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How do I see my posts on Facebook on iPhone?

How do I see my posts on Facebook on iPhone?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. With so many users, there are naturally a lot of posts happening on Facebook every second. As an iPhone user, you may sometimes want to look back at your own Facebook posts and activity. Thankfully, Facebook offers easy ways for you to view your posts on iPhone.

Viewing Your Posts in the Facebook App

The easiest way to see your Facebook posts on iPhone is directly in the Facebook app. Here’s how to view your posts:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the three horizontal line menu icon in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select “Your Posts” from the menu.

This will take you to a feed showing only your own posts. You’ll be able to scroll back chronologically through everything you’ve posted on Facebook.

Filtering and Searching Your Posts

From the Your Posts screen, you have some options to filter and search your posts:

  • Tap the three dot icon in the top right corner then select “Filters” to view posts by type, like photos, videos, links, etc.
  • Tap the search icon in the top right to search for specific words or phrases in your posts.

This makes it easy to find a particular post or type of post you’re looking for.

Viewing Posts You’re Tagged In

In addition to your own posts, you can also easily view posts that you’re tagged in on iPhone:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the menu icon.
  2. Select “Tagged” to see posts you’re tagged in.

This will show all the posts where someone has tagged your Facebook profile. It’s a great way to see what others are posting about you or including you in.

Interacting with Tagged Posts

When viewing tagged posts, you have some options to interact or respond:

  • Like or react to the post.
  • View any comments on the post.
  • Untag yourself if needed.

So if you come across any inappropriate tags, you can easily untag yourself right from the iPhone app.

Accessing Posts You’re Mentioned In

Similar to tags, you can also view when someone mentions you in a post or comment on iPhone:

  1. Open the Facebook app menu.
  2. Select “Mentions” to see posts you’re mentioned in.

This works the same as tags and shows all instances where someone has mentioned your name or profile using the @ symbol.

Interacting with Mentions

For any mentions, you can also:

  • Like or react to the post or comment.
  • View the full context of the mention.
  • Hide the post if needed.

So you have full control over posts where others have mentioned you.

Using Your Activity Log

Your Facebook Activity Log contains your entire history of Facebook activity, including:

  • Posts
  • Comments
  • Reactions
  • Searches

To access your activity log on iPhone:

  1. Go to the Facebook menu.
  2. Select “Activity Log.”

You can then filter by date range or search for specific activity. This gives you a comprehensive record of everything you’ve done on Facebook.

Downloading Your Information

From your Activity Log, you also have the option to download your Facebook information. This allows you to export your data including posts, photos, videos, and more.

To download your Facebook info on iPhone:

  1. Go to your Activity Log.
  2. Tap the three dot menu icon.
  3. Select “Download your Information.”
  4. Choose date range and media types.
  5. Tap “Create File.”

Facebook will compile all your data and email you a download link when it’s ready. It’s a great way to backup your Facebook history.

Using Facebook Memories

Facebook Memories surfaces old posts and highlights specific memories from the same day in previous years. To access Memories:

  1. Go to the Facebook menu.
  2. Select “Memories” to view past posts.

This provides a nostalgic look back at your previous posts and activities on Facebook over the years.

Interacting with Memories

For any memories that appear, you can:

  • View the original post.
  • Share the memory to your timeline.
  • Remove the memory if you don’t want to see it.

It’s a great way to re-live moments you’ve shared on Facebook over time.

Searching All of Facebook

If you want to search your entire Facebook history including posts, comments, likes and more, you can use the global Facebook search bar:

  1. Tap the search bar at the top of the Facebook app.
  2. Enter a term or phrase to search.
  3. Scroll to see search results across Facebook.

This will let you search your own content as well as content from friends, Pages, Groups and more.

Advanced Facebook Search

For more advanced Facebook searches on iPhone:

  1. Tap the three dot icon in the search bar.
  2. Select “Advanced Search.”
  3. Use filters like date posted, content type, etc.

So if you just want to see photos you’re tagged in from last year, you can build that specific search query.

Using Facebook View As

Facebook’s View As tool lets you see what your profile looks like to others. To use it:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three dot menu icon.
  3. Select “View As” to view your profile as a friend would see it.

This is an easy way to see and preview all your public posts and info.

Comparing Public vs Private View

You can switch between your view and the public view to compare what’s visible.

  • Your view shows all your posts.
  • Public view only shows posts you’ve shared publicly.

So View As is a handy tool to audit your public profile and posts.

Downloading Your Facebook Data

To download a complete archive of your Facebook data including posts, photos, videos, comments, and more:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings.
  2. Select “Your Facebook Information.”
  3. Tap “Download your information.”
  4. Select date range and types of data.
  5. Choose format and quality for downloads.
  6. Tap “Create File” to generate download.

Facebook will email you a link to download your archive when it’s compiled. It can be a great way to backup your Facebook history.

Using Downloaded Data

You can use your downloaded Facebook data for things like:

  • Viewing your personal Facebook statistics and metrics.
  • Searching your full history across all content.
  • Backing up your photos and videos.
  • Powering analytics or marketing analysis.

Just be sure to keep the data secure as it contains your private information.

Viewing Posts You’re Hidden From Your Timeline

When you hide a post from your Facebook timeline, you can still view it later by:

  1. Going to your profile page.
  2. Tapping the three dot menu icon.
  3. Selecting “View Hidden Posts.”

This will display all the posts you’ve previously hidden from your profile.

Managing Hidden Posts

For hidden posts, you can choose to:

  • Delete it permanently.
  • Unhide it to show on your profile again.
  • Leave it hidden.

So you have ongoing control over posts you don’t want displayed publicly.

Using Facebook Viewer Lists

Facebook Viewer Lists allow you to see who has viewed your posts and profile recently:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the Views section under your cover photo.
  3. See the list of who has viewed your profile.

This can give you an idea of who is engaging with your profile and posts.

Limitations of Viewer Lists

Keep in mind that Viewer Lists have some key limitations:

  • Only shows a sample of recent viewers.
  • Doesn’t include viewers who have enabled privacy mode.
  • Mobile views aren’t included.

So it’s not a complete view of everyone who’s seen your profile or posts recently.


Facebook offers many options for iPhone users to look back through their post history. The easiest ways are using the Your Posts section, Activity Log, Memories, and searching your content. You can also view your profile from a friend’s perspective and download your information for offline access.

With all these tools, you should be able to easily access and manage your Facebook posting history right from your iPhone.

Feature Where to Access What It Shows
Your Posts Menu > Your Posts All your own posts
Tagged Posts Menu > Tagged Posts you’re tagged in
Mentions Menu > Mentions Posts mentioning you
Activity Log Menu > Activity Log Full history of your activity
Memories Menu > Memories Nostalgic posts surfaced by FB
Search Search bar Match terms across all content
View As Your profile > View As See profile as others see it
Download Data Settings > Your Info Full archive of your data