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How do I see what my Facebook profile looks like to others?

How do I see what my Facebook profile looks like to others?

Seeing what your Facebook profile looks like to other people can be tricky, since you are automatically seeing your own customized view when you are logged in. However, there are a few different ways to get a sense of how your profile appears to friends, family, coworkers, and the general public.

View Your Profile in Incognito/Private Browsing Mode

One of the easiest ways to see what your profile looks like to others is to view it while in incognito or private browsing mode. This allows you to access Facebook without being logged into your account. Here are the steps:

  1. Open an incognito or private browsing window in your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc).
  2. Go to and navigate to your profile page.
  3. You should now be able to view your profile as others see it, including your profile and cover photos, about info, and recent posts on your timeline.

Keep in mind that some personalized content may still show up this way if you are logged into Facebook on any other browser tabs or devices while viewing your profile incognito. To get a completely logged out view, be sure no part of your browser session is actively logged into Facebook.

Use the “View As” Feature

Facebook has a “View As” tool that lets you see your profile from the perspective of a specific friend or the general public:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select “View As” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose to either view your profile as a specific friend or as a public audience. This will change your view to what that friend or the public sees.

This can be helpful for validating that certain posts, photos, or info are visible to who you want them to be. Just remember to switch the view back to yourself when finished.

Use a Secondary Profile

Having a separate profile that is friends with your primary account can enable you to view your profile as others see it. Here is how to set it up:

  1. Create a new Facebook account (it helps to use different credentials and an alternate email address).
  2. Search for your main profile and send a friend request from the secondary account.
  3. Once your main profile accepts the friend request, you can access the secondary profile at any time to view your primary profile as a friend would.

This method takes a bit more time to set up, but provides the most authentic view of how your profile appears to friends. Just don’t engage with your main profile using the secondary one, or it could get flagged as fake. Simply use it for viewing purposes.

Ask a Friend

Lastly, one of the best ways to understand how your Facebook profile looks to others is to simply ask! Pick a few close friends or family members and request that they send you screenshots of your profile or describe generally what they see.

Key things to have them check are:

  • Your profile and cover photos
  • Pinned or highlighted posts on your timeline
  • About info sections
  • Recent posts and their content
  • Settings like who can see certain posts (public, friends, etc)

Having trusted contacts weigh in on your profile can provide personalized insight into how you are coming across. Just be sure to return the favor and provide feedback on their profiles as well!

Use Facebook’s Access Your Information Tool

Facebook has an “Access Your Information” tool that allows you to view and download the information Facebook has about you, including a snapshot of what your profile looks like to others. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left column
  3. Click on “View Next to “Access Your Information”
  4. Select “View Profile” under the Profile and Tagging section

This will generate a downloadable HTML file with a formatted view of your public profile. It can be really useful for understanding exactly what your profile is presenting to others.

Adjust Privacy Settings

After reviewing what your profile looks like to others, you may want to adjust your privacy settings to display only the information you’re comfortable with. Here are some tips:

  • Set old posts to “Friends Only” or “Only Me” to limit visibility
  • Restrict photo albums to certain audiences
  • Enable review of posts you’re tagged in before they appear on your profile
  • Limit the audience who can find and contact you on Facebook
  • Toggle off status updates, check-ins, or other items you don’t want public

Taking the time to customize your privacy settings gives you greater control over what your profile shares publicly. You can find Facebook’s detailed Privacy Settings under the Settings menu.


Seeing your Facebook profile from an outsider’s perspective is important for managing your personal brand and online presence. Use the tips in this article to check your profile view and ensure you’re projecting the image you want to the digital world. A few simple tweaks could make a big difference!