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How do I set up a donation button?

How do I set up a donation button?

Setting up a donation button allows organizations and individuals to easily accept donations online. A donation button makes it quick and convenient for supporters to contribute financially to your cause. With just a few clicks, donors can make secure credit card or PayPal donations.

A donation button is an essential tool for nonprofits, charities, crowdfunding campaigns, content creators, churches, schools, and more. Online donations account for an increasing percentage of contributions. A donation button on your website enables you to tap into this valuable source of funding.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to add a donation button to your website. We’ll cover:

  • Benefits of using a donation button
  • Types of donation buttons
  • Choosing a donation processor
  • Locating your donation button
  • Customizing your button’s design
  • Configuring donation settings
  • Adding advanced features
  • Promoting your donation button
  • Improving your donation form
  • Increasing conversions

With the strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to implement an effective donation button that makes it easy for supporters to donate. A well-designed donation system helps you raise more money for your cause.

Benefits of Using a Donation Button

Adding a donation button to your website provides many benefits:

1. Enables 24/7 donations

A donation button allows visitors to contribute at any time of day, without having to contact your organization directly. Supporters can donate immediately when they feel inspired to give.

2. Reduces barriers to donating

Visitors don’t have to hunt for donation information or struggle with complicated giving instructions. A prominent, easy-to-use donation button makes the donation process simple.

3. Increases average donation amount

Donors can customize their gift by entering any amount. This results in larger average donations compared to giving set amounts.

4. Provides payment flexibility

You can allow donors to use credit cards, debit cards, PayPal accounts, or other secure payment methods. Different options cater to donor preferences.

5. Saves staff resources

An online donation button reduces the staff time spent processing gifts received by check or other offline methods.

6. Offers customizable options

From button text to thank you pages, you can tailor your donation experience to match your brand voice and messaging.

7. Integrates with fundraising platforms

Many online fundraising programs offer ready-made donation buttons you can integrate into your website.

8. Provides actionable donation data

You gain insights into who is donating, when donations occur, average gift amounts, and other analytics.

Types of Donation Buttons

You have several options when choosing a donation button for your website:

Embedded donation buttons

Embedded donation buttons are code snippets you insert directly into your website pages. When visitors click the button, a pop-up appears for collecting donation information. Embedded buttons offer seamless user experience.

Hosted donation pages

A hosted donation page lives on a third-party provider’s secure server. You add a link or button to this standalone page where users enter payment and contact details.

Pop-up donation windows

These buttons trigger a pop-up donation form when clicked. The donor remains on your website as they fill out fields in the pop-up window overlay.

Text links

Text links lead to full donation pages on other sites. For example, a “Donate with PayPal” text link routes visitors to PayPal’s giving page.

QR code donations

Printed QR codes allow donors to scan and visit your donation page from their mobile device. When clicked, the QR code launches the donation experience.

The right donation button type depends on your website setup, target audience, donation traffic, and branding needs. Test different options to see which converts best.

Choosing a Donation Processor

A donation processor is the service that collects, processes, and transfers your donations. Processors provide the payment infrastructure that makes online giving work. Most also let you generate and customize donation buttons.

Here are top donation processors to consider:


The longtime leader in online payments also facilitates donations. PayPal offers Nonprofit Status to waive all transaction fees on donations. You can accept PayPal account funds or credit/debit cards.


Stripe elements allow you to build a customized donation form with embedded credit card fields. Stripe charges competitive fees and transfers funds quickly.


Accept donations through Square’s credit card reader or integrated online payment tools. Square charges flat rates per transaction with no hidden fees.

Network for Good

This nonprofit donation processor provides customized giving forms and full-service fundraising software. Pricing is commission-based, averaging 3% per donation.


Donorbox targets small nonprofits with easy-to-use donation management tools. Pick from embedded, pop-up, or hosted form types.


Designed for WordPress users, GiveWP donations integrate with your website content management system. Add GiveWP elements to accept one-time or recurring gifts.

The right processor depends on your donation volume, audience, and technical abilities. Carefully compare options to find an affordable provider that best meets your needs.

Locating Your Donation Button

Placement plays an important role in your donation button’s visibility and performance. Follow these tips on where to put your button:

Home page

Add a noticeable Donate Now button on your website’s homepage. This gives visitors the opportunity to contribute immediately when they arrive.

Navigation menu

Include a Donate link visibly in your website’s primary navigation menu. This provides easy access from all pages.


If you have sidebars on your interior pages, include a donate button there for persistent visibility.

Blog posts

Within relevant blog content, add a button inviting readers to give. For example, an article about a new program could feature a Support Our Program button.

Email signatures

A text-based Donate link in your email signature reaches donors directly in your regular communications.

Thank you pages

After completing a donation, show a Follow Up Donate button on the thank you page for additional gifts. Offer giving levels or memberships for convenient upgrades.


Use pop-ups sparingly, but they can be effective when visitors are engaged. For example, show a pop-up after someone spends time on your programs page.

Consistency across devices is also crucial. Optimize your buttons to function smoothly on both desktop and mobile experiences.

Customizing Your Button’s Design

Match your donation button’s appearance to your brand look and feel. Here are some design customizations to consider:

Color scheme

Use colors from your logo palette to style buttons. This creates cohesive branding.


Make buttons large enough to notice and click easily on both desktop and mobile.


Rounded corners or circular buttons appear more contemporary than square shapes.


Convey a clear call-to-action like Donate Now, Give Today, or Support Our Mission.


Choose an easy-to-read sans serif font consistent with your brand style.


Include related icons, logos, or imagery to reinforce your cause.


Outlined style buttons stand out against backgrounds. Solid buttons blend in more.

Hover effects

Visually react when viewers hover over buttons to show they’re clickable.

