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How do I see tags on Facebook Mobile?

How do I see tags on Facebook Mobile?

Facebook tags allow you to connect specific posts to your friends or Page. When you tag someone, they’ll get a notification that they’ve been tagged, which allows them to see the post, photo or video you tagged them in. Here are some quick answers about seeing tags on Facebook mobile:

On the Facebook app

If you’ve been tagged in a post on Facebook mobile, you’ll get a notification for it. Tap on the notification to go directly to the post with your tag. You can also see tags by going to your profile page and tapping on Photos of You in the menu. This section shows all the posts, photos and videos you’ve been tagged in by friends.

On the Facebook Pages app

If your Facebook Page has been tagged in a post, you’ll get an alert for it in the notifications tab of the Pages app. Tap on the notification to see the post that tagged your Page. You can also go to your Page’s profile, tap More at the bottom and select Tagged to see all the posts your Page has been tagged in.

Turning off tag notifications

If you don’t want to receive notifications when you’ve been tagged in a post, you can turn these notifications off. On the Facebook app, go to the Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications > Posts. Then turn off notification for When You’re Tagged in a Post.

On the Pages app, go to Settings > Notifications > Posts > When Your Page is Tagged in a Post to turn off tag notifications for your Page.

Untagging yourself from posts

If you’ve been tagged in a Facebook post that you don’t want to be associated with, you can remove the tag. On the Facebook app, go to the post you’re tagged in and tap on your name in the post. Select Untag to remove yourself.

On the Pages app, go to the post your Page is tagged in. Tap on your Page’s name and choose Untag Page to remove the tag.

Controlling tag review

You can control who can tag you in posts before the tag goes live. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Timeline and Tagging. Here you can choose to review tags people add to your posts before the tag is visible. Select Enabled to turn on tag review.

Pages don’t have the option to review tags before they go live. However, as the admin you can remove any tags on your Page by untagging the Page.

Limiting who can tag you

You can also limit who has permission to tag you in posts. Under Timeline and Tagging settings, tap Who Can Tag You. Choose from the following options:

  • Everyone – Anyone can tag you (default setting)
  • Friends Except… – Exclude specific friends from tagging you
  • Only These Friends… – Restrict tagging to a custom list of friends

Pages don’t have the option to limit who can tag them. Any user can tag a Facebook Page in their posts.

Finding old tags of yourself

Want to see who has tagged you in posts in the past? Go to your profile, tap Photos of You and then choose Posts You’re Tagged In. This will show you all the posts, photos and videos you’ve been tagged in on Facebook.

Seeing tags on a friend’s timeline

To see what someone else has been tagged in, go to their profile and tap Photos in the menu. Their Photos section will display all the posts, photos and videos they’ve been tagged in by friends.

Using tags on Facebook

Here are some tips for using tags effectively on Facebook:

  • Tag friends in photos you’re both in. This makes the photo show up on both your timelines.
  • Tag friends in posts when you mention them. This lets them know they’ve been mentioned.
  • Tag brands or businesses to alert them to a post about their product or service.
  • Tag your business Page rather than personal profile when posting as your business.
  • Tag event hosts to thank them for an event you attended.
  • Tag the location where a photo or video was taken.

Tagging best practices

To use Facebook tags respectfully, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Only tag people who are actually in a photo or relevant to a post.
  • Ask someone’s permission before tagging them in embarrassing or unflattering photos.
  • Don’t tag strangers or people you don’t know well.
  • Untag yourself from posts you don’t want to be associated with.
  • Respect other people’s privacy. Don’t tag someone’s location if they don’t want it known.

Tagging on other Facebook apps

You can also tag friends and Pages on some other Facebook apps:

Facebook Messenger

In a group chat, tap the More Options icon and select Mention to tag someone. This sends them a notification in the chat.


Tap a photo to open it. Tap Tag People and search or select people to tag them in your Instagram photo.


Open a group chat. On iOS, tap the group subject and then tap Add Participants to tag someone. On Android, tap Group Info > Invite to tag participants.


Facebook tags are a great way to engage with friends and connect them to your posts. Make sure to use them appropriately and respect other people’s preferences. With the tag privacy controls on Facebook, you can limit tag notifications and untag yourself whenever needed.