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How do I set Facebook that only admin can post to a group?

How do I set Facebook that only admin can post to a group?

Facebook groups are a great way to build communities and allow members to interact with each other. As a group admin, you may want to limit posting privileges to just yourself or other admins. Restricting posting can help avoid spam, ensure content stays on topic, and maintain quality. Luckily, it’s easy to configure Facebook group settings so that only admins can create new posts.

Require Admin Approval for Posts

The easiest way to limit posting to admins only is to enable the “Posts Require Admin Approval” setting. This means no member posts will appear in the group until an admin reviews and approves them first. To enable:

  1. Go to your Facebook group
  2. Click Settings at the top
  3. Select Group Settings
  4. Under the Post Approval header, check the box next to “Posts Require Admin Approval”
  5. Click Save Changes

Once enabled, members will see a message when trying to post that their content is pending admin approval. As an admin, you’ll be notified of pending posts and can review and approve or reject them.

Pros of Requiring Admin Approval

  • Gives admins full control over all content posted
  • Stops spam or irrelevant posts from appearing immediately
  • Allows screening posts to ensure quality
  • Good for large groups where monitoring all posts is difficult

Cons of Requiring Admin Approval

  • Inconvenient for members to wait for post approval
  • Admins must manually review every post
  • Discourages members from participating if too restrictive
  • Not good for small, highly engaged groups

Enabling admin approval is the simplest approach if you want tight control over your group. Just keep in mind it may frustrate members if posting feels too restrictive. Weigh the pros and cons based on your specific group needs.

Restrict Posting to Admins Only

If you don’t want members to post at all without admin approval, you can limit posting privileges to just admins. When configured this way, only admin roles will see the option to create new posts. To do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook group
  2. Click Settings at the top
  3. Select Group Settings
  4. Under the Posting Ability header, click on Gear icon next to Can Post
  5. Select Admins Only from the dropdown menu
  6. Click Save Changes

Now only admin members of your group will be able to create new posts. Regular members will simply see a message that only admins can post.

Pros of Restricting Posting to Admins Only

  • Total control over all content – only admins can post
  • Prevents any unwanted or irrelevant posts
  • Keeps group content completely on topic
  • Good for broadcast-style groups with admin as sole publisher

Cons of Restricting Posting to Admins Only

  • Members cannot engage by posting their own content
  • Discourages member participation and reduces engagement
  • Not good for collaborative groups intended for member discussions
  • Requires admins to create all content which is time consuming

Limiting posting to just admins ensures full control over content, but reduces opportunities for member engagement. Use this option only if necessary based on your specific group purpose and dynamics.

Allow Members to Post With Keyword Approval

If you want to allow some member posting but still filter content, you can require post approval for messages containing specific keywords. When configured, members’ posts will be pending if they include the keywords you specify. As admin, you can then review and approve or reject these posts. To set up keyword approval:

  1. Go to your Facebook group
  2. Click Settings at the top
  3. Select Group Settings
  4. Under Post Approval, click Add Keyword
  5. Enter the keyword(s) that will trigger approval when used in posts
  6. Click Save Changes

Now member posts containing those keywords will require admin approval before appearing in the group. All other member posts will show immediately without admin review.

Pros of Keyword Post Approval

  • Allows some member posting while restricting specific topics
  • Focuses admin time on approving relevant keywords only
  • Good for large groups where automated filtering is helpful
  • Balances content control with member engagement

Cons of Keyword Post Approval

  • Admins still must manually review posts containing keywords
  • Members may try avoiding keywords to bypass approvals
  • Not always effective as keywords can be worked around
  • Set up can be tricky to target the right keywords

Keyword approval works best for identifying a few very specific topics or types of content you want to review. It likely won’t capture every single post you want to approve, but can help in reducing your overall review workload.

Disable Posting for Specific Members

If you have particular members you don’t want posting at all, you can disable their individual posting permissions. This allows you to restrict certain users without limiting the entire group.

To disable posting for specific members:

  1. Go to your Facebook group
  2. Click Members in the left sidebar
  3. Click on the member you want to restrict
  4. Select Group Settings from their profile menu
  5. Next to Posting Ability, select Disable from the dropdown menu
  6. Click Save Changes

This member will now be unable to create new posts in the group. Repeat for any other members you want to restrict. All other members will still be able to post normally.

Pros of Disabling Posting for Specific Members

  • Selectively restricts ability to post on a member-by-member basis
  • Allows targeting only problem members instead of limiting the entire group
  • Most flexible option for mixed groups with many member roles
  • Avoids having to monitor or approve every single post

Cons of Disabling Posting for Specific Members

  • Time consuming if disabling many member accounts individually
  • Must identify and continually update which members to restrict
  • Restricted members may create new accounts or use aliases to post
  • Not easy to scale across very large groups

Disabling posting for specific members gives you surgical precision in limiting permissions. But it can be unwieldy for very large groups or when playing “whack-a-mole” with problem members rejoining.

Make the Group Secret

A final option is to make your Facebook group secret. This means it won’t appear in searches, and only members invited by admins can view posts or join. Since admins directly control membership, this allows you to keep the group restricted only to approved members.

To make your public group secret:

  1. Go to your Facebook group
  2. Click Settings at the top
  3. Select Group Settings
  4. Next to Privacy, click Edit
  5. Change group privacy to Secret
  6. Click Confirm

The group will now be secret. Only existing members will remain, since all pending requests will be removed. To add new members, you’ll need to invite each one directly.

Pros of a Secret Facebook Group

  • Membership is completely controlled by admin invites
  • Content is fully private and hidden from non-members
  • Ideal for small, closed communities who want privacy
  • Allows removal of any unwanted or spam accounts

Cons of a Secret Facebook Group

  • Member engagement may decrease without public discovery
  • Admins must individually screen and invite each new member
  • Not ideal for larger or public communities seeking growth
  • Existing members may not like increased privacy restrictions

Secret groups give you maximum control and privacy, but require more effort to manage members and limit public exposure. Gauge whether the tradeoff is worthwhile based on your specific community.


Limiting Facebook group posting to admins only takes just a few settings tweaks, but can significantly transform group management and conversation. Consider the options carefully before restricting member privileges. Though locking down posting provides more control, it can discourage engagement and participation if done excessively.

The best approach depends entirely on your specific group community and purpose. Small private groups may prefer being secret with invite-only membership. Large public groups likely need more open posting to foster member interactions. Seek a middle ground that balances content control for admins with an open platform for members.

With the right posting restrictions and active moderation, you can keep your Facebook group focused while maintaining a vibrant member community. Pay close attention to member feedback and be willing to adjust approvals or permissions accordingly. Your role as admin is to provide helpful guardrails without stifling organic interactions between members.

Facebook groups thrive when members feel empowered to post freely within a clearly defined structure. Set expectations upfront and communicate any changes openly with members. Most will appreciate the need for reasonable posting limits that keep the group useful, safe and spam-free. A few simple admin tools, when applied judiciously, can go a long way towards maintaining harmony.