Test different button styles to find what converts best. You can A/B test multiple designs with small samples first.

Configuring Donation Settings

Financial and technical details impact donors’ giving experience. Optimize these settings for smooth, secure transactions:

Payment methods

Accept all major credit cards plus PayPal or Venmo if possible. This provides options for more supporters. Consider adding cryptocurrency.

Transaction fees

Absorb fees to steer all money donated to your organization by default. Optionally allow donors to cover fees.

Goal thermometer

Show progress toward a donation dollar goal. This creates urgency to help reach the target.

Error messaging

Show clear troubleshooting tips if a transaction fails, so donors can resolve the issue with their payment method.


Accept global donations by enabling multiple currencies based on your audience locations.

Recurring giving

Offer monthly or annual donation options donors can automatically renew. This helps predictably grow regular support.

Gift aid

For supporters in countries with donation tax incentives, add appropriate gift aid language they can opt into.


Give donors a way to hide their name and details. For example, you could default to anonymous one-time donations.


Follow industry standards like PCI compliance and HTTPS encryption to safely handle transactions and data.

Regularly review your donation reports to identify areas for improvement in your payment settings and donor experience.

Adding Advanced Donation Button Features

More advanced donation processors provide options to further customize and enhance your giving experience:

Saved payment methods

Allow repeat donors to store their payment info for even faster future giving.

Donor profiles

Let supporters create an account to store their data and giving history in one place.

Peer-to-peer fundraisers

Empower staff, volunteers, or supporters to fundraise on your behalf with personalized campaign pages.

Monthly giving

Offer sustainers programs with automated recurring donations each month.

Team fundraising

Enable peer-to-peer team campaigns and competitions. Great for charity events.


Provide tiered donor rewards to incentivize increased gift amounts. For example, premium gifts for monthly supporters.

Social sharing

Let donors easily share completed donations on their social media to inspire others.


Use gamified experiences to engage supporters. For example, offering bonus entries into contests for donations.

Smart content

Customize messaging depending on factors like donor loyalty or interests to make the experience more personalized.

Events integration

Collect both ticket purchases and donations through unified campaign pages for your in-person or virtual events.

Compare donation processor features to select options that work best for your nonprofit’s programs and constituents.

Promoting Your Donation Button

In addition to optimizing button design and placement, you need to actively promote your click-to-donate experience. Try these tactics to increase awareness:


Send dedicated emails announcing your new donation capabilities. Follow up with reminders in email newsletters.

Social media

Share announcements, images, and posts explaining how to donate through your new button. Tag relevant supporters to broaden reach.

Website pop-ups

Use pop-ups or slide-ins on key pages inviting people to check out your improved online donating.

Calls to action

Add clear next steps like “Donate via our website” to all outreach materials from brochures to presentations.

Thank you page

The post-donation confirmation page is valuable real estate. Include promotional text for your button there.

Staff training

Educate all staff and volunteers on how the donation button works so they can confidently direct supporters to give online.

Donor stewardship

When thanking recent donors, include a link back to your donation page for easy recurring gifts.


Provide instruction during virtual and in-person events for using the online donation button.

With regular promotion across channels, you’ll teach supporters how to leverage your new giving option.

Improving Your Donation Form

Beyond the button itself, optimize your entire donation form experience:

Intro text

Explain your cause and how donations help. Share a vision to inspire support. Thank donors upfront.

Suggested amounts

Include pre-filled gift amount buttons as starting points. People often adhere to these.

Custom amount

Allow donors to enter their preferred gift amount. Many choose to give more than fixed options.

Gift dedication

Include an optional box for donors to dedicate the gift or add a note.


Offer name, anonymous, or partial name publication preferences.

Contact details

Only collect essential info like name, email, and billing details required to process each transaction. Limit additional fields.

Error checking

Provide clear validation messaging if donors input incomplete or incorrect payment details.

Automatic confirmation

Send instant email confirmations with tax e-receipts after each successful donation.

Mobile responsiveness

Ensure all elements cleanly flow and function on mobile devices, where most traffic originates.

Regularly test your form and optimize the design based on user feedback and data.

Increasing Donation Button Conversions

Apply these additional strategies to convince more visitors to click your CTA and complete donations:

Build trust

Feature logos of trusted companies you partner with. Show testimonials. Link to impact reports proving your results. Highlight secure payment icons.


Share time-sensitive donation appeals, like matching campaigns, to create immediacy. Countdown timers also help.


Offer small but meaningful incentives for donating, like free gifts, entry into contests, or downloadable content.

Peer influence

Spotlight fellow donors from your community who have given. People often follow the behavior of those similar to them.


Guarantee satisfaction with your programs. Assure supporters their gifts will be put to effective use for causes they care about.


Thank supporters immediately after donations. Follow up consistently with impact stories, newsletters, and donor community events.


Turn giving into a game, like offering progress bars, badges, or status levels for repeat supporters.


Remind visitors who don’t initially donate through ads following them across the web.

With the right mix of design, convenience, and persuasion, you’ll maximize donations from your online button.


Implementing an online donation button makes giving quick, easy, and accessible for today’s web-savvy supporters. This guide covered key strategies for choosing a processor, optimizing your button design and placement, customizing the donation experience, promoting your CTA, improving conversions with an effective form, and convincing visitors to complete their gifts.

With a well-configured donation system, you can increase fundraising revenue, reduce staff workload, and expand support from anywhere in the world, 24/7. Payments innovation provides organizations with more options than ever for turning interest into impact. Investing in a hassle-free giving experience pays dividends for worthwhile causes.

Understanding the donor journey and constantly improving donation touchpoints are central to sustaining and growing support. Keep learning, testing new approaches, and listening to feedback. With the right mix of technology and personal care, your donation button can become a gateway for changing lives through giving.