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How do I see friend requests I’ve sent on Facebook?

How do I see friend requests I’ve sent on Facebook?

Here are a few quick answers about how to see friend requests you’ve sent on Facebook:

– Facebook doesn’t send notifications when you send friend requests, so there’s no inbox or sent requests folder to check.
– You’ll need to search for the person’s profile to see if they’ve accepted your request yet.
– If your request is still pending, you’ll see “Friend Request Sent” next to their name.
– If they accepted, their profile will show up as a friend on your friends list.
– If they ignored your request, the “Add Friend” button will reappear on their profile.

Searching for Sent Friend Requests on Facebook

Since Facebook doesn’t have a sent requests folder, the only way to check the status of requests you’ve sent is to search for each person’s profile individually. Here are the steps:

On Desktop

1. Go to and log into your account.
2. Click in the search bar at the top and type the name of the person you sent a request to.
3. In the search results, click on their profile.
4. Next to their profile picture and name, you will see either “Friend Request Sent” or “Add Friend.”
5. If it says “Friend Request Sent,” your request is still pending. If you see “Add Friend,” they did not accept your request.

On Mobile App

1. Open the Facebook app on your phone and log in.
2. Tap the search icon (magnifying glass) at the top.
3. Type the name of the person into the search field.
4. Tap their profile to open it.
5. You will see either “Friend Request Sent” or “Add Friend” next to their name at the top.

This is the only way to check for sure if someone accepted a friend request you sent from your account. If they accepted it, they will show up in your friends list.

Tips for Checking Sent Requests Frequently

Since there’s no sent folder, it can be tedious to search for each person one-by-one. Here are some tips:

Keep a List

Write down the names of people you’ve sent requests to so you remember who to search for later. Cross them off as they accept or decline your requests.

Check Profiles of Mutual Friends

If you have mutual friends, go to that friend’s profile and check their friends list. If the person accepted your request, they’ll be listed there too.

Check After Messaging

If you message someone you sent a request to, check their profile again after a few days. They may be more likely to accept after you interact.

Limit Requests

Only send requests to people you really want to connect with. Sending fewer requests makes it easier to keep track of the statuses.

Use Friends Lists

Place pending requests in a custom friends list titled “Pending” or “Requested.” Then you can easily scroll through just those requests.

Check Back Weekly

Get in the habit of checking pending requests once a week or so. Most requests are accepted or ignored within a few weeks.

What to Do If Your Request Is Ignored

If after several weeks the person still has not accepted your friend request, it likely means they ignored it. Here’s what you can do:

Send a Message

Politely message them saying you noticed they hadn’t accepted your request. See if they want to connect.

Ask a Mutual Friend

If you have a mutual friend, ask them to let the person know you sent a request. They may respond to a reminder.

Don’t Send Again

Sending the request again will likely just annoy them. Take the hint that they don’t want to connect right now.

Try Connecting Elsewhere

See if you can connect with them on another social media site instead, like Instagram or Twitter.

Move On

Ultimately, if someone is not interested in connecting on Facebook, respect their choice and don’t harass them with friend requests.

Why Can’t I See Sent Requests on Facebook?

Many people wonder why Facebook doesn’t have a sent friend requests section like other social networks. Here are some potential reasons Facebook does not allow you to view pending requests:

Encourage Accepting Requests

By not showing sent requests, Facebook encourages people to accept requests faster so they connect with more people.

Avoid Request Spamming

Not seeing sent requests may prevent people from spamming a lot of users with requests.

Simplify Interface

A sent requests folder overcomplicates the clean interface Facebook aims for.

Focus on Connections

Seeing pending requests emphasizes who you aren’t connected to yet. Facebook wants to focus on existing connections.

Promote Interactions

By having to search profiles, you’re more likely to interact with connections on the site.

Reduce Social Pressure

Users may feel less pressure to accept requests since senders are unaware of the pending status.

While the exact reasons are unclear, Facebook has shown no signs of adding the ability to see sent friend requests. The workarounds listed above are currently the only way to check on requests you’ve sent through Facebook.


Checking on the status of Facebook friend requests you’ve sent requires manually searching for each person’s profile to see if they accepted or not. Since there is no sent requests folder, you’ll need to use tricks like keeping a list, checking mutual friends, and restricting requests to make the process easier. While a sent requests inbox would be useful, Facebook has not implemented the feature. If your request goes ignored, try connecting on another platform or move on. With a few helpful strategies, you can effectively keep track of pending friend requests on Facebook.