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How do I see photos my boyfriend likes on Facebook?

How do I see photos my boyfriend likes on Facebook?

It’s natural to feel curious about what your boyfriend is up to on Facebook, including any photos he has liked. While there is no direct way to see all the photos your boyfriend has liked, there are a few approaches you can try to get a sense of his Facebook activity.

Check Your Boyfriend’s Activity Log

The first option is to check your boyfriend’s activity log. This shows all his recent Facebook activity, including any posts, photos, or pages he has liked or interacted with. To view his activity log:

  1. Go to his Facebook profile
  2. Click on the three-dot menu in the top right
  3. Select “Activity Log”

This will show you his recent Facebook activity in reverse chronological order. Look for any posts, photos or pages he has liked. You’ll be able to see the photos themselves that he has liked this way. However, this only shows his most recent Facebook activity, so if he liked a photo weeks or months ago, it won’t show up here.

Check Out His Likes on Public Posts

Many Facebook posts and photos are public, meaning anyone can see them even if they aren’t friends with the person who posted them. If your boyfriend has liked any public photos or posts, you may be able to see these likes:

  1. Go to his Facebook profile
  2. Click on “Likes” under his intro section
  3. This will show pages he likes, but also look for any posts by friends that appear here
  4. If you see posts by friends, click into them to see all the likes

This will let you see any public posts or photos he has liked. Again, this only works for public posts – anything private posted by friends won’t show up here.

Check Out His Facebook Friends

Looking at your boyfriend’s friends on Facebook can also provide clues about photos he may have liked:

  1. Go to his Facebook profile
  2. Click “Friends” along the left sidebar
  3. Browse through his friend list and click into any female friends’ profiles
  4. Look for recent public photos and see if he has liked them

This can be time-consuming, but may turn up photos he has liked if any of his female friends have public photos or posts.

Use the Facebook Search Bar

The Facebook search bar can also help uncover likes:

  1. Go to the Facebook search bar
  2. Type in his name and “likes”
  3. This will show results for any public posts or pages he has liked recently

You may find public photos he has liked this way – but again, this will only work for public content.

Ask Him

One straightforward approach is to simply ask your boyfriend to see photos he has liked. Be honest that you feel insecure and want to see for yourself that he hasn’t liked inappropriate photos. He may appreciate your honesty and reassure you by showing his likes. However, he may see it as invasive and refuse – so be prepared for that reaction too.

Use a Spy App or Website

There are various spy apps and websites, like mspy or flexispy, that claim to let you view private Facebook activity, including likes. However these access his account without consent and are unethical. They can also spread malware or be scams. It’s best to avoid these options.


Unfortunately there is no direct or easy way to view all the photos your boyfriend has liked on Facebook without his consent. While you can glean some clues by checking his activity log, likes, friends and public posts he has engaged with, this will only give you part of the picture. If you want to know the full extent of what he has liked, you will need to ask him directly and have an open conversation about it. While you may feel you have good reasons to distrust him, spying on his likes without his knowledge crosses boundaries and damages trust. A better approach is to explain your concerns and seek mutual transparency.

Why You Want to See His Likes

There are some understandable reasons why you might want to see the photos your boyfriend has liked on Facebook. Knowing more about his likes can give insight into his interests, friendships, and whether he might be attracted to or interacting with other girls. Possible reasons you may want to view his likes include:

  • Insecurity about yourself or the relationship
  • Suspicion he might be attracted to or flirting with other women online
  • Feeling like he is hiding something from you or being secretive
  • Curiosity about his friends, interests, and online activity generally
  • Looking for signs your relationship is changing or he is pulling away

Wanting more transparency in a relationship is reasonable. But it’s also important to balance transparency with trust and boundaries. Looking through his likes behind his back can damage trust.

Approach with Empathy

Rather than acting on suspicions alone, have an empathetic conversation where you explain your feelings and concerns. Give him a chance to reassure you. A defensive or accusing tone will just put him on the defensive. Talk through your worries and hopes together constructively. Build understanding, not resentment.

Relationship Red Flags

While wanting to see his likes may stem from reasonable concerns, it can also suggest possible relationship problems that need attention:

  • Lack of trust – Spying on each other instead of communicating openly
  • Dishonesty – Hiding your actions and mistrust from each other
  • Insecurity – Feeling jealous, insecure or threatened by others
  • Controlling behavior – Trying to restrict each other’s privacy and friendships
  • Poor communication – Not sharing worries and reassuring each other

Take stock of whether your need to check his likes reflects deeper issues that require care and attention for the relationship to thrive. Address the root causes together constructively.

Ethical Considerations

Spying on your boyfriend’s likes without his consent also raises ethical issues:

  • You are accessing his private activity behind his back
  • Liking photos does not necessarily mean anything deeper
  • Looking through female friends’ photos could feel like stalking
  • Your actions could damage trust and honesty in the relationship if discovered

Consider if your desire to know outweighs respecting his privacy. Talk to him before taking matters into your own hands.

Practical Challenges

Trying to spy on his likes also has some practical challenges:

  • His activity log only shows recent likes, not the full history
  • You can only see likes on public posts, not private ones
  • It can be extremely time-consuming to click through all his friends’ profiles
  • Spy apps could be malware, scams, or unethical breaches of consent

Realistically, you are unlikely to gain a full picture this way. A conversation is better than spying through partial information.

When Likes Might Be a Problem

While liking photos may be harmless in many cases, there are some circumstances where it could indicate a deeper issue:

  • He hides his activity and likes from you
  • He excessively likes photos of female friends in revealing clothing
  • His likes involve flirtatious comments or messaging
  • He downplays it if confronted and gets overly defensive

The nature of the likes matters just as much as the action of liking itself. Talk through any concerns openly and rationally.

Set Healthy Boundaries

You and your boyfriend should aim for reasonable privacy boundaries:

  • Give each other space to have some independence and separate friendships
  • Don’t demand to see each other’s phones or social media without permission
  • Share any concerns calmly and tactfully
  • Build trust by being honest if you ever do feel uncomfortable about each other’s online activity
  • Compromise if certain behaviors really do affect the relationship, like excessive flirting

With open communication, you can respect each other’s privacy while also addressing any worries constructively together.

When to Get Help

Consider involving a relationship counselor or therapist if:

  • You cannot stop spying on each other’s online activity
  • You fight constantly over social media and privacy
  • You feel the need to control or restrict each other’s friendships and interests
  • You struggle to communicate honestly without anger or accusations
  • You have trouble trusting each other and feel insecure constantly

Professional help can teach skills for communication, conflict resolution, trust-building and healthy compromise.

Focus on Intimacy

Rather than obsess over his likes, shift focus to strengthening intimacy in your relationship:

  • Plan regular quality time together, like dates or weekend getaways
  • Initiate fun activities you both enjoy
  • Surprise each other with romantic gestures
  • Foster physical and emotional intimacy through affection, conversation, and empathy
  • Appreciate each other’s positive qualities
  • Communicate your love and commitment

Building a deeper connection can boost confidence and trust in the relationship far more than policing each other’s likes.


Trying to spy on your boyfriend’s Facebook likes can harm trust and reflect deeper issues in a relationship. While wanting more transparency is reasonable, it is healthiest to achieve this through open communication, not behind his back. Weigh your motivations and consider if respecting privacy, focusing on intimacy, and having an honest dialogue are better approaches than acting secretly on suspicion. If Facebook likes are truly damaging your relationship, address the behavior with empathy along with setting mutually agreed boundaries. But also reflect on whether your own insecurities may be skewing your perception in non-constructive ways. With care and compromise, you and your boyfriend can find the right balance for your relationship when it comes to social media use and privacy.