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How do I see the newest comments on Facebook first?

How do I see the newest comments on Facebook first?

There are a few different ways to view the newest comments first on Facebook posts and pages. The easiest way is to change your default comment sorting setting to show newest comments first. You can also sort comments manually by selecting the “Newest” option on individual posts. Using filters and searching for keywords can also help you find the latest comments quickly.

Change Default Comment Sorting to Newest First

Facebook’s default comment sorting displays the most relevant or popular comments first on posts. To always see newest comments first instead:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click “Settings.”
  3. Click “Your Preferences” under the General Account Settings category.
  4. Under “Comment Sorting,” choose the “Newest First” option.

Now whenever you view comments on any post or page, the newest ones will automatically be at the top. This setting will apply on both desktop and mobile.

Sort Comments Manually on Each Post

Without changing your overall default comment sorting, you can still view newest comments first on any individual post:

  1. Navigate to the post where you want to see the newest comments.
  2. Click on the “Comments” link below the post.
  3. Select “Newest” from the sorting options above the comments.

This will reorder the comments on that specific post only with the newest ones on top. You’ll need to sort manually each time you visit a post if you don’t want to change the default.

Use Filters to View Latest Comments

Facebook filters allow you to quickly view only certain types of comments or ones containing keywords. This can be helpful to see the newest comments related to a particular topic or thread.

To use filters on desktop:

  1. Click on the post where you want to filter comments.
  2. Click “All Comments” above the comment box.
  3. Select “Newest” to sort if desired.
  4. Click the filter icon (it looks like a funnel) next to the search bar.
  5. Choose filters like “Containing photos or videos” or enter a keyword.

The comments will update dynamically as you apply filters. You can combine multiple filters to further narrow it down.

On mobile:

  1. Tap on a post’s comments.
  2. Tap the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Choose “Filter by” and select a filter or enter a keyword.

This method also lets you filter by newest first before applying other filters if needed.

Search Comments for Keywords

Using Facebook’s comment search is an easy way to find the latest comments about a specific topic within a post.

On desktop:

  1. Navigate to the post with comments you want to search.
  2. Click “Search” above the comments.
  3. Type a keyword or phrase and hit Enter.
  4. Select “Newest” to sort if needed.

On mobile:

  1. Go to the post and tap the comments.
  2. Tap inside the search bar at the top.
  3. Enter a search term and tap the magnifying glass icon.
  4. Tap the three dots to sort by newest if desired.

The search results will display comments containing your keyword sorted chronologically. You can refine the search to see only the newest conversations about your topic.

View New Comments on Your Posts

When you make your own posts, there’s an easy way to view just the new comments that have been added:

  1. Go to your profile and select “Posts” in the left menu.
  2. Click on a post to open it.
  3. Click “New Comments” underneath the post text.

This section shows only comments you haven’t seen yet, so it’s a quick way to catch up on the latest responses.

Get Notifications for New Comments

Enabling notifications for new comments ensures you never miss when someone interacts with your posts or pages:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Notifications”.
  2. Scroll down to the “Posts” section.
  3. Turn on notifications for “All Comments” or “Comments by Others”.

Now when someone comments on your content, you’ll get an alert. You can fine tune the notifications in this menu.

Additionally, when you’re actively engaged in a comment thread discussion, click “Turn on notifications” above the reply field. This will send you notifications only for new activity on that specific comment thread.

Use Third-Party Tools

Some third-party apps and browser extensions can also help you view and manage Facebook comments more easily:

  • Social Book Post Manager – Browser extension that lets you sort comments chronologically and filter/search them.
  • Facebook Comment Search – Tool for searching through all comments on a Page by keyword and date.
  • Social Insider – Social media management platform with filtering/sorting options for comments.
  • Sprout Social – Social media management tool that can filter comments by newest first.

Research different tools to find one with the specific comment features you need.


Viewing the newest Facebook comments first takes just a quick settings change or a couple extra clicks on each post. Try using the manual sort option for individual posts if you only need it temporarily. For always seeing the newest conversations, update your default comment order in settings or rely on notifications and third-party tools.

Prioritizing the latest comments can help you stay on top of trending topics and respond to questions faster. However, don’t forget to also check in on older conversations that may still need replies. With the right settings and tools, you can easily view both new and ongoing discussions.

Method Pros Cons
Change default comment sorting – Always see newest comments first on all posts automatically – Have to change back if you prefer relevancy-based sorting
Sort manually per post – Customize comment order on specific posts – Have to sort each time you visit a post
Use filters – Focus only on comments with certain criteria – Limited filtering options
Search comments – Find latest comments about specific topics – Only searches within individual posts
New comments on your posts – Simple way to see latest responses to your content – Only works for your own posts
Comment notifications – Get alerted immediately when someone comments – Can receive too many notifications if popular post
Third-party tools – Advanced filters and analytics for comments – Often require a paid subscription

Additional Tips for Managing New Comments

  • Reply to comments when notified to keep conversations going.
  • Tag relevant people to draw them into new discussions.
  • Hide or delete abusive/spam comments to keep threads constructive.
  • Pin helpful comments others may find useful.
  • Turn off notifications if overwhelmed by comment volume.
  • Automate replies to frequently asked questions.
  • Designate other Admins to help respond to an influx of new comments.

Focusing on the latest comments provides insight into trending topics and what your audience cares about right now. But don’t forget older conversations still needing responses. Finding the right balance helps build an engaging community.