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How do I set my Facebook group to social learning?

How do I set my Facebook group to social learning?

Setting your Facebook group to social learning mode can help encourage participation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among members. Here are some tips for enabling and using social learning in your Facebook group:

What is social learning?

Social learning is the concept that people can learn from each other in a social context, through observation, imitation, and modeling. Key aspects of social learning include:

  • Learning through observation – watching what others do
  • Learning through modeling – reproducing the actions of others
  • Learning through imitation – copying others’ behaviors and knowledge
  • Sharing knowledge and experiences
  • Providing feedback and encouragement
  • Collaborating and cooperating

In a Facebook group context, enabling social learning means structuring the group to promote these kinds of interactions between members. The goal is to foster an environment where members learn from and teach one another.

Enable group rules and settings for social learning

There are a few key group rules and settings you can configure to facilitate social learning in your Facebook group:

  • Allow members to post questions – Let members make posts asking questions to the group. This encourages participation and allows people to learn by getting answers from others.
  • Allow file and link sharing – Permit members to share documents, images, videos, and links. This gives people a way to share knowledge resources.
  • Allow members to comment on posts – Comments facilitate discussion and feedback around questions and shared content.
  • Turn on post approvals – Reviewing posts allows you to filter content and ensure it’s appropriate for the group.
  • Optional admin approval to join – Vetting members helps maintain group quality and prevents spam.

Configuring these rules and settings creates an environment where members can interact, share knowledge, and learn together.

Set expectations for social learning

It’s helpful to establish clear expectations around the behaviors that facilitate social learning in your group. Some guidelines to share with members include:

  • Ask questions – Don’t be afraid to ask the group if you need help or information.
  • Answer questions when you can – Offer your knowledge to help other members.
  • Share relevant resources – Post useful links, files, videos, and more to help teach others.
  • Provide constructive feedback – Give thoughtful suggestions to improve discussions.
  • Model desired behaviors – Demonstrate the types of interactions you want to see through your own posts and comments.
  • Maintain a respectful tone – Be considerate and keep discussions friendly.

Communicating these expectations gives members a sense of how they should participate to enable social learning.

Use polls to engage members

Polls are a great way to promote learning through collaboration. Here are some poll ideas to try in your group:

  • Gauge member knowledge – “How much do you know about [topic]?”
  • Crowdsource suggestions – “What tips do you have for [task]?”
  • Learn interests – “What [topic] would you like to learn more about?”
  • Generate ideas – “What should we name [thing]?”
  • Spark discussion – “Which is better for [objective]?”

Polling members allows them to share their perspectives, vote on group decisions, and teach one another through the results. Make sure to share poll results with the group after closing them.

Host social learning activities

In addition to polls, you can organize other interactive activities to engage members in social learning:

  • Q&As – Invite members to ask questions on a topic and have others answer them.
  • Peer reviews – Have members give feedback on each other’s work and ideas.
  • Show & tell – Prompt members to share examples of projects, progress, or creations.
  • Topic discussions – Start threads on specific subjects that members can weigh in on.
  • Guest speakers – Invite experts to share insights members can learn from.

These activities allow members to learn by exchanging knowledge and collaborating. Schedule and facilitate them regularly.

Appoint group mentors

Assign seasoned members of your group to serve as mentors. Their role will be providing guidance, answering questions, and modeling constructive behaviors. Ideal mentors should:

  • Have extensive knowledge to share
  • Interact frequently and positively
  • Be patient and willing to teach
  • Embody your community values

Enable mentors to pin helpful posts and let members know they can direct message them for assistance. Recognize their contributions to encourage ongoing mentoring.

Gamify learning with badges

Gamifying social learning by awarding badges or points for participation can motivate members. Examples of behaviors to reward include:

Badge Behavior
Teacher Answering other members’ questions
Inquisitive Asking thoughtful questions
Collaborator Participating actively in discussions or projects
Leader Welcoming new members
Mentor Providing ongoing guidance and support

Badges give members a sense of accomplishment and encourage behaviors that facilitate social learning.

Model facilitation of discussions

As a group admin, you should actively participate in and guide discussions to model constructive social learning interactions. Useful facilitation tips include:

  • Ask follow-up questions to extend conversations
  • Highlight insightful perspectives and ideas
  • Invite quieter members to share their thoughts
  • Acknowledge and validate members’ contributions
  • Gently steer off-topic discussions back on track
  • Summarize key points and takeaways

Your own involvement shows members how to have productive discussions where everyone learns.

Send social learning prompts

Use your admin privileges to send prompts directly to members encouraging social learning participation. Some examples:

  • “What’s a topic you could make a post about to help other members?”
  • “Who has a question you could answer based on your experience?”
  • “What interesting thing did you learn recently that you could share?”
  • “Who needs feedback on something they’re working on?”

Prompts remind members of ways they can contribute and learn through sharing.

Share examples of great posts

When you see members making posts that enable quality social learning, share them as examples for others. For instance:

  • “Great question, [name] – this is the type of post that helps us all learn!”
  • “Kudos to [name] for providing such thoughtful feedback and suggestions here.”
  • “Thanks [name] for contributing this helpful resource – it’s adding immense value for members.”

Calling out stellar examples reinforces the behaviors you want to see more of from members.

Review analytics to improve

Use Facebook’s built-in analytics for your group to track member participation and engagement over time. Monitor metrics like:

Metric Social Learning Significance
Daily engaged members Indicates how many members interact regularly
Post comments Shows the level of discussion happening
Member growth Measures how well your group retains and attracts members
Reactions on posts Quantifies member engagement with shared content

Reviewing analytics over time enables you to track social learning progress and find areas for improvement.


By intentionally structuring your Facebook group for social learning, you can facilitate more meaningful interactions between members. Make sure to provide guidelines, establish expectations, model desired behaviors, prompt participation, and recognize contributions.

Enabling members to observe, imitate, collaborate, share knowledge, and teach each other creates powerful communal learning. Your group will become a hive of rich idea exchange and personal development.