Conversion API enabled.
  • Make sure your access token has the right permissions.
  • Try generating a new access token.
  • Enable Zapier error alerts to catch API issues.
  • Check the source/medium on conversions – should be Zapier.
  • Try tracking conversions directly via API calls.
  • Reach out to Zapier and Facebook support if needed.

Debugging APIs like this takes some trial and error. Persistence and methodically testing can help resolve most issues.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to follow when setting up and using the Facebook Conversion API with Zapier:

  • Map lead/customer IDs from your CRM to create 1:1 conversion tracking.
  • Make sure your Facebook pixel is implemented properly.
  • Enable server-side API conversion tracking as a backup.
  • Check attribution windows and adjust as needed.
  • Review reporting frequently – at least weekly.
  • Optimize ads based on ROAS data.
  • Document your setup process thoroughly.

Following these best practices will help ensure you have accurate data and can fully leverage the integration to optimize your ad campaigns.

Use Cases

Here are some examples of how you can use the Facebook Conversion API with Zapier:


  • Track new orders from your ecommerce platform.
  • Track order values to calculate ROAS.
  • Trigger order confirmation emails.
  • Update CRM with purchase data.

Lead Generation

  • Track form fills and lead captures.
  • Track lead quality scores.
  • Trigger lead workflows and notifications.
  • Route hot leads to sales team.

SaaS / Subscriptions

  • Track signups and new customers.
  • Attribute MRR to acquisition sources.
  • Reward referrers.
  • Alert account managers to new customers.

The possibilities are endless for intelligently automating your post-click conversions with Zapier.


Integrating Facebook Conversion API with Zapier provides a powerful method to track ROAS and automate workflows for your Facebook ad campaigns.

The process involves:

  1. Getting approved for the API.
  2. Creating a Facebook app.
  3. Generating an access token.
  4. Configuring your Zapier workflow.
  5. Testing that conversion events are tracked successfully.

With some careful setup and testing, you can track key conversion events like leads and sales directly from Facebook ads into your business systems.

When combined with thoughtful business rules and automation, this can take your Facebook advertising game to the next level.

Step Description
1 Get approved for Conversion API
2 Create a Facebook app
3 Get an access token
4 Set up a Zap in Zapier
5 Test tracking conversions

Additional Resources

For further reading, check out these additional resources:

Next Steps

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free Zapier account to start building automations with Facebook Conversion API today.

With some thoughtful setup, you’ll unlock powerful Facebook advertising analytics and be automating your post-click conversions in no time.