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How do I see all posts on my Facebook timeline?

How do I see all posts on my Facebook timeline?

Viewing all of the posts on your Facebook timeline allows you to scroll back through your entire posting history on the platform. This can be useful for finding old posts or getting a broader view of your activity on Facebook over time. There are a couple of ways to see all posts on your Facebook timeline, which we’ll outline here.

Use the Activity Log

The easiest way to see all your Facebook posts in one place is to use the Activity Log. This is a feature that archives your entire history on Facebook, including posts, comments, likes, and other actions. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu. This will open up your log.
  2. On the left sidebar, click on “Your Posts” to filter just your posting history. You’ll now see a chronological feed of everything you’ve posted.
  3. Scroll down to go back through your timeline as far as the Activity Log spans. You’ll be able to see posts years and years back (depending on how long you’ve had your account).

The Activity Log makes it easy to browse your entire posting history without having to continuously scroll down your actual timeline. It’s the simplest way to see all your Facebook posts in one place.

Scroll Down Your Timeline

If you want to view all your posts right on your main Facebook timeline, this is also possible by continually scrolling down. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile page and scroll down your timeline.
  2. As you scroll, more older posts will begin to load automatically. Keep scrolling down to go back farther in your posting history.
  3. Use the scroll bar on the right side to scroll quickly. This prevents you from having to click and drag repeatedly.
  4. Scroll down as far as you can go until Facebook tells you there are no more posts to load.

This method allows you to view all your timeline posts in chronological order, rather than grouped by year like in the Activity Log. The downside is that scrolling can take a long time if you’ve posted a lot over the years.

Use Facebook Search

You can also search your own timeline using Facebook’s search bar. Here’s how it works:

  1. Click in the search bar at the top of any Facebook page.
  2. Type in your name or username to pull up matching posts.
  3. In the left sidebar, click “Posts” to filter just your posting results.
  4. Browse through your search results, which will contain all posts that match your name/username.

Searching your own name allows you to view your posts without having to scroll endlessly. However, search results will be organized by content rather than chronologically, so you lose the precise timeline order.

Adjust Your News Feed Settings

In addition to the above methods, you can also adjust your main News Feed settings to display more of your own posting history:

  • Go to your News Feed Preferences under Settings.
  • Increase the percentage for “Posts by [Your Name]” to see more of your own posts.
  • Reduce the percentage for other categories like Friends, Pages, Groups, etc. to filter out their posts.
  • Your news feed will then feature more of your own content.

Tweaking these settings can make scrolling through your News Feed more like scrolling through your personal timeline. Just keep in mind it also filters out posts from other people/pages you follow.

Use the Facebook App

If you’re browsing Facebook on your mobile device, the Facebook app makes it easy to scroll through your timeline without having to load more posts. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to your profile.
  2. Swipe upwards starting from the bottom of the screen to scroll back through your timeline posts.
  3. The app will continuously load older posts as you swipe up.
  4. You can keep swiping to reach the beginning of your posting history on Facebook.

The benefit of using the app is that scrolling to earlier posts is seamless. You don’t have to wait for new content to load like on desktop. Just swipe up endlessly to view your full posting archive.

Some Limitations to Be Aware Of

While the above methods do allow you to view your full posting history, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • If you’ve ever deleted or hidden posts, they won’t show up.
  • Timeline review only shows posts going back a certain number of years.
  • Posts made before you changed your username won’t surface when searching.
  • Viewing all posts takes a lot of scrolling if you’ve used Facebook for many years.

So while you can uncover almost everything you’ve posted, some content will be left out. You may not be able to fully view posts from over a decade ago, for example.

Why You Might Want to View All Your Posts

Here are some common reasons for wanting to scroll through your full Facebook posting history:

  • Nostalgia – Scroll back through memories and revisit meaningful posts from the past.
  • Audit – Review everything you’ve shared publicly and delete unwanted content.
  • Search – Look for a specific post or photo you want to find again.
  • Security – Check if you’ve ever accidentally overshared personal info.
  • Profile – Get a better sense of your digital footprint and online persona over time.

Being able to access your archive gives you insight into your Facebook activity that can inform privacy, security, legacy, and more. It’s useful both personally and for managing your digital presence.


Viewing your full Facebook posting history is possible through a few different methods:

  • Using the Activity Log to browse an archive of your posts
  • Endlessly scrolling down your timeline
  • Searching your name to pull up matching posts
  • Changing News Feed settings to feature your posts more
  • Swiping up continuously on the Facebook mobile app

Each approach has pros and cons, but they all enable you to resurface old posts for a variety of reasons. Being able to look back through your Facebook history can give valuable insight into your digital life over the years.

Table 1. Methods to view all Facebook posts
Method Pros Cons
Activity Log
  • Chronological archive of all your posts
  • Easy browsing by year
  • Only goes back a limited number of years
  • Deleted/hidden posts don’t appear
Scroll Timeline
  • See posts in precise order
  • View real-time timeline
  • Very time consuming to scroll through years
  • Have to wait for posts to load
  • Quickly pull up relevant posts
  • Good for finding specific content
  • Not an exact chronological timeline
  • Older posts may not surface
News Feed Settings
  • Makes own posts more prominent
  • Provides broader timeline view
  • Still mixes in non-personal posts
  • Have to change settings back after
Facebook App
  • Smooth endless scrolling
  • Faster loading of older posts
  • Only useful on mobile devices
  • Small screen makes browsing harder

Each method has some advantages but also limitations. Using a combination can give you the most comprehensive view of all your Facebook posts over time.

Tips for Managing Your Posting History

Here are some tips to make viewing and managing your Facebook timeline easier:

  • Clean up old posts/photos periodically using the Activity Log.
  • Archive special posts before deleting Facebook to preserve memories.
  • Bookmark milestone posts to easily look back on major life events.
  • Use Timeline Review to resurface popular old posts and memories.
  • Unlike embarrassing or redundant posts/photos to hide them.
  • Delete accounts of exes to remove old tags and relationship statuses.
  • Unlike pages you no longer want to be associated with.
  • Review tagging notifications to untag unflattering photos.
  • Go back through and add location tags to your travel photos.
  • Save funny or nostalgic posts by taking screenshots.

Keeping your timeline clean and curated takes some work, but helps present your best self on Facebook. Being proactive saves you from having to delete or untag things later.

Some Automated Tools That Can Help

Managing your posting history manually can be time-intensive. Some automated tools exist that can help:

  • Social Book Post Manager – Scheduling tool that helps you organize and manage old Facebook posts. Lets you repost, delete, or download your timeline.
  • Timehop – App that resurfaces your past social media posts and photos as “memories”. Helps you re-engage with old content.
  • Social Insider – Social media analytics platform with features to analyze and audit your Facebook history. Gives insights for cleaning things up.
  • Buffer Publish – Social media management platform where you can access and repost your Facebook update history.
  • Mibba Archive Tool – Website archiving service that lets you archive Facebook posts and comments for safekeeping.

While nothing can fully automate timeline management, tools like these reduce the manual effort involved. They provide helpful analytics too.


Facebook’s tools make it possible to resurface your entire posting history – but require patience to scroll back through years of updates. Using a combination of approaches gives the most comprehensive timeline view. Managing your archive is important for controlling your digital footprint. While time-consuming, keeping your Facebook presence tidy ensures you put your best face forward online.