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How do I send an anonymous message to a Facebook group?

How do I send an anonymous message to a Facebook group?

Sending an anonymous message to a Facebook group can be useful if you want to share information or ask a question without revealing your identity. While Facebook doesn’t have a built-in anonymous messaging feature, there are a few different methods you can use to send an anonymous message to a group.

Using a fake or secondary account

The simplest way to send an anonymous message is to create a secondary Facebook account not linked to your real identity. Here’s how:

  1. Create a new Facebook account using an email address not associated with your real identity.
  2. Do not use any real biographical information when setting up the account.
  3. Do not add any friends on this account.
  4. Request to join the Facebook group you want to message anonymously using this account.
  5. Once approved to join the group, you can create new posts that will show as being authored by your fake account rather than your real account.

The downside to this method is that Facebook’s security systems may flag your account if it looks suspicious. Make sure to use the account occasionally by liking and commenting on posts so it seems like a real person.

Using a third-party anonymous messaging service

There are a few third-party services that allow you to send anonymous messages to Facebook groups:

  • Anonymous for Facebook: This service allows you to mask your identity when posting in Facebook groups or sending private Facebook messages. You need to register an account on their platform.
  • This online platform lets you create anonymous burnable messages that self-destruct after being read. The recipient gets a link to view the message.
  • Anonychat: This chat app has a feature specifically for anonymous Facebook messaging. You can choose a nickname and anonymously send chats.

The caveat is that the Facebook group needs to allow links from these third-party sites. Some groups block outside links to reduce spam.

Using a browser extension or app

There are various browser extensions and mobile apps that allow you to post anonymously:

  • Facebook Anonymizer: This Google Chrome extension allows you to post anonymously to Facebook from your browser.
  • Musely: This app can post anonymously to Facebook groups on your behalf and remove metadata from photos.
  • FaceCloak: This app lets you create anonymous burner Facebook accounts easily from your mobile device.

The advantage of browser extensions and apps is that they mask your identity at the device/browser level. However, they may not work if the Facebook group has privacy settings limiting third-party tools.

Using a VPN or proxy service

A VPN (virtual private network) or proxy service masks your IP address, making your actions appear anonymous to outside entities. Here’s how to use a VPN or proxy for anonymous Facebook messaging:

  1. Sign up for a reputable VPN service or anonymous proxy server.
  2. Install the VPN software or configure your device to route through the proxy.
  3. Connect to a remote server, which will assign you a different IP address.
  4. With your real account, post your anonymous message to the Facebook group.
  5. The message will appear to be posted by the IP address provided by the VPN/proxy rather than your real IP address.

The downside to VPNs and proxies is that they can impact internet performance. Make sure to choose fast, reliable servers for the best experience.

Using the group’s email address

Some Facebook groups list a group email address that members can use to send anonymous feedback or questions. Here’s how it works:

  1. Locate the group’s email address, usually available in the group description or pinned post.
  2. Craft your anonymous message and send it to the group’s email from a new throwaway account.
  3. The group admins can then post your anonymous feedback to the group on your behalf without revealing your identity.

This method allows true anonymity but depends on the group providing an email contact specifically for anonymous messaging.

Copying and pasting as plain text

If you want to post an anonymous comment, you can copy and paste it into Facebook as plain text rather than typing directly in the comment box:

  1. Write your comment in a text editing app or document outside of Facebook.
  2. Select and copy the text.
  3. In Facebook, paste the text in the comment box with Ctrl + Shift + V (on Windows) or Cmd + Shift + V (on Mac).
  4. This pastes the text as plain text without any identifying information.
  5. Post the comment. It will show your name but metadata like your device and location is hidden.

This method is not truly anonymous but can help obscure some identifying metadata attached to your account. You will still show up as the author.

Using a Facebook poll post

If you want to anonymously gather opinions or feedback, you can create an anonymous poll post:

  1. In the Facebook group, create a new poll post asking a question for feedback.
  2. Choose the option for anonymous responses when setting up the poll.
  3. Group members can respond to the poll without having their names attached to their answers.
  4. You can see the results and feedback anonymously without identifying respondents.

Keep in mind polls may be limited to a small set of multiple choice responses rather than open-ended feedback.

Using anonymous social media apps

If you frequently want to post anonymously, you can use social media apps built specifically for anonymity:

  • Whisper: This app allows users to post anonymous text and image posts that can be shared and replied to anonymously.
  • Swiflie: This app has anonymous community boards where you can post anonymously. You can share Swiflie posts to Facebook groups.
  • Yik Yak: On this location-based app you can anonymously create and interact with posts within your geographic area.

The advantage of these platforms is they are designed for anonymity. However, they may have limited integration options for syncing content to Facebook groups.

Risks and considerations

While it is possible to send anonymous messages to Facebook groups, keep these risks and considerations in mind:

  • Facebook may flag or block accounts or content that appear fake or suspicious.
  • Group admins can ban members who send inappropriate anonymous messages.
  • Don’t use anonymity to harass others or spread misinformation.
  • Anonymity reduces accountability which can lead to more spam and low-quality posts.
  • Third-party apps may collect your data and have unclear privacy policies.
  • Using fake accounts goes against Facebook’s terms of service.

When anonymous posting makes sense

There are legitimate reasons to post anonymously on Facebook groups in some situations such as:

  • Whistleblowing and sharing sensitive information
  • Asking sensitive health questions to medical groups
  • Seeking unbiased feedback about interpersonal issues
  • Avoiding social or work repercussions in tightly knit communities
  • Participating in support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous

The key is maintaining positive intentions and ensuring your anonymous posts add value rather than unnecessary drama.


Posting anonymously on Facebook groups takes a bit more work but can be accomplished through various methods. The right approach depends on your specific needs and the group’s policies. Keep in mind anonymous posting has more potential for abuse and should be used responsibly. Whenever possible, maintain accountability by owning your words and actions on social media.