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How do I set up an automatic report on Facebook?

How do I set up an automatic report on Facebook?

Facebook offers many options for generating reports on your Page’s performance. One handy feature is the ability to schedule automatic reports to be emailed to you on a regular basis. This allows you to easily track key metrics for your Facebook Page without having to manually generate reports each time.

In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for setting up an automatic Facebook report. We’ll cover:

  • Why you should use automatic Facebook reporting
  • How to create a custom report in Facebook
  • How to schedule the report to be automatically emailed
  • Tips for using your Facebook reports

Whether you manage a business Page, a community Page, or your own personal profile, automatic reporting can help you keep tabs on your Facebook presence and better understand your audience. Let’s get started!

Why You Should Use Automatic Facebook Reporting

Here are some of the key benefits of setting up automatic Facebook reports:

  • Saves you time – Once it’s set up, your custom report is emailed to you on a schedule without you having to do anything.
  • Consistency – You’ll get updates at set intervals so you can track performance over time.
  • Customization – You can choose the specific metrics to include that are most relevant for your needs.
  • Big picture view – Reports give you an overview of how your Facebook presence is performing.
  • Informs your strategy – The data can reveal what’s working well and what needs improvement to help guide your Facebook tactics.

Without automatic reporting, you’d have to remember to log in and run reports manually. It’s easy to forget or neglect this step when you’re busy. Automated emails ensure you get regular updates on key metrics right in your inbox.

The ability to customize your own report also ensures you get data that’s most meaningful to you. Facebook provides tons of options for Page insights. Setting up automatic reporting with your top metrics avoids info overload.

Let’s look at how to put this powerful tool to work for you.

How to Create a Custom Facebook Report

Here are step-by-step instructions to create your own custom report in Facebook:

1. Go to your Facebook Page and click on “Insights” in the top menu.

2. In the left sidebar of Insights, click on “Export Data.”

3. In the pop-up window, select “Create Report.”

4. Choose the page you want a report for from the drop-down menu.

5. Select the date range. You can choose a preset range like last 7 days, last month, or lifetime. Or select a custom date range.

6. Check the box next to each metric you want to include in your report. Facebook provides many options including:

– Overview (likes, reach, etc)
– Likes
– Followers
– Demographics
– Your posts (when published, reactions, comments, shares, etc)
– Videos
– Events
– Messages
– Mentions and tags
– Reviews
– Email subscribers
– Promotions

7. Once you’ve selected all your metrics, scroll down and click “Create Report.”

8. Give your report a name and description so you can easily recognize it.

9. Click “Save” to finish creating your custom report template.

Now that you’ve created your ideal report, it’s time to set it up to be delivered automatically by email.

How to Schedule Automatic Emailing of Your Custom Report

Follow these steps to schedule your Facebook report:

1. Go back to the Export Data section of Insights.

2. Open your saved report.

3. Click on the “Emails” tab.

4. Check the box for “Send this report by email on a regular schedule.”

5. In the drop-down menu, select the frequency for receiving the report: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

6. Set the day and time you want the report delivered.

7. Enter the email address(es) where you want the report sent.

8. Click “Save” to activate the automatic emailing.

And that’s it! Your customized Facebook report will now be delivered to your inbox on the schedule you selected.

Tips for Using Your Facebook Reports

Now that you’re getting automatic Facebook reports, here are some tips for making the most of the data:

  • Review reports when they arrive to stay up to date on your metrics.
  • Compare data week-over-week or month-over-month to spot trends.
  • Look for correlations between your posting schedule and engagement.
  • Monitor reach and growth of followers.
  • See which types of content get the most engagement.
  • Check demographic data to see your audience makeup.
  • Share reports with any teammates who also manage content.
  • Use spikes or dips in metrics to inform your Facebook strategy.

Digging into your reports takes some time, but it pays off. You’ll gain valuable insights into your Facebook audience and tactics.

Over time, you’ll learn which posts resonate and when your followers are most active. This allows you to refine your approach for better results.

Be sure to occasionally revisit the metrics you’ve chosen for reporting. Your goals may evolve over time. You can always edit the report to add or remove certain data points.

Consistent reviewing and tweaking will get your custom reports working hard for you.


Facebook’s automatic reporting provides a convenient way to stay on top of your page’s performance. By setting up scheduled, customized reports, you can streamline tracking key metrics in a format that best fits your needs.

Use this effective tool to monitor growth, engagement levels, audience information, and more. Let the insights from automatic reporting guide your Facebook strategy going forward.

With the steps provided in this article, you can start generating automated Facebook reports right away. In no time, you’ll have the data you need to maximize your presence and connect with your audience.

I hope this detailed guide gives you the knowledge to easily create and utilize automatic Facebook reports for your brand, business, or personal page. Let me know if you have any other questions!