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How do I see the list of unfollowed friends on Facebook?

How do I see the list of unfollowed friends on Facebook?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2021. With so many connections on the platform, it’s common for people to unfollow friends or pages over time without realizing it.

If you want to see a list of friends who have unfollowed you on Facebook, unfortunately there is no direct way to view it. Facebook does not provide users with a list of friends who have unfollowed them.

Why You May Want To See Who Unfollowed You

There are a few reasons why someone may want to know who their unfollowers are on Facebook:

  • To understand if you’re posting content that certain friends don’t want to see in their feed anymore
  • To prune your friends list and remove people who aren’t interested in your updates
  • Out of curiosity to see who has silently unfollowed you

While Facebook doesn’t make this easy to see, there are some tactics you can use to determine who has unfollowed you or examine your list for potential unfollowers.

How To See Who Unfollowed You On Facebook

Compare Follower Counts Over Time

One straightforward way is to compare your follower count over a period of time. Here are the steps:

  1. Check your current follower count. You can see this by going to your profile page.
  2. Make a note of the exact follower number.
  3. Check back after a week or longer.
  4. Compare the new follower count number with your previous noted number.

If the new number is lower than your previously documented count, the difference represents how many unfollowers you’ve had in that time period.

While you won’t be able to see exactly who unfollowed from this method, it will give you an indication if you’ve had a significant number of unfollowers recently.

Use Facebook’s Following Feed Filter

Facebook actually has a built-in “Following” feed filter that may help identify some accounts that have unfollowed you:

  1. Go to your News Feed
  2. Open the left menu
  3. Click “News Feed Preferences”
  4. Under the “Unfollow” section, toggle on “Feed Filter Bar”

This will add a filter bar under your name in your news feed. Click on the “Following” option.

This will show only posts from accounts you currently follow in the feed. Scan through the feed and make a note if you notice any friends or pages you expected to see but aren’t showing up.

These may be accounts that unfollowed you, since their posts aren’t appearing in your “Following” feed.

Try Third-Party Facebook Unfollowers Apps

There are third-party apps that connect with the Facebook API to analyze your followers list and detect accounts that have unfollowed you.

Some examples include:

  • Crowdfire App – Provides a “Find Unfollowers” analysis
  • Social Unfollowers App
  • FollowMeter App
  • SocialTracker App

These apps match your current followers against your previous followers list to identify who has unfollowed you. Some of the apps may charge fees for full access.

While this method gives you more insight than the previous options, be cautious granting third-party apps access to your Facebook data. Make sure to check reviews and understand their permissions before connecting any app.

Manually Check Your Follower List

The most comprehensive but time consuming way is to manually skim through your full list of followers on Facebook to spot people missing.

Here is how to do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click “Friends” below your cover photo
  3. This will open your full friends list – from here you can browse through alphabetically
  4. Scan for any names of friends you distinctly remember following you but no longer appear

This option takes more effort but allows you to thoroughly audit your list. If done regularly, it may help you notice followers that have disappeared.

Other Signals Someone May Have Unfollowed You

In addition to the main tactics above, there are a few other signs that could indicate a friend may have unfollowed you:

  • Their comments and likes suddenly stop appearing on your posts
  • They used to be a top viewer of your Facebook Stories but no longer appear in that list
  • Your private messages with that friend show as sent but not delivered

While not definitive, these signals can help you narrow down candidates to check if they may have unfollowed you.

Considerations Around Facebook Unfollowers

When evaluating your unfollowers on Facebook, keep a few important considerations in mind:

  • Don’t take unfollowers personally – people may simply want to tidy up their feed rather than directed at you specifically.
  • Your follower count will naturally fluctuate over time – some loss of followers is expected.
  • Focus on creating high quality content rather than striving for vanity metrics.
  • Consider periodically pruning your own friends list – both ways!
  • Pay more attention to engaged followers rather than vanity follower counts.

The key is not to stress about every follower change, but periodically monitoring this can help inform your content strategy and community engagement.


Though Facebook doesn’t directly reveal who has unfollowed you, there are some methods you can use:

  • Monitor your overall follower count over time
  • Scan your followers feed for missing accounts
  • Use third party apps to analyze changes
  • Manually check your followers list

Combining a few of these tactics can help identify possible unfollowers. But don’t forget – good content and engagement matters far more than vanity metrics for social media success.