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How do I see Facebook ads insights?

How do I see Facebook ads insights?

Facebook Ads Insights is a powerful tool that gives advertisers a wealth of data and analytics about their Facebook ad campaigns. With Facebook Ads Insights, you can track the performance of your ads and gain valuable insights to help optimize your campaigns.

What is Facebook Ads Insights?

Facebook Ads Insights provides detailed statistics on how your Facebook ads are performing. It allows you to view data on your ad impressions, reach, clicks, conversions, and more. Using these metrics, you can determine what’s working well in your campaigns and what may need adjustment.

Some of the key data you can view for your Facebook ads includes:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ads were shown.
  • Reach: The number of unique people who saw your ads.
  • Frequency: How often each person saw your ads.
  • Clicks: The number of clicks your ads received.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks.
  • Cost per click (CPC): How much you paid for each link click.
  • Conversions: Actions people took after seeing or clicking your ads.
  • Cost per conversion: How much you paid for each conversion.
  • Audience demographics: Details on age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors of people who saw your ads.

Having access to performance metrics empowers you to continually refine your Facebook ads and improve results over time. You can pinpoint which ads generate the most clicks and conversions, then optimize other ads to mirror their success. The insights can also help you identify low-performing ads to potentially pause or eliminate.

Who can access Facebook Ads Insights?

The ability to view Facebook Ads Insights depends on your role and permissions:

  • Advertisers can access insights for any ads they are running from their own Facebook ad accounts.
  • Facebook ad agency partners can access insights for campaigns they are managing.
  • Page admins can view insights for ads running from their connected Facebook pages.

So anyone responsible for creating and managing Facebook ads will have access to the performance data in Ads Insights for those campaigns. This allows multiple team members to analyze results and collaborate to optimize ads.

How to access Facebook Ads Insights

Here are the steps to view Facebook Ads Insights:

  1. Log in to Facebook Ads Manager at
  2. Locate the ad set or campaign you want insights for.
  3. Click on the bar chart icon next to the name.

This will open the Ads Insights page specific to that campaign or ad set. The Overview tab will show a summary of the key metrics and performance graphs.

Insights Views

There are different views within Ads Insights that provide more segmented data:

  • Overview: High-level performance summary of an ad set or campaign.
  • Age & Gender: Demographics data on who your ads are reaching.
  • Region: Performance broken down by geographical location.
  • Device: Metrics segmented across mobile, desktop, and tablet.
  • Placement: Performance based on ad placement (News Feed, Instagram, etc).
  • Delivery: Breakdown of ad impressions, frequency, and reach.

Digging into the different views allows you to analyze results from multiple angles. You may notice certain placements, devices, or demographics performing better than others. These insights help guide decisions about who and where to target your ads moving forward.

Facebook Ads Insights Metrics

Now that we’ve covered how to access Ads Insights, let’s explore some of the key metrics you’ll find there:


Impressions show how many times your ads were displayed. This indicates the volume of exposure your ads are getting on Facebook.

A high impressions number means your targeting and placement are working to get your ads seen. However, it takes clicks and conversions for impressions to become truly valuable.


Reach shows the total number of unique Facebook users who saw your ads within the selected date range. An individual user is only counted once within the date range, even if they saw the same ad multiple times.

Reach helps give you a sense of the size of audience you ads are exposing to. If your goal is brand awareness, driving greater reach can be beneficial.


Frequency shows how often your ads were served to each user who saw them, on average. It’s calculated by impressions divided by reach.

A frequency of 1.5 would mean the average user saw your ads 1.5 times. Higher frequency could improve memorability, but too much repetition may lead to annoyance.


Clicks show how often users actively clicked on your ads rather than just viewing them. This helps gauge engagement and interest in your message.

More clicks signal your ad creative, messaging, and targeting are resonating. Compare click rates between ads to determine top performing variations.

Click-through rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) measures clicks generated relative to the impressions your ads served. It’s calculated by clicks divided by impressions, shown as a percentage.

A higher CTR indicates your ad is compelling and driving the desired response. Benchmark against industry averages for your ad type.

Cost per click (CPC)

Cost per click (CPC) represents how much you paid for each link click your ads achieved. It’s calculated by total spent divided by total clicks.

Lower CPC is typically better and means each click is costing you less. Compare CPC between different ad sets and time periods.


Conversions track any actions users take after viewing or clicking your ads that you configured as goals. This could include purchases, sign-ups, content downloads, etc.

Higher conversions show your ads are driving your KPIs. Try different creative and messaging approaches to boost conversions.

Cost per conversion

Cost per conversion measures how much you paid for each conversion event. It’s calculated by total spent divided by total conversions.

Lower cost per conversion means each conversion is costing you less money. Work to refine targeting and creative to bring this metric down.

Optimizing Facebook Ads with Insights

Now that you know how to analyze Facebook Ads Insights, here are some tips for using it to enhance your ad performance:

  • Compare metrics between different ad variations to find your top performers.
  • Look for low-hanging fruit – small tweaks that could give big lifts.
  • Kill off any persistently low-performing ads that are dragging down results.
  • Refine targeting to better reach your ideal audience and avoid wasted spend.
  • Realign messaging to fit the interests of who your ads are actually reaching.
  • Watch for trends and seasonality to optimize timing.
  • Review data frequently and implement insights quickly.

It often takes ongoing refinement over multiple iterations to maximize the results from your Facebook ad investment. Let data guide your optimization efforts for better future performance.

Troubleshooting Insights Issues

In some cases, you may run into issues trying to access or interpret your Facebook Ads Insights. Here are some potential problems and solutions:

Can’t see Insights data

  • Confirm you are logged into the correct Facebook ad account that is running the ads.
  • Check your Facebook ad role permissions – you may need an admin to grant access.
  • Ensure the ads have been running long enough to accumulate data.

Insights show dashes instead of metrics

  • This typically means there is not enough data yet for Facebook to display insights.
  • Let the ads run for longer until the metrics populate.

Insights data doesn’t seem accurate

  • There can be a slight delay in Facebook’s data processing – allow time for metrics to backfill.
  • Change date range – spikes or dips during certain periods may skew overall numbers.
  • Segment by ad set or single ad to isolate discrepancies.
  • Confirm tracking is implemented properly on your end to record actions accurately.


Facebook Ads Insights provides a wealth of valuable performance data to help guide your ad strategy. Knowing where to access insights, which metrics to analyze, and how to apply learnings allows you to make smarter optimization decisions.

Consistently monitoring and improving your Facebook ads through insights analysis will enable you to maximize your ad spend and achieve better results over time.