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How do I sell my raffle tickets on social media?

How do I sell my raffle tickets on social media?

Selling raffle tickets on social media can be an effective way to raise money for a cause or event. With large audiences and built-in sharing capabilities, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer great opportunities to spread the word about your raffle. However, success will depend on careful planning and promotion. Here are some tips to maximize your social media raffle ticket sales.

Set Up a Dedicated Page or Group

First, create a dedicated Facebook page, Instagram account, or Twitter profile specifically for your raffle event. This gives you a centralized place to provide all the key details, like the cause you’re fundraising for, prize details, dates, and how to purchase tickets. You can share the direct link to this page everywhere you promote the raffle online. Having a dedicated presence keeps information organized and makes it easy for interested followers to learn more.

Post Engaging Content

Your social media raffle page needs interesting content, not just direct sales pitches. Share photos and videos showcasing the prize, behind-the-scenes preparation, sponsors, volunteers, or past events. Ask fun questions and polls to spark discussion. Provide regular updates on ticket sales milestones, countdowns to the entry deadline, and more. Engaging posts encourage new followers and keep existing ones interested.

Advertise Prices and Purchase Options

Clearly communicate ticket prices, bundled packages, and how to purchase. List prices in your social media profiles’ bios and pin a post with purchase details to the top of your page. Share quick links to the order form or payment platform. Using convenient click-to-buy links within your posts can expedite sales. Make sure the checkout and payment processes are quick and simple for a seamless user experience.

Leverage Paid Ads

Consider putting some budget toward paid Facebook or Instagram ads to reach larger audiences outside your existing follower base. You can target very specific demographics and locations with these paid promotions. Test different audiences, images, captions and calls-to-action to determine what garners the most ticket link clicks and conversions.

Partner With Local Businesses

Approach popular neighborhood businesses about promoting your raffle. Offer to put their logo on your marketing materials in exchange for hanging up posters, distributing flyers or mentioning the raffle on their own social media feeds. This exposes you to new local networks.

Share Personal Stories

Help people connect to your cause on a deeper level by sharing real-life stories and testimonials. For example, post an interview with someone who has directly benefited from the organization or cause your raffle proceeds will support. This gives the fundraising a purpose that followers can relate to.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Research relevant hashtags your target audience uses on various social platforms and incorporate them into posts. For example, #donate, #charity and #fundraising are popular tags on Instagram. Strategic hashtags expand your reach beyond just current followers.

Give Sneak Peeks of Prizes

If you have exciting prizes, showcase them creatively in social posts to generate buzz. For example, take artful photos highlighting luxury ticket package features or film unboxing videos revealing mystery prize boxes. Consider interviewing sponsors or donors about the prizes they contributed.

Announce Winners Publicly

Let all your social media followers know who won big prizes. Announce winners in real-time as you draw names during the finale event. Tag the winners and they may share their excitement with their own networks, further promoting your raffle. Be sure to get winner consent before publicly announcing their names.

Run Contests and Giveaways

Organize additional contests for free tickets or other small prizes to keep people engaged on social media. For example, share trivia questions and award tickets to the first person who answers correctly. Or, repost entries from people who share your page or use your hashtag for a chance to win bonus entries.

Use Geofilters and Stickers

Create custom geofilters on Snapchat or Instagram story stickers related to your raffle for attendees to use and share during events. Featuring your raffle name, cause or prize details on these special effects helps spread awareness when people post photos wearing the filters.

Cross-Promote on Multiple Platforms

Don’t limit your efforts to just one social media site. Cross-promote your raffle across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and more to reach different audiences. Post at strategic times when each site’s followers are most active.

Send Reminder Messages

Segment your contacts and followers into groups like VIPs, hot leads, cold leads, etc. Set reminders leading up to the raffle deadline to message each group special details or offers tailored to their level of interest. Give hot leads first notice of new prizes or entry extensions.

Make Ticketing Quick and Easy

The easier you make it for people to buy tickets, the more sales you’ll earn. Have links or buttons to purchase ready to go within social posts, profiles and sites. Consider selling tickets directly within social platforms if they offer the capability. Enabling options like Apple Pay, PayPal or credit card readers can also simplify the checkout process.


Running a successful social media raffle promotion involves creativity, organization and persistence. Dedicate time to building your online audience in the months and weeks before the raffle. Produce engaging content consistently, listen to feedback and iterate on what works. Provide supporters plenty of convenient ways to purchase tickets and donate. With the proper strategy tailored to your channels and audience, your next charity raffle can meet its fundraising goals.