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How do I see when I joined Facebook?

How do I see when I joined Facebook?

Seeing the date you joined Facebook can be helpful for reminiscing about how long you’ve had your account or verifying your membership timeline. Facebook makes it easy to find the date you joined, as long as you know where to look.

Check your Facebook profile

The easiest way to see when you joined Facebook is to check your Facebook profile. Simply go to your profile page and look underneath your name, hometown, current city, and introductory bio. You should see a line that says “Joined Facebook on [date].” This will show the exact date you originally signed up for Facebook.

Check the Facebook app on mobile

If you’re accessing Facebook on your mobile device via the Facebook app, you can also easily find the date you joined:

  • Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android phone.
  • Tap on the menu icon in the top right corner (it looks like three horizontal lines).
  • Scroll down and select “Settings & Privacy.”
  • Tap on “Settings.”
  • Scroll down and tap on “Personal and Account Information.”
  • Under “Account Ownership and Control,” you’ll see “Joined Facebook on [date].”

Check Facebook on a computer

To find your join date on a computer:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the arrow icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on “Settings.”
  5. On the left sidebar, click on “Personal and Account Information.”
  6. Under “Account Ownership and Control,” you’ll see “Joined Facebook on [date].”

Check notification emails from Facebook

If you’ve kept the initial email Facebook sent you when you first signed up for your account, you can look back at the date on that email to find your join date. This notification email has a subject line like “Welcome to Facebook!” and will be sent around the same date you actually joined.

Look back at your earliest posts and photos

If you can’t find or access the email Facebook sent when you first signed up, another way is to scroll back through your timeline and look at your earliest posts, photos, and life events. This will give you an approximation of when you likely joined Facebook.

To scroll through your timeline:

  • Go to your profile page.
  • At the top, click on “Posts.”
  • This will bring you to your timeline with your posts shown in chronological order.
  • Scroll down to go further back in time through your timeline.
  • Make note of the year of your earliest post or photo upload – this likely will be around the year you joined Facebook.

Check your Facebook memories

Facebook creates curated content for you called “Memories” by resurfacing your old posts around their anniversary dates. You can use this to help determine when you likely joined Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on “Memories.”
  3. This will show you memories Facebook has saved from your timeline.
  4. Scroll down through your memories.
  5. The oldest memory shown here likely will be from around the time you first joined Facebook.

Use Facebook’s “Manage Activity” tool

Facebook has a tool called “Manage Activity” that shows you a history of your Facebook activity. You can use this to find your join date:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  3. Select “Manage Activity” under “More Information.”
  4. Toggle on “Posts You’ve Created.”
  5. In the date range at the top, select the farthest year back to “All Time.”
  6. Scroll down through your history of posts.
  7. Your first post likely will be around the time you joined Facebook.

Check your Facebook data

You can download an archive of your Facebook data, which will include the exact date you joined Facebook.

To do this:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  3. Select “Download Your Information” under “More Information.”
  4. Deselect all categories and only toggle on “Account Information.”
  5. Click “Create File.”
  6. Once the file is ready, download it and open it on your computer.
  7. Open the “index” HTML file.
  8. Search the page for “join_date” – this will show your exact join date.

Find the date through Facebook support

If all else fails, you can contact Facebook support to ask them to look up when you joined Facebook:

  • Go to Facebook’s Help Center.
  • Click “Contact Us” in the left sidebar.
  • Select “Account Support” as the topic you need help with.
  • Click “Something Else” for the specific issue.
  • Explain you’re trying to find out when you joined Facebook.
  • Include your name and email address associated with your Facebook account.
  • Facebook’s support team can look up your join date and let you know when you signed up.

Why is knowing your Facebook join date useful?

Here are some of the main reasons it can be helpful to know the exact date you joined Facebook:

  • Nostalgia – Looking back at when you first got a Facebook helps you relive memories from that time.
  • Verifying timelines – You may need to confirm when you joined Facebook for legal or formal reasons.
  • Understanding your digital footprint – Seeing when you joined can put your Facebook usage into perspective.
  • Celebrating milestones – You can celebrate Facebook anniversaries and other milestones.
  • Relating to friends – It’s fun to compare join dates with friends.
  • Tracking growth – You can see how Facebook grew over time by comparing join dates.


For many people, knowing their Facebook join date sparks nostalgia. Facebook has been around since 2004, so if you’ve had your account for over a decade, finding your join date can send you reminiscing about what life was like back then. Looking back at old posts, photos, and memories reminds you of where you were in life when you first joined Facebook.

Verifying timelines

There are some formal situations where you may need to confirm the exact date you joined Facebook. For example, if you are involved in a legal dispute where your Facebook membership timeline becomes relevant. In cases like these, having the ability to definitively show when you joined Facebook can be important.

Understanding your digital footprint

Knowing when you first signed up for Facebook puts your overall social media usage into perspective. You can compare it to when you joined other social networks and see how Facebook fits into the evolution of your digital life. It’s interesting to reflect on what life was like both online and offline when you created your Facebook account.

Celebrating milestones

Once you know your Facebook join date, you can celebrate yearly Facebook anniversaries. These annual milestones are a fun reason to reminisce by looking back at your earliest Facebook memories. Some people even wish their Facebook profiles a “Happy Facebook birthday!” on their join date.

Relating to friends

Discovering when your friends and family members first joined Facebook can spark interesting conversations. You can talk about why you each decided to join Facebook when you did and what you first remember doing on the platform. Comparing Facebook join dates with friends is a relatable conversation topic.

Tracking growth

Since Facebook has evolved so much over the years, comparing join dates can highlight how massively and quickly it grew. If you were one of the early Facebook users in 2004, your experiences would have been completely different from someone who joined years later when Facebook had become mainstream. Looking at differing join dates underscores Facebook’s rapid expansion.

How Facebook’s interface has changed over time

Facebook’s user interface design and functionality have gone through many changes since it first launched in 2004. Here’s an overview of some of the major interface evolutions over the years:

Year How Facebook’s Interface Looked
2004 Very simple design focused just on profiles, friends and the Wall for posting
2005 Introduction of the new home page with the News Feed
2007 Platform updates, ability to upload photos and videos
2008 Chat sidebar added for instant messaging
2009 Like button first introduced
2010 Modern front page with left sidebar look launched
2011 Timeline profiles introduced
2012 New Pages design with cover photos
2013 Graph Search tool launches
2014 Major redesign focused on visuals for mobile
2017 Messenger becomes standalone app
2021 Redesign adding Dark Mode and new icons

As shown in the timeline, Facebook’s look and features evolved rapidly, especially in the early years. The constant changes reflect Facebook’s growth in popularity and user base over time.

Key changes by year


In the first couple years, Facebook had a basic college student-focused interface. There were profile pages, a friends list, and the Wall for posting statuses. In 2005, the revolutionary News Feed launched, aggregating friends’ updates in real time.


Over the next few years, Facebook rapidly expanded capabilities. Users could upload photos and videos directly. Chat launched for instant messaging. The iconic Like button debuted to interact with posts. By 2010, the familiar left sidebar interface took hold.


This period saw major new features that shifted to more visual, dynamic sharing. The Timeline profile and Cover Photo gave users new ways to express themselves. Facebook also redesigned Pages and launched Graph Search to improve discovery.


Recently, updates focused on streamlining for mobile, like removing messaging from the main app into Messenger. Dark mode and redesigned icons made the interface cleaner. But core functionality remained largely unchanged.

The future of Facebook’s interface

Facebook’s interface will likely continue evolving as technology trends change. Some potential future updates include:

  • More personalized, AI-driven feeds
  • An interface tailored to augmented and virtual reality
  • Ways to share even more immersive content, like 3D images
  • More options for users to customize how Facebook looks to them
  • Integrating offline, online, and metaverse spaces

Facebook has come a very long way since its text-based 2004 interface. As the world’s largest social network for over a billion people, Facebook will continue adapting its interface to support how users want to connect. The next major interface evolution is surely right around the corner.


Finding out your Facebook join date only takes a few minutes. The exact date you signed up can be nostalgic and eye-opening as you reflect on your experiences over the years. Comparing when you and friends joined also highlights how enormously Facebook has grown. With a few taps in the app or scrolls through your profile, you can discover the date you became part of the Facebook community.