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How do I see old friends stories on Facebook?

How do I see old friends stories on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to reconnect with old friends by seeing their recent stories and posts. However, since not all friends show up in your main News Feed, their updates may get lost over time. Fortunately, Facebook provides several ways to resurface old friends’ stories that you may have missed.

Check Your Friends List

The easiest way to see old friends’ stories is to go to your Friends list. This shows all your Facebook friends in alphabetical order. To access it:

  1. Click on the Friends tab in the left sidebar.
  2. Go through the list looking for old friends you want to catch up with.
  3. Click on their name to go to their profile.
  4. Scroll through their recent posts and stories.

This allows you to get a quick overview of what they’ve been up to lately. You can like, comment on, and share any interesting updates that catch your eye.

Search for Them

If you don’t see a particular old friend in your main Friends list, try searching for them. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the search bar at the top of Facebook.
  2. Type in their name.
  3. Select their profile from the dropdown results.
  4. Once on their profile, you can browse their recent stories and posts.

This is helpful for rediscovering old connections that aren’t showing up in your News Feed. The search feature makes it easy to find their profile again.

Check Your Archive

Your Facebook Archive contains a history of all your interactions on the platform. This includes posts you’ve reacted to, messages exchanged, photos shared, and more. You can use it to reminisce on old memories with friends. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click on Your Facebook Information in the left column.
  3. Select View Your Information.
  4. Click on View Next to Posts.

This will show you all your past post reactions and comments. You can scroll back through time to see interactions you’ve had with different friends.

Use the News Feed Filter

You can filter your News Feed to show posts from specific friends. Do this to catch up on an old friend’s updates. Here’s how to use this feature:

  1. Click on News Feed in the left sidebar.
  2. At the top, click on the Down arrow next to Filter: All Posts.
  3. Select Friends.
  4. Type in the name of the friend you want to focus on.

Your News Feed will now only show recent stories and posts from that friend. You can scroll back through their history and interact with any interesting updates.

Check Out Your Memories

The Memories feature resurfaces old posts and interactions from years past. You can use it to see what you and your friends were posting on this day in previous years. To access it:

  1. Click on the Memories icon in the left sidebar – it looks like a heart.
  2. This will show you posts and stories from previous years.
  3. Look for ones involving friends you want to reconnect with.

Commenting on an old Memory is a great way to get back in touch with a long lost friend.

Browse Your Activity Log

Your Activity Log acts as a diary of your Facebook interactions. It keeps track of every story, post, photo, like, comment, and more. Check it to jog your memory about friends you’ve interacted with. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the Down arrow at the top right.
  2. Select Activity Log.
  3. Browse your recent and past interactions.
  4. Look for ones involving old friends you want to reconnect with.

This gives you a comprehensive record of your Facebook activity to scroll back through.

Join Relevant Groups

Joining groups related to your interests or affiliations is a great way to reconnect online. You’ll be able to interact with old friends who are also part of these groups. Some ways to find relevant groups include:

  • Checking suggestions in the Groups tab
  • Searching for key terms like your hometown or college name
  • Discovering groups your old friends have joined

Participating in group discussions is a natural way to reconnect with those you have common interests or experiences with.

Search Pages Related to Your History

Looking up Pages for places and organizations you have a shared history with can lead you to old friends who also follow or interact with those Pages. Some ideas include:

  • Your high school, college, or workplace
  • Places you used to go like restaurants, bars, or clubs
  • Bands, teams, or causes you followed in the past

When you find relevant Pages, you can see which friends like or follow it too. Engaging with the content can lead to rediscovering connections.

Use the Friend Suggestions Tool

Facebook’s Friend Suggestions uses your networks and contacts to recommend reconnecting with old friends. Here’s how to access it:

  1. Go to your Friends tab.
  2. Click on Find Friends in the left sidebar.
  3. Go through the list of recommended friends.
  4. If you see old friends, you can send a friend request or message them.

This feature saves you time hunting down old connections, and suggests people you may have lost touch with completely.

Look for Them on Messenger

Check your Messenger contacts and message history for clues about old friends. They may still be connected to you there. Ways to find old friends on Messenger include:

  • Scanning your Contacts list
  • Searching for their name in Messages
  • Checking your message requests

If you find old friends you want to get back in touch with, you can send them a hello or restart the conversation.

Search Hashtags From the Past

Shared experiences, cultural moments, and trends you enjoyed together will have associated hashtags. Searching those tags can uncover old friends who also posted about those memories. Some ways to find relevant hashtags include:

  • Places you lived or traveled to
  • Memorable events like concerts or festivals
  • Pop culture, songs, shows, movies, or books you enjoyed

Posting about nostalgic hashtags from your past can help old friends rediscover and reconnect with you.

Attend In-Person Events

In-person meetups offer an opportunity to reconnect face-to-face with old friends in your area. Ways to find out about upcoming events include:

  • Checking Facebook Events
  • Joining local Facebook Groups
  • Following bars, venues, organizations, etc. that host events

Attending these get-togethers gives you a chance to catch up in real life and rekindle faded friendships.

Reach Out and Start Chatting

The best way to reconnect with old friends on Facebook is to reach out directly. Don’t be shy about messaging someone you’ve lost touch with. Here are some tips for getting the conversation going again:

  • Comment on their recent posts or pictures
  • Like and react to their updates to show you’ve been creeping
  • Send them a message saying it’s been too long
  • Ask how they’ve been and what they’ve been up to
  • Share some memories or inside jokes from the past
  • Suggest meeting up in person to catch up

Reigniting these old connections just takes a simple hello. Often that can lead to rediscovering a great friendship.


Facebook provides many tools to locate and reconnect with friends from your past. The best way to see old friends’ stories is to interact with their profiles, join common Groups, search for relevant Pages, and reach out directly. With over a billion users, chances are good your old connections are still there. So take a trip down memory lane, and rediscover some forgotten friendships on Facebook.