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How do I select a thumbnail for a video on Facebook?

How do I select a thumbnail for a video on Facebook?

Selecting the right thumbnail for your video on Facebook is an important part of making sure your video gets clicked and watched. The thumbnail acts as a preview image that shows up in people’s feeds and encourages them to click to watch the full video. Follow these steps to learn how to choose the best thumbnail for your Facebook video.

Requirements for Facebook Video Thumbnails

Facebook has some requirements that your video thumbnail needs to meet:

  • Dimensions: The image must be at least 720px by 720px. Larger images will be scaled down.
  • Aspect Ratio: Thumbnails must have an aspect ratio of 9:16 (vertical rectangle shape).
  • File Size: Keep the file size under 2MB.
  • File Format: JPG or PNG format is recommended.

Keeping these requirements in mind will ensure your thumbnail shows up properly across Facebook and looks sharp on all devices.

Choosing an Eye-Catching Thumbnail

Beyond the requirements, you’ll also want to choose a thumbnail that makes people want to click and watch your video. Here are some tips:

  • Use a recognizable image from your video – Choose a strong, clear still frame that will be easily recognizable to viewers.
  • Focus on faces and eyes – Images with people tend to perform better. Close-up facial shots catch the viewer’s eye.
  • Convey emotions – Choose a thumbnail that portrays excitement, surprise, curiosity or other strong emotion.
  • Use bold colors – Vibrant colors tend to draw more attention than muted tones.
  • Include text – Adding a few words can help provide context for what the video is about.
  • Avoid too much clutter – Keep it simple and make sure the focal point stands out.

Test out a few different options and see which thumbnail gets the most clicks from your target audience.

Editing Your Thumbnail Image

Most video editing software makes it easy to export a frame from your video to use as a thumbnail. But you may want to edit the image further before uploading to Facebook.

Try using photo editing tools to:

  • Crop or reframe the shot to draw focus
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation
  • Add text or graphics
  • Blur background for emphasis
  • Sharpen image
  • Resize or adjust aspect ratio

Editing the image gives you more control over the look and feel of your thumbnail. Be sure to save the finished thumbnail image in JPG or PNG format.

Uploading the Thumbnail to Facebook

Once you have your finished thumbnail image, it’s time to upload it to Facebook along with your video.

When you upload the video through Facebook’s tools, you’ll be prompted to choose a thumbnail. Simply select your pre-made image file here. The image will be associated with your video and used as the clickable thumbnail.

If you’ve already uploaded a video without a thumbnail, you can still add or change the thumbnail later:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page or Profile
  2. Click “Photos” in the left menu
  3. Select your video
  4. Click “Edit Thumbnail” below the video preview
  5. Choose your thumbnail image file

That’s all there is to it! Your eye-catching thumbnail will now appear with your video across Facebook to grab viewer attention.

Tips for Better Video Thumbnails

Here are some additional tips for selecting a thumbnail that maximizes your video views:

  • Show human faces – Images with authentic human emotion tend to perform better than staged or stock photos.
  • Try different options – Test 2-3 different thumbnails to see which one has a higher click-through rate.
  • Be consistent with your branding – Match the look and feel of other thumbnails on your channel or website.
  • Use contrasting colors – Dark text on a light background (or vice versa) makes the image pop.
  • Remember mobile users – Simplify and scale images to look good on small screens.
  • Update old thumbnails – Refreshing old videos with new thumbnails can help revive interest.

Using Thumbnails to Optimize Your Video Strategy

Optimizing your video thumbnails is just one part of having an effective Facebook video strategy. Here are some additional tips:

  • Post videos consistently – Build up an engaged audience by posting new videos often.
  • Experiment with video formats – Try different lengths, styles and content types to see what resonates.
  • Write compelling captions – Well-written captions complement your thumbnail and get more clicks.
  • Include a strong call-to-action – Tell viewers what you want them to do after watching the video.
  • Promote your videos – Share videos on other channels and run ads to expand your reach.
  • Analyze metrics – Use Facebook Insights to learn what’s working and improve over time.

Putting effort into your video thumbnails, along with optimizing your overall video approach, will help you build a larger, more engaged audience on Facebook.

Troubleshooting Thumbnail Issues

If your custom thumbnail isn’t appearing correctly on Facebook, here are some things to try:

  • Confirm the image meets Facebook’s size, aspect ratio and file format requirements.
  • Try re-uploading both the image and video files.
  • Compress your image to reduce file size.
  • Adjust the thumbnail selection in your video upload settings.
  • Clear browser cookies and cache in case of caching issues.
  • Verify your internet connection is stable.
  • Use the Facebook thumbnail editor to replace the existing thumbnail.

If issues persist, you can also try contacting Facebook support for assistance on troubleshooting thumbnail problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my Facebook video thumbnail be visible for?

Facebook recommends having your main subject or focus point visible within the first 3 seconds of video playback. This ensures viewers see the most important visual elements after they click the thumbnail.

What image type performs best as a Facebook thumbnail?

According to research, Facebook thumbnails with human faces tend to get more engagement on average compared to other images. Close-up portrait shots often work very well. Emotional expressions also help capture viewer attention.

Can I use the same thumbnail across multiple Facebook video uploads?

It’s best to create a unique, customized thumbnail for each video you upload. Using duplicate thumbnails on your channel looks unprofessional and won’t help each video get clicked. Unique images are more effective.

What are Facebook’s recommended thumbnail dimensions?

Facebook recommends uploading thumbnails that are at least 720×720 pixels. Larger images will be scaled down, but starting with a minimum 720p size ensures adequate image quality and resolution.

Should I include text on my Facebook video thumbnails?

Text can help provide quick context on what the video is about. But avoid long sentences – a few descriptive keywords or a short phrase is ideal. Be sure the text is easy to read at small thumbnail sizes.


Creating customized, compelling thumbnails is one of the best ways to maximize views of your Facebook videos. Put time into crafting eye-catching thumbnails that highlight exciting moments and make people curious to watch. Follow Facebook’s recommendations for thumbnail specifications, and experiment to see which styles and imagery perform best with your target audience. Pair great thumbnails with optimized video content and promotion, and your Facebook videos will thrive